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Mortal Thread - A Roleplay


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11 minutes ago, Sorana said:

"I don't need a hitman." Bree made a dismissive handwave. "What I need is someone, who has their eyes on my back during the times that come. It's been awhile since the city has been in that much unrest."

She left all smiles away and looked the woman in earnest. "Can you be discreet? I have some customers who would prefer that their names and modifications don't end on the street." She didn't really doubt this, every good Bodyguard knew how to keep their mouth shut, but then this was New Lere. It could easily be some kind of ploy. Better to ask, better not to trust too quickly. But then, you couldn't really trust anybody.

"And if you are - then there are only two questions left." She placed her drink down on the bar and lifted two fingers in the air. "What's your name and price?"

@Channelknight Fadran


Gotcha. My apologies.

"My name is Kleisha, but you can call me whatever you like." She tapped the bar with her fingertips. "And I know better than to set a price before I know what the job entails. Can't have you paying me a fixed low if we get ourselves caught in a firefight halfway through."

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18 minutes ago, Mystic Syn said:

K, I seriously don’t know and this might be stupid it might be the me being sick thing, but are you talking to my character?


No, she's not. I tagged you, because Bree noticed you (the post before the one you quoted), so that you can react if you want to. There definitely is no need to.


"Legit." Bree nodded and purse her lips in thought. "So how about a flexile rate?" She proposed and then shrugged. Kleisha should know how she usually made her contracts.

"How do you normally handle this?" She asked and picked her drink up again to take another sip. She loved that one. It was just - perfect. And especially tonight it seemed to fit even better. "Or is this your first contact?" She added almost as an afterthought. If it was, it would change the whole board.

And even more important, Kleisha hadn't answered her first question. Either she had forgotten, or she was trying to dodge it. Watching her calmly Bree decided to wait. There was no need to hire her if she felt off. The night was young and things would evolve one way or another.

@Channelknight Fadran

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13 minutes ago, Sorana said:

No, she's not. I tagged you, because Bree noticed you (the post before the one you quoted), so that you can react if you want to. There definitely is no need to.


K, thanks. I was extremely confused for a sec, and now I think I need more sleep lol.


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The sound of the bass music was muffled in the lavatory, but Stasia had no desire to stay there any longer than she had to. She leaned against the wall of her stall, careful to have chosen the one that was flush with the actual stone of the Cellar so that no one could read over her shoulder. She needn't have bothered, really, but sloppy habits bred sloppy agents, and sloppy agents didn't tend to live very long. In the stall beside her, someone was rather violently ill. Stasia wrinkled her nose and slid Thalise's envelope out of her sleeve.

She ran her eyes down the list of names, memorizing them quickly, cataloguing the ones she knew of and the ones she'd need to research at a later date. One name in particular caught her eye.

Shadowcastle. She'd seen one of their top brass holding court this very evening. Ava must be gloating now that the Blackwater Gang was ripping itself to bits. Jerum and Ivar Blackwater would fight over their brother's empire until it was nothing but scraps. Stasia gave a quiet 'tsk' before removing a lighter from her pocket and setting the little paper on fire. It burned quickly - Thalise had used flash paper. 

Nice to work with a professional. 

She flushed the ashes down the toilet, waited a few seconds, and slipped back out into the crowded club, making her plans. Technically, she should leave and get back to a neutral location to contact Vadinsky. But, it had been ages since she'd been on such an exciting assignment, and she hadn't even gotten the chance to dance yet. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to go case Shadowcastle's table. Perhaps she'd take a look at that merc that Ava had been arguing with earlier - that seemed promising. There was little doubt he was fencing Thread - most higher-end smugglers did, and that fellow looked like he knew what he was about. 

After a general circle of the bar and a few minutes watching the latest pit fight - a brutish-looking woman with tusks very nearly eviscerated an older man with an extra arm - Stasia slid up to the bar within listening range of the smuggler and his current audience. She ordered another drink, something lighter this time with a pleasing electric-blue shade and much too much sugar, and sipped it with a smile before activating her aural modification.

Instantly, the noise of the club seemed to pierce her eardrums, but she was prepared for the onslaught and avoided wincing. Instead, she simply sipped and focused her hearing on the group a little ways away, letting her eyes rove over the crowd, looking rather bored. Inside, though, she felt the most alive she had in months. 

So much better than that accounting firm.

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I prefer weaker drinks myself." Kleisha replied, setting a bill on the table for a refill. "Better not to get yourself drunk in the Underworld." As an afterthought, she added, "But I can stomach one or two if you're offering."

Bree frowned. That wasn't exactly the reply she had expected. Nodding at the Barkeeper and making a slight gesture towards her drink she ordered the same one for Kleisha. Keeping silent until it was there she placed somewhere coins on the bar to pay and then turned to the other one.

