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Everything posted by Dihatimus

  1. A shardbearer lost his plate boots during a de-sole-ation.
  2. A friend is looking to do a Marsh costume spikes and all. Couple of questions about what he looks like... 1) Where are all the spikes located. He has more than a normal inquisitor I remember. 2) Does he still have a spike in the crushed eye socket? 3) What do his eye tattoos look like?
  3. I was surprised that kaladin thought to use hammerSyl on szeths shoulder, if it had been a blade it would have been much more succesful. To someone who can heal mundane wounds like broken bones with a slight thought and some stormlight this was a bad choice of attack. I was a little disappointed honestly. I thought shieldSyl was interesting and with Kaladin learning the horse perhaps lanceSyl. However, blade forms probably are still best at severing souls, which is what shardthings do best...that we know of. I remember it mentioned that once the living thing is dead then the blade passes easily through it, so all those jagged flamey edges on swords are awful in purpose, they slow the weapon down as it tries to go through living flesh getting all caught up in entrails and such, nasty business that, bloody difficult to use your cleave feat (groan) if your weapon loses momentum just because someone wasn't gracious enough to die faster which is downright unsociable. So by my opinion, the thinnest blade would be my choice. I think a fun thingSyl would be bear traps, but not too sharp. TrapSyl would close on your leg and would only cut badly if you squirm, try to escape at all and you grey your leg. Stay put and stay calm, grey just some skin
  4. I understand. I don't often use that technique. At least I think I don't. Well my other personalities might, I can't speak for all my voices.
  5. To paraphrase Syl, spren can be killed, sort of. kill it and something remains. Voidspren probably follow the same logic. Methinks it is probably very difficult to completely kill voidspren so that they cannot be revived like Syl was. I have unfounded suspicion though that there is a way to permanently kill spren that is not from a weapon and that we will see it happen. If Odium can destroy a shard, what is a spren to him? I like the idea of shardblades severing souls to take voidsprens toys away permanently. I think the use also comes into play because those rock creatures, you need an easy way to get past, well, the rock, but then what? Vital organs probably don't exist, as seen in the midnight essence. So what kills a thing that doesn't have vital organs or blood? I suspect that is why it cuts the soul. I may have missed your point, but living shardblades sever souls too.
  6. good point. We KNOW they are gonna change. Why not kill em all before they do? They leave them back at the camps, a defensible position, and shrug and say we'll deal with you in a bit. GAH now I am upset, that IS kinda dumb.
  7. The best jokes are the ones told with a straight face. There was no mention of rockspren.
  8. I don't think so, He would have killed all lawbreakers then, not just the surgebindy kind. It will be fun to hear any conversation nightblood has as read by michael kramer. That one line in WoR was vastly different from the reader of Warbreaker. Skybreakers becoming Radiants again doesn't mean they would join the other 9 orders, in my opinion I highly doubt Dalinar would accept them. I actually see it as a plot point later on in the series, the new Order of the Knights Radiant minus the Red Ajah Skybreakers, will be forced to put down the rabid dog rogue order. Zahel fighting against nightblood? Might be an interesting scene. Szeth having drawn the sword from it's scabbard suddenly feels all the stormlight being leeched from his body, but also feels an overwhelming urge to kill everything. Seeing red, Szeth's skill has no meaning, just raw power. Zahel knows the signs, he must wait out Szeth until his body is empty of investiture, he must stall for time, draw the fight out. At last Zahel sees szeth slump a little as the stormlight runs out, he seizes the chance and deftly slips the shardblade guard in place over Nightblood finally, after all these years, muzzling his old friend.
  9. Tien can see rockspren. Rockspren manifest as little faces on stones. Often appearing during the weeping because the wetness brings out their features more. Like licking a stone to see what it would look like if it were polished.
  10. Kinda makes me wonder about other disorders would be like elsewhere. What someone with synesthesia color to sound or sound to color would be like in Nalthis. I want to read about a feruchemist suffering from short-term memory loss.
