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The Official 17th Shard Alloy Of Law ARC Giveaway!


Hey guys,

So, you may have seen all these people giving away ARC's of ALLOY OF LAW, and one or two that may have included something else. I realized that there's a LOT more Mistborn stuff that ought to be given away, and where better to do it than from here? Without any further ado, the greatest Mistborn giveaway that's EVER been put together. EVER.

Our grand prize winner will be getting (1) signed and personalized ARC of The Alloy of Law, (1) signed and personalized hardcover Mistborn trilogy, donated by the wonderful and generous Brandon Sanderson himself, (1) Mistborn T-shirt from the amazing people at inkwing.com, (1) Mistborn jewelry piece donated by Badali Jewelry, and last, but certainly not least, (1) Mistborn poster and (1) softcover Mistborn Adventure Game, both from Crafty Games

Our two runners up will both receive: (1) signed and personalized ARC of The Alloy of Law, and very possibly other epic goods (this post will be edited as we finalize details. we wanted to get it up to get the winners their stuff as soon as possible)

All you need to do to enter to win is register for a 17th Shard account if you don't already have one, and leave a comment below that implies in some way or another that you're interested in obtaining these wonderful prizes for yourself. The contest will run until 11:59 PM MST on September 26, 2011.

If you have any questions about the details of the contest, please feel free to email me at josh(at)staff(dot)17thshard(dot)com.

Now comes the part where I have to be a meanie. One entry per person AND per household. Please don't register for multiple accounts and enter twice like people did in the last contest. That's not cool, and I won't put up with it.

Good luck, and remember, there's always another secret!


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Well good job. You've finally convinced me to register here .

So of COURSE I want an ARC of Mistborn Alloy of Law, and those other goodies sound awesome! I've always thought that every Mistborn shirt is automatically awesome.

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I'm clearly not as excited as some others here. (Look, no exclamation points.)

I just love Brandon's books, plus I like the authors he recommends such as Patrick Rothfuss. If I win, then I'll take the free book and I'd like to challenge Brandon to a MTG game the next time he's in NY as it'd be awesome to hang out with him!

(Oops, I used an exclamation point.) ;)

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Once upon a time I should win this because I want it. Also because I'm awesome:)

Thank you. Also thank you Brandon for doing some fine writing if I do say so myself!

Rockin wheel of time. Loved Towers of Midnight. Also war breaker was a great book and then of course Mist Born!

Who can compete!

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YES! Please send me an ARC copy. Brandon is my favorite author, and I've officially run out of his books to read. Can't wait to see what happens in Alloy!

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I have bought the Mistborn series so many times now that I don't even remember who has them anymore.

It'd be quite nice to have a beautiful, personalized, hardback version of the entire trilogy to go with my personalized Elantris and my non-personalized(Come to Vegas!) Way of Kings.

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Sounds pretty good to me. Keep finding out about the other sites but bit hard to enter when you live Down Under.

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Yes! I would really like to win that. As I've only discovered Brandon when he took over WoT, I've got a whole number that I've still got to read. So winning some would help....

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I am definitely interested in obtaining these wonderful prizes for myself. There, I hope that statement included the proper implication, as requested.

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