"Are you interested or not?" She asked openly. "If yes, I'm sure we can arrange for a fair payment. If not - then we should change the topic, empty our drinks and go on, looking for other ways to conduct Business."

She lifted her glass and raised it slightly towards Kleisha. "Although I have to insist that you answer my first question." Smiling again she sat down as well, making sure her posture stayed relaxed. "Alternatively we talk for a while and postpone all decisions until later."

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9 hours ago, Sorana said:

A newcomer had placed herself close to them, was observing covertly and expertly. She was good, very good. Bree liked people who knew what they were doing, unlike the amateur who didn't even know which drink to order. That one was either the best actress Bree had ever seen, or she was attempting to walk in shoes way to big for her. Maybe she could sell her some tailoring. Something small for the start was probably best. Marking her as a potential customer she considered to grin at the one at the bar, and then discarded the thought. That wasn't how the game was played. They would approach them or they wouldn't. And if they were considering to rob her, well good thing that she was about to hire herself a fighter.


Haruh narrowed her eyes, glancing away from the group. She knew when she was figured out, even if she was just watching them. Her parents wouldn’t take that information lightly, and punishment would follow soon after. A chill fell over her when she thought more about it, knowing what she was going to get herself into when she reported this back to her parents. They wouldn’t be happy, not that they were happy with what she did for them anyways. What with all these mistakes she was making, it was a miracle she hadn’t been disposed of already. The mistakes made her imperfect. They didn’t make her the right person in her parents eyes, and all she wanted to do was be accepted by them, but Haruh wasn’t going to think about that right at this moment. Her focus needed to be on the present and not on the possibilities.

Tearing her gaze away from the group of people, Haruh scanned the bustling crowd around her. At first glance, these people looked to be having the time of their lives, drinking and laughing together, but Haruh knew better. The shadows always held the truth, and it was the same in this case: whispers in other patrons’ ears, silent signs in the games with gambles, a slip of something in someone’s drink, swapping suitcases right underneath people’s noses, and even threatening others with firearms underneath the tables. It was the Underground. This was life and all Haruh knew. To her, there was nothing else beside this to life. All she could do right now was watch, and wait. None of the people looked to have the information she wanted, of course, but she knew the person or people will turn up eventually.

A clink of a glass sounded to her left. Turning her head, a small glass of light gold liquid had been set beside her. Cautiously, Haruh took up the glass, inspecting it, gave it a small sniff, and left a few coins on the counter beside her.

Yep. Haruh kept the glass in her hand, but didn’t drink. Light alcohol.

She raised the glass to her lips, but didn’t let the liquid touch them. Her eyes drifted off and fell again on the same group of people. Haruh studied them, but didn’t think they would be the ones to have the information she needed. But just in case, she covertly brought herself closer to the group to be in earshot, listening to what’s left of their conversation, even if it’s the last part.

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Wow, this RP moves fast. I'm doing my best to keep up, but apologies in advance if I delay anything.

Teresa gave an internal sigh of relief as the attention of the women shifted away from her and towards each other. Channing would probably have wanted her to listen to their conversation, but they were discussing some sort of contract that didn't seem very relevant to her. Plus, she didn't want to get caught eavesdropping.

Instead, Teresa let her gaze wander around the room. A surprising number of the people here were Tailored; she'd known that Underground Tailoring was a thing, of course, but she'd expected that it would be rare. Where were they getting all the Thread? Some of the Tailoring jobs were distressingly shoddy, too. She winced as a man walked past with huge, muscular arms held at awkward angles from his body. Had they grafted on stronger arms without any modifications to the shoulder? She wouldn't be surprised if he already had osteoarthritis. She pulled a cracked cell phone from her pocket and started idly jotting down notes. 

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     Czokla weaves pasts the partygoers and positions himself in the corner of the club closest to the bar. The club wasn't all that busy tonight- Czokla had seen some absolutely packed fighting joints when particularly popular or prominent fights occurred. Not tonight however, as the fights seemed rather lightweight. Thus he had a rather clear view of the entire bar area.
He discretely scans the array of tables before him, looking for any persons of interest. There was a great variety of people here- some wore fine clothing while others barely looked better than beggars off the street. They were all shady in their own distinct ways, but Czokla was looking for a specific form of shady, the type that bought, sold, and stole information. They had a specific look to them- and they all had that look on a pile of cash. Still, even out of this small crowd of people, it was hard to distinguish between the causal blood sport enjoyer and those who used this place as a covert meeting spot, safe from the drainfall and prying eyes.
Czokla only had to wait a couple minutes before something stood out to him. Two women sitting at a table quietly discussing something. One was rather average looking with long straight brown hair and mildly tanned and freckled skin. The woman opposite to her stood out far more however with strangely long gloves and blonde hair. The latter's face seemed familiar, somehow- he had probably seen her likeness in some UOP file somewhere.
Still, the duo didn't fully catch his attention until the freckled girl pulled out a not-unsizable amount of Ler and placed it on the table in front of the gloved one. Interesting. Czokla watched intently as the two conversed afterward. Clearly, the gloved one was the informant- the direction of the money, and the amount each spoke revealed that.
The exchange only lasted a couple of minutes, after which the freckled woman stood, said one last thing to the familiar blonde and disappeared into the crowd.
Czokla began to walk towards the table to engage with the possible informant- A risky play, but one backed by a great deal of money. Before he could reach her however, she stood and began to walk away from the bar area. Czokla only pauses for a moment before turning to trail her as discretely as possible.

