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Everything posted by Dihatimus

  1. ...whoa...what...what is your avatar icon mostlywhatnot?
  2. Got my con exclusive copy of perfect state. He signed both the front and the back because it has two sides? Actually I think the second signature was because he forgot to add the copy #2 to it. Sooo cool!
  3. Listened to Queen the other day. Princes of the Universe. It is soooooooooooo Dalinar. The first half is when he is younger conquering Alethkar, the second half is the current Dalinar. It is perfection. Does anyone else agree? Listen to it, read along. Think about Dalinar while doing so. Everything is in there.
  4. Insert tangent Here: With 2 or 3 shardblades at your throat, if someone ordered you to summon your blade and break the bond, would you? Adolin did that at the end of a duel. Dalinar had Amaram beat, sword to his throat, Amaram was too slow. Why didn't he order him to break the bond?
  5. Both are on saturday, a day I can't attend, but my friend is going to go. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
  6. I would take Shardplate. One, I still plan on bonding a spren so... Two, the one thing I don't get is why Dalinar says that no prison will hold a shardbearer, just force the shardbearer to break the bond or cut off his hands or something. Three, Dalinar is right, Shardplate is a useful tool, more versatile, lethal without even being armed, a blade is only useful for killing and mining/quarrying. I wouldn't paint my plate either as I prefer the look of clean metal. I would use it to blacksmith a real shardbeaer weapon, the Donkey Kong Hammer.
  7. I am Pumped. My second con and my first sanderson meet. Perfect State is right on time! I am sad that I will only make it to 2 of the 4 days it is going on. I will be taking notes as well. Weeeeeeeee
  8. Un generally means not, unprepared, unimpressed, uncooked. Using un gives the impression that something is not, but it either was or it should be. It may imply a time sequence, for example, unglued implies that something was once glued, or that it will be glued in the future. Uncooked implies that something will eventually become cooked but has not been yet. I am unprepared. I use unprepared because it implies a state of expectation. I should be prepared or I would like to be prepared. The Unmade could be things that were once made but are no longer, or something that hasn't been made yet but was intended to. I do not think that Unmade would have been a good choice of words if something was not made nor was going to be made. Which may point to the single most intriguing aspect of its use. If they were not made, where did they come from? How did they come to be?
  9. I love the details. Shallans safe hand. Kaladins bloody leg. Wyndle...Wyndle is hilarious.
  10. listening to the audiobooks really surprised me when I read the book first. Audio version of Siuan is Swan. For the books I listen to before reading the voice actor version is what I always default to. There was a weird quirk in the audiobook version in TWoK that set up a hilarious moment in WoR that no one reading would have seen. In TWoK Michael Kramer pronounced Sadeas as SAD-ee-us, his wife Kate Reading pronounced it Suh-dee-us. In the prologue of WoR Kate was reading and when it came time for her to say sadeas she really REALLY emphasized it pronouncing it as SAD-ee-us. I mean it was as if she was saying "me and Michael had a really long talk and after reading all the complaints agreed to check with one another on our pronunciation for continuity. Sorry for the confusion. you can stop sending glitter bombs." For the readers, here are the audiobook version of the names, Note: I am not great at spelling phonetically. Adolin, EY-doh-lin The A sounds like say Kiin, kai-ain where i sounds like eye Sazed, Say-zed Loial, Loyal Skaa, Skah Iyatl, ee-YA-tl Roion, Roy-ee-on Shallan, Shuh-lawn Ryshadium, ri-shade-ee-um Bussik, Biss-sick Balat, buh-LOT Zahel, rhymes with vile Jasnah, yes-nuh Nale, Nah-luh Jakamov, Yak-uh-mawv Any others anyone wants to know?
  11. I do not want WoT or SA to be made into movies or a TV series. They are just too big. I always felt that both Warbreaker and Mistborn would make fantastic movies. As I read them I thought the visuality of Warbreaker would be awesome to see depicted on film. I even imagined the trailer being a little straw man getting the keys in the opening scene. Mistborn I imagined would resemble a sort of martial arts movie with a LOT of wire work. The Reckoners seem like they were written so that they could easily be transferred to film. And lets face it, Elantris would be a half zombie/half magic, film. The difficulty in mistborn is all the internalized magic that a viewer would not be able to see, just like in WoT. In the books Nynaeve is in a fight of her life with a forsaken. In the movie two women are having a mean stare-down in a hallway. The only right way to do WoT on film is to not do it technically, however, I would pay handsomely for a movie depicting the War of Power in the Age of Legends. With the ending being on dragonmount. No, not that piece of dung that was just released. I think that there are enjoyable books out there that have been made into movies successfully. You don't want the movie to replace the book, but to enhance the book. With the right casting, proper visual effects, and good screenwriting, a movie depiction can introduce you to a book or author that you did not want to get invested in before. To the me as a fan it can give another perspective on the book I have read, opening up myself to another persons interpretation. LotR was popular among fantasy fans, but how many having watched the trilogy went out and bought the books, and started reading more fantasy for the first time? My sister and brother in-law started reading ASoIaF after watching 2 seasons on HBO. I would never have been able to get them into Codex of Alera, and then Warbreaker, Elantris being next on her list, if it wasn't for that introduction and really a bridge.