  11. Favorite lines as read by kate reading: "I'm not crazy. I'm awesome!" “Difficult things,” Shallan growled. “Yes. I believe I told you. I’ve learned that lesson already. Thank you. "What if you need to poop?" Favorite things read by Michael kramer: "Hello, would you like to destroy some evil?" he sounded a lot like sulu saying Hellooo "I've liberated your stores, they were blowing by towards certain doom" "NOOOOO." Michael kramer whenever he shouts NO is something my friend and I always joke about. it happens in every book I have listened to him read. Favorite Pattern moment was when he was translating the dawnchant. Favorite Syl moment was her turning into a spear. Favorite scene was chasm scene with shallan and kaladin Favorite Hoid comment was him telling the story to kaladin with the disgusting bit of slime and an ugly crap thing with 17 legs. Favorite Hoid moment however was in shallans flashback. hoid is just...how can you not like the character! Favorite chapter was Lift's interlude Thing that made me laugh the hardest was Sebarial on the plateau when he was eating fruit and his mistress was reading a book. I could picture that scene like none other. Wind gusting things around, a shaking soldier awkwardly holding a plate of fruit, sebarial leaning back in a chair enjoying the view as men run around "screaming and wailing," funniest thing placed smack dab it the most tense part of the book.
  12. Is Harmony still a feruchemist? Perhaps he is quite beyond beings like allomancers and feruchemists as they are on scadrial. His core identity is still Sazed. Meaning he is familiar with storing bits of himself for use later. Can Harmony store (in a godlike manifestation of a metalmind) ruin to the point where he can tap it later for bursts of ruin power? When filling, can he then act with preservations' intent?
  13. I enjoyed Shallan more than I expected to. I often skipped her chapters on rereads of TWoK. In WoR she became quite an enjoyable perspective. Her chapters were often dry, but you saw growth. Pattern kept them interesting. Also you would get bits of her humor here and there, not so much to become insipid. Her characters forced smile really is what differentiates her from Kaladin and the contrast to me is perfect. Yeah both had crappy lives, were both dragged through the crem, but she did as Lift said "show em some teeth."
  14. I think Kaladin is going to have a very hard time finding someone to be with. 1) he is going to be very busy. He is not going to stay in one place long anymore, he can fly afterall. 2) if he gets too close to someone he will feel compelled to protect them above anyone else. That kind of smothering pushes people away. It also will interfere with his oaths. Perhaps it will become an ideal he has to speak...He gets close to someone, that person is threatened and he has to choose between saving that person and saving a schoolbus full of children group of orphans (there are probably going to be a lot of orphans made in the world soon). 3) His wretch will continue to come out, he may start to get close to someone, but will inevitably push them away for fear of losing them. As far as his relationship with other PoV characters I believe: Jasnah will be difficult, shallan will get better, dalinar will be fatherly, renarin will be like a new recruit, Lift will be like a little sister, szeth will alway be a thorn, adolin will become a strong ally probably saving kal's life at some point.
  15. I remember when first reading Mistborn the shock of a certain Survivor getting snuffed. I didn't expect a major character to get offed early in a series. This was before reading Game of Thrones where if anyone from book one survives to the end it will be a miracle. Throughout Mistborn, BS managed to kill off a good majority of the good guys. He killed off a couple people in Elantris, and in Warbreaker. After Mistborn I have admired BS and his ability to kill off people I thought important. "Turn a liability into an advantage"? More like "Turn a support character into a hero," Spook I'm looking at you. There are 10 books in this series. Having been influenced by WoT, we know that heroes of tomorrow are not necessarily in books of today. It may be a trope that no body=no death, but the ability to craft intrigue and mystery is kicked up a notch by no body=maybe dead. For 8 books we may have a chance to wonder who killed Asmodean if she will come back. Now, do I think she is dead? Nah. Shardblade and Shardplate are pretty useful stuff. As she falls, I imagine her summoning her blade (if she dropped it) and ramming it into the stone and riding the wall down like a pirate riding a sail down with his knife (mythbusters tackled that scenario but that is where shardplate enhanced strength may be handy). Plus the incredible jumping ability of parshendi, aided by shardplate, she probably could leap halfway up the chasm and do that jump off a shardblade trick adolin did, you don't think that flashy scene was put in for nothing do you? It would be like Luke Skywalker jumping out of the freezy thing when he was fighting Vader, all sneaky and stuff.