@ZincAboutIt @Fallapede

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"Don't look now," Kleisha said, "but that guy behind you? Following someone. I don't suppose either happen to be one of those people you're trying to avoid, are you?"

It wasn't necessarily a question she needed answered, though it certainly couldn't hurt. More so she just wanted to gauge this person's savviness with the underground; as well as how they judged hers. It helped her maintain her level of professionality to see just how their dynamic was.


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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"Got anything for me?"
"Depends." The man looked Alec up and down, taking in the purple gradient suit and glasses. "Did you wear that outfit specifically to piss me off, or was it just a coincidence?"
Alec's customary smirk grew into a full-fledged grin. "Happy coincidence, my friend. I mean, we are next to a club. It would be wrong of me not to dress for the occasion!"
Kurt's expression, already stern, grew stony. "Then no, I don't have anything for you."
Alec clucked softly. "Don't be like that, Kurt." He let his eyes fade to purple just for a second. "I know you have something cooking up in that brain of yours. Fill. Me. In." A pause. "Please."
Kurt stiffened, staring at Alec with hesitation plain in his eye. He made a good show of going over it in his head, trying to find any way to not tell the obnoxiously-dressed man in front of him anything, but couldn't quite justify it to himself. He sighed. "Whatever it is, it's not just about the Thread. There's something else here, some other motivation."
"I'm not sure that's worth the time it took to get out of you. We're on the same side, Kurt. There's no need to resent me." He laid his hand on Kurt's shoulder. "We should be working together."
Kurt failed entirely to find the proper words to tell the man exactly how much he hated being in physical contact with him.
"No retort?" Alec smirked. "Go back to watching your charge, Kurt. It's time for me to have a drink."


Here, have a thing to establish where Alec is during all of this


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20 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Don't look now," Kleisha said, "but that guy behind you? Following someone. I don't suppose either happen to be one of those people you're trying to avoid, are you?"

It wasn't necessarily a question she needed answered, though it certainly couldn't hurt. More so she just wanted to gauge this person's savviness with the underground; as well as how they judged hers. It helped her maintain her level of professionality to see just how their dynamic was.


Bree set her glass down and offered Kleisha a hand in order to seal their deal. When Kleisha spoke again she didn't lower it, suspecting that this would be as obvious as looking over her shoulder. Instead she inclined her head slightly as if she was looking down at her hand, at the gesture that was supposed to occur any second.

"No." She mouthed, looking her hair Fall forward to make it harter to see the movement if you weren't sitting in front of her. "I don't know them." She added in a low voice, although she suspected that he would hear her if his hearing had been altered by a professional.

Making sure she added some amusement to her tone she then spoke loudly, continuing their earlier conversation. "The only ones I don't like are the houses and their police, nothing unusual to expect on that side. I'm not planning to get into a firefight soon, and if I do, I'll make sure you get an additional bonus." Winking at her she added lightly "I'm looking forward to working with you."

Rolling her eyes backwards she made a questioning face, hoping that Kleisha would take the clue and watch for a reaction to find out whether he could hear them or not. It also depended on how good he was but then, it never hurt to keep your eyes open.

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On 10/25/2021 at 7:16 PM, Fallapede said:

Thalise stepped up quietly behind Teresa and murmured "The lights down here are lovely, aren't they?"

The client's description had been vague enough that Thalise wasn't entirely sure she had the right woman, but the phrase she'd been given should help clear that up.


Teresa jumped and dropped her phone. "Ah, yes, I - they remind me of a movie I saw last week." Passphrase complete, she turned around and did her best to smile. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Teresa."

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9 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Kleisha shook Bree's hand, eyes not far from the mysterious duo behind her. "Pleasure doing business with you too, miss."


K, fine. I’ll play with the other kids.