  12. close, but no, not double shardplate. just heaps and heaps of irony.
  13. Nothing I have read would indicate the need for shardplate worn by a radiant to need spheres, In point of fact the gemstones added to shardblades were not original, spheres may have been added later when no one could feed stormlight to it directly. Like you said, Shallans illusions feed off the stormlight she is leaking when holding it. Now, with squires able to glow, perhaps they could power shardplate as well. giving credence to your idea that it is capable of being crafted for others to use. Being able to dismiss the helm like the radiant in Dalinars vision had would point to a bond similar to the shardblade bond. Like Navani said, it wasn't until the gemstone was added to shardblades were they able to be dismissed, effectively replacing a portion of the bond that the dead spren once had. Interesting. Seems this thread has become another "origin of shardplate" thread. Shallan needs to go to shadesmar and talk to a shardplate bead, then she can get all the answers. Is certain.
  14. I thought more about my crackpot theory. If shardplate is really grown by the knight radiant through the power of the bond, it would not impede his abilities at all, it is as much him as is his skin. Also, if it is radiant carapace, dismissing parts would be possible just like parshendi changing forms is. Using some dead radiants husk wouldn't cause screams. So in summary, shardblades are dead spren, shardplate are dead radiants. Is certain.
  15. This is actually what I was thinking, that the s was evidence that shards came from spren. My latest crazy idea is that shardplate is the radiant form of carapace armor originally not needing to be powered by spheres but rather directly from the radiant. The spren saw what was done to the heralds and copied that giving the surges and shardblades. They saw the voidbringers grow their own armor and figured that out too and copied it, making the radiant capable of growing his own armor. Everyone wearing shardplate today are wearing the husks of dead knights radiant. Making when kaladin wearing the bones and carapace of parshendi kind of ironic. Is certain.
  16. Just listened to the end of WoR for the umpteenth time. It is the first time I noticed the stormfather pluralizing shards when saying Dalinar will be a radiant without shards. ...uh... Why was it pluralized? It is unnecessary to add that pesky little "s". It is probably just a literary thing. Here I begin to read too much into things... I get that he won't have a shardblade, but is he now permabanned from shardplate as well? Discuss
  17. i pictured ishmael as a much darker character. this guy was too...bubbly? I dunno, it was filth. I would rather watch Zardoz with Sean Connery in a diaper.
  18. Ooo i just had a thought. Could it be that Calamity is meant to destroy the earth, bring the apocalypse so to speak. He doesn't want to though, so he is gifting his powers to others to keep from going insane and going on a rampage. He is gifting epics in order to save humanity from himself.
  19. I have personally said bah 3 times this morning alone and shrugged twice. I grunt back at people when they ask me how its going. I will also become annoyed in meetings when someone says "you know" in every sentence or feel the overwhelming urge to say um at every comma. I mimic people's quirks and everyone knows who I am referring to. I do not know what world everyone else lives in, but in mine everyone has a go-to saying, tic, or noise they produce. Start paying attention to what people do as they are talking, it is amazing what you will notice that is unique to everyone, someones peculiar laugh, smacking your lips when you eat, another's inability to make eye contact, anything. I enjoy this aspect of his writing as long as it is realistic as Peter said because it is realistic to do the same quirk over and over. On that note I crack up every time a Sandersonian yells out NOOOOoooo! and I have to listen to Michael Kramer do his head turned away from the microphone yell-but-not-yell voice NOOOOoooo! Kaladin, Dalinar, Perrin, everyone has the same NOOOOoooo!
  20. Sebarial was pretty great for a highprince. All that wailing and moaning...
  21. Renarin: you talked to it? Adolin: yes. R: you ate chicken? A: of course I did. R: you have mothers necklace? A: yup. Right here in my pocket. Nevani: it's a date. Not a duel! R: you didn't hear what he said when he asked her out... A: hey! I said her eyes glistened like a gemheart. R: you told her that she reminded you of chrysalis you once opened. A: she wouldn't't let me finish.
  22. I can't resist a hyperbole and a half reference. If lift had an Alot, it would be awesome!
  23. Baby, I'd like to stick you to a wall!
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