  16. I think it is the pressure of failure. Sadeas is generally successful with his plots and schemes. He gets the kings ear and becomes highprince of information. Dalinar takes that away. He creates a sheer genius way of getting rid of Dalinar, a slave...a mere bridgeman takes that away. He sees a way to control the other highprinces when Adolin is begging for duels, and that too fails. The assassination attempt of dalinar on the bridge fails, the flier campaign gets turned around on him. Every plot and scheme has been failing, and Dalinar is growing stronger. At the end, Dalinar, the slave, and some woman become heroes the likes of which have never been seen in this era, and Sadeas is taking a step backward every single day. He is grasping at sand as it slips through his fingers. He needs to get some traction but the race is nearly over and he feels he is back at the starting line.
  17. It isn't in the book...yet. Someone mentioned in another thread that Elhokar is a failspren. Ash's delicate pinkies, a failspren would be the best. When you are screwing something up so bad that you attract failspren, you see them and just know "stop, I should stop..."
  18. I think that this may be a case in which superstition is based in reality. The superstition that talking to your shardblade helps before a fight...as shallan and kaladin talk to theirs. Thousands of years ago every shardholder talked to their shardblades. It would be great if the superstition simply stems from that. It would be like in the past saying the devils name actually did summon him while now it is just a superstition.
  19. He has admitted to being a bad king. I think this guy has more truths than anyone. I actually have high hopes for the brat. He will have more room for growth than anyone, and is in a position that needs that growth. Hell he isn't broken, he's damnation near shattered.
  20. I may be off track but... How I view the capacity he asked for is to not think of it as an increase of his average intelligence or compassion. Keeping in mind the breadth of his capacity was greatly widened when compared to an average man. An average man for example could be quantified as -1 to +1, where a -1 day would not be very different from a +1 day in either intelligence or compassion. Mr. T could very well be several orders of magnitude wider breadth, perhaps -100 to +100, similar to what Mr. T referenced in his interlude. That referenced graph shows the frequency in comparison to his intelligence level. However I am not considering probability, I am considering the implications of a wider breadth of intelligence. His more compassionate days tempering his more intelligent raises the effective level. As seen in the interlude on an average day, he trusted his smarter self in the interpretations of the diagram. As also seen his more compassionate self knows not to enforce the "IQ to breed" tests. In the end, the capacity to reach higher tiers of intellect would never have been possible. In this way, 100 days of below average for every 1 day of above average is positive. It is interesting how he ponders why intelligence and compassion appeared to be opposites and incapable of occurring on the same days. As though there is a cord that ties the two together, with that cord cut the compassion no longer limits the intelligence and vice versa. The average man with this binding still in place unconsciously is incapable of exceeding the normal because the other pulls him back, analogous to some psychopaths being able to inflict great harm to someone without remorse because that person lacks the cord connecting empathy and action. To paraphrase, he has days of brilliance that he pays for later. I believe that the boon is clear, given the breadth of capacity of intelligence boosted he can some days reach the peaks no one else can. His curse to me is also clear, he now must sit atop those peaks alone and weep. I think it is also important to note that he at his more intelligent is not hateful, he is uncaring. On one spectrum love and hate are opposites, Those are both powerful but opposite emotions. On another spectrum the opposite of hate is indifference, or absolute emotion vs absolute lack of emotion. If Ruin and Preservation fought and annihilated each other being opposites. Then either you require Love or Indifference to counter Hate. Perhaps the KR represent love, and Mr.T represents indifference. Either way I do not believe that Mr. T will become an agent of Odium.
  21. I love the fact that we are already looking forward to books 12 years from now. 12...years...and we are not even factoring in the 10 more years to finish SA, then another 6 for another MB trilogy to finish that up. throw in another WB and a half dozen other books in the cosmere probably. I will be well into my 70's before I find closure. Brandon, you started this mess. You have to write faster than that. Hell, I'll be your assistants assistant if neccessary.
  22. Everyone on this site knows sanderson is a shard of adolnasium when it comes to writing fantasy. It is hard for me to get into other book series. I have been spoiled by jordan, jim butcher (codex of alera is amazing), grrm, and of course the cosmere. If anyone can suggest a series that holds a candle to these giants, i have 5 audible credits burning a hole.
  23. Stick-Nightblood *2016 Who has the will to stand up against flagrant political combustion? Who stays true to his self when others change at the drop of some light? He keeps to his roots, remembering where he came from and what brought him here? Stick! That's who. A vote for Stick is a vote for the future! Paid for by the Stick for President Foundation I am a Stick, and I approve this message.
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