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Sons of Honor trying to return the Voidbringers


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I've been thinking about the reveal that Restares was Kalak at the end of RoW and how unintuitive it is that the Heralds would break their parts of the Oathpact so they could trap Odium/the fused on Braize and not return, and then actively work to bring the void bringers back. I'm unsure what to think about the slight contradiction there. On one hand Restares/Kalak is the supposed leader of the Sons of Honor who were trying to "bring the Heralds back" and I can only think that he had seen enough of the Heralds in their current state that he must have gotten desperate enough to try anything to return them to their former states of glory. He must have thought that the return of desolations would help the Heralds "snap out of it". On the other hand I have a feeling that he's mental state and the lack of consistency with his previous ideals may be to blame. He was know as an excellent judge, but now can't decide what to stick with.

 Or maybe he was just really eager to have Taln around. 

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1 hour ago, Invocation said:

He was crazy. They're all crazy. Sane Heralds are a thing of the past. I think he wanted to treat it like setting a bone: pain now, better healing later. That or he just wanted to die again.

Does his crazy state make the information he gives shallan any less valuable? 

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His obsession is trying to leave the Rosharan system, so my guess is his insane mind believes that bringing back the Desolation would somehow help break the last vestiges of the Oathpact, and in so doing break the Bonds that are locking him to the System.  

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12 hours ago, Quantus said:

His obsession is trying to leave the Rosharan system, so my guess is his insane mind believes that bringing back the Desolation would somehow help break the last vestiges of the Oathpact, and in so doing break the Bonds that are locking him to the System.  

This. It seems the only way he can be free of the Oathpact in proper is to have a sufficiently practiced (and sane) Bondsmith reforge it with other souls (or, I suppose, break it open entirely). To get such a Bondsmith, there needs to be Radiants swearing Ideals near Ishar or bonding godspren themselves. To get Radiants, you need to scare the truespren into returning to Men. I wonder how big a role he played in getting Syl out and urging Phendorana and the rest to follow?

It might be more than just a selfish gambit, though. Maybe he figures after 4,500 years mankind had progressed enough to end it for good themselves. Maybe Navani and Raboniel are his endgame.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/13/2021 at 0:58 PM, Invocation said:

He was crazy. They're all crazy. Sane Heralds are a thing of the past. I think he wanted to treat it like setting a bone: pain now, better healing later. That or he just wanted to die again.

Another thing of the past, one living herald.

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