After watching them shake hands, Haruh lowered the glass from her lips. So they agreed on something, or they just set up a deal. To what they were doing was beyond her. She couldn’t exactly hear them from where she was without straining her ears. But it wasn’t like she was told to watch them, but something piqued her interest about this. Conflict bled into her gaze, followed by unsurety. She turned away from the two, bringing the glass back up to her lips. Tapping her glass, Haruh smothered the emotions in her eyes without a second thought, but they still festered inside of her.

I need to follow what Katyn asked me, a part of her thought. I can’t disappoint her. She’ll have me gone in seconds flat.

But you have no leads, the temptation purred. They seem like your best bet, no?

No. Katyn didn’t say to interrupt others’ business’.

That’s fair, it agreed, but she did say to find any information you could, but not saying how. She won’t care. She doesn’t have to know.

Her gaze revealed nothing, but Haruh continued to tap against the glass when she brought it up to her lips, letting the liquid touch her lips, but not drinking. She didn’t really look at anyone, but she eventually let out a deep breath. Of course that part of her was right. Even if Katyn did find out, Haruh would only say that she was following orders to find out what information she could about the Shadowcastles. Deep down, she knew she would get punished for what she had done, but it wasn’t lying to her. Technically. Either way, it wasn’t going to hurt too much.

Coming to a conclusion that she knew would be the best for her parents to be satisfied, Haruh made her way over to the two that had been shaking hands, regarding them with a raise of her glass of the lightly colored liquid.

“Excuse me,” Haruh interrupted, letting her voice sound a bit slurred as she lumbered over to the two, making herself seem off-balance as she deliberately ignored their handshake and whatever deal that was going on. “Hey, sorry. I was… wondering? Wondering! Wondering if you knew where the, uh… what was it called again?” She snapped her fingers as she swayed from side to side, bringing the glass up for another false sip. “The Dark Buildings. No… Shadowcastles! I was wondering where they could be at a time like this.”

Haruh hiccuped, giving a loose grin. “Word on the street is that there’s hidden… hidden… hidden… oh, what was it? Khun said something about hidden… string? No. Cats play with those.” Haruh gave another false sip, her finger tapping the air like there was a board there. “Thread! Why Thread? Thread, Thread, Thread…”

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7 hours ago, Mystic Syn said:

“Excuse me,” Haruh interrupted, letting her voice sound a bit slurred as she lumbered over to the two,


It's my turn to be confused, sorry!! Are you to talking to Bree and Kleisha or to Therese and Thalise?


Edited by Sorana
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22 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Sighing, Kleisha held up a finger. "If you were actually drunk, you'd smell like it. And your voice is too methodical." She turned around to look at the newcomer. "You've got the walk down, though. I'll give you that. Anyways... Shadowcastles? What's that?"



You probably should. 


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3 hours ago, Sorana said:

It's my turn to be confused, sorry!! Are you to talking to Bree and Kleisha or to Therese and Thalise?


That’s on me, my apologies haha. I was talking to Bree and Kleisha.


2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Sighing, Kleisha held up a finger. "If you were actually drunk, you'd smell like it. And your voice is too methodical." She turned around to look at the newcomer. "You've got the walk down, though. I'll give you that. Anyways... Shadowcastles? What's that?"

“‘Drunk’?” Haruh asked, confusion entering her expression as she just rolled with it. “Whoever said that… I was drunk? Was it Khun?” She looked around, suspicious of her surroundings. Haruh set the glass down, waving away the barkeep with a shaky hand. “No no no no no no. Not drunk. Khun’s not here. She’s off doing something while I… hm, what was I doing?”

She snapped her fingers again, concentrating on recalling something, before grinning again when Kleisha said their name. “Yes! The Meadowlassos! You know… them! They’re important! They missing quite the party, though… wait, who was I talking about again? Something with lassos… oh yeah, the Ghettohassles.” Haruh tapped the counter beside her, continuing to grin. “How could you not know them? They-they-they… oh what did they do? Stupid, stupid, stupid.”

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8 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Kleisha took her pistol from her belt and set the safety off. "Cut the act already. If you want information you're going to have to get it like a normal person."


My character sheet mentions it and it's part of the plot soon.


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15 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Kleisha took her pistol from her belt and set the safety off. "Cut the act already. If you want information you're going to have to get it like a normal person."

Haruh ignored the gun like it was a normal every day thing as she still muttered to herself. She tapped her chin, deep in thought. “‘Act’? Not an act, no no no. Something else… something something something.” She paced a bit, moving ever so closer to the two. “The Hellomorsels have something she wants, yes. Obviously not important enough for a… hm, best word to describe it… Noodle? No. She ain’t food. Bozo? No. Too stupid to understand that. Dimwit? Eh, close, but not quite.”

Haruh snapped, grinning again. “Idiot. That’s it,” she said, satisfied with herself. “It’s not important enough for an idiot like you to understand what kind of stuff is in there that’s important to her.”

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