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Crackpot theory about Discord


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So here I am browsing the forums and the Coppermind, it's the last 15 minutes of my 12 hour shift and I stumble across an unrelated theory about Harmony/Discord being the same person. Similar to Shallan's personalities.

I go to the Coppermind to see what's known about Discord, not much apparently. I didn't get much except for a mention in the Hero of Ages prophecies. Like I said though, last 15 minutes of my shift so not really enough time to do much digging, so pardon me if I'm missing something that's already been disproven. But is Dalinar a possible candidate for Discord? He seems to fit a bunch of the prophecies. Here they are cut and pasted... I not a fan of the formatting but I've got to walk to the time clock now and not enough time for touch ups.



The Hero of Ages shall be not a man, but a force. No nation may claim him, no woman shall keep him, and no king may slay him. He shall belong to none, not even himself. 


He shall defend their ways, yet shall violate them. He will be their savior, yet they shall call him heretic. His name shall be Discord, yet they shall love him for it. 


That which has been sundered must again begin to find its whole 


The Hero will have the power to save the world. But he will also have the power to destroy it. 


The Hero will bear the future of the world on his arms. 

[1] [22]

The Hero of Ages was not simply to be a warrior. He was a person who united others, who brought them together. A leader. 


The Hero of Ages was removed from the Terris people. He was not royalty himself, but came to it eventually. 


He commanded the forces of the world. Kings rode to his aid. 


He left ruin in his wake, but it was forgotten. He created kingdoms, and then destroyed them as he made the world anew. 


...One who is separated from the Terris people, a king of men, a rebel caught between two worlds. 


He who is not of his people, yet fulfills all of their wishes. 


The following partial prophecies also exist:

...Burden by which the Hero shall be dubbed... 


...Bloodless bond to the world’s kings... 


...the Hero of Ages will be an outsider. 

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37 minutes ago, Player22 said:

So here I am browsing the forums and the Coppermind, it's the last 15 minutes of my 12 hour shift and I stumble across an unrelated theory about Harmony/Discord being the same person. Similar to Shallan's personalities.

I go to the Coppermind to see what's known about Discord, not much apparently. I didn't get much except for a mention in the Hero of Ages prophecies. Like I said though, last 15 minutes of my shift so not really enough time to do much digging, so pardon me if I'm missing something that's already been disproven. But is Dalinar a possible candidate for Discord? He seems to fit a bunch of the prophecies. Here they are cut and pasted... I not a fan of the formatting but I've got to walk to the time clock now and not enough time for touch ups.



The Hero of Ages shall be not a man, but a force. No nation may claim him, no woman shall keep him, and no king may slay him. He shall belong to none, not even himself. 


He shall defend their ways, yet shall violate them. He will be their savior, yet they shall call him heretic. His name shall be Discord, yet they shall love him for it. 


That which has been sundered must again begin to find its whole 


The Hero will have the power to save the world. But he will also have the power to destroy it. 


The Hero will bear the future of the world on his arms. 

[1] [22]

The Hero of Ages was not simply to be a warrior. He was a person who united others, who brought them together. A leader. 


The Hero of Ages was removed from the Terris people. He was not royalty himself, but came to it eventually. 


He commanded the forces of the world. Kings rode to his aid. 


He left ruin in his wake, but it was forgotten. He created kingdoms, and then destroyed them as he made the world anew. 


...One who is separated from the Terris people, a king of men, a rebel caught between two worlds. 


He who is not of his people, yet fulfills all of their wishes. 


The following partial prophecies also exist:

...Burden by which the Hero shall be dubbed... 


...Bloodless bond to the world’s kings... 


...the Hero of Ages will be an outsider. 


Not unless somehow Sazed dies and Dalinar is somehow there to take that Shard up and change its intent. If discord happens, it won't be Dalinar.

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You need a certain degree of Connection to a Shard in order to Ascend and we have an idea what the limits of that are thanks to Secret History. If you're not native to a world, you almost certainly don't have it and need to find a way to hack it and even if you are native to that world you might not have what it takes. The odds that Dalinar (who has extremely strong Connection to Honor and Odium) also has a really strong Connection to two non-Rosharan Shards is... minimal. Maybe he could temporarily steal someone else's sufficient Connection to hack things with his Bondsmith powers but that still requires him to figure out how to get to Scadrial, learn how it all works and be there at exactly the right time and place to pick up Sazed's Shards.. which would also require Sazed to either die or willingly give them up, neither of which seems terribly likely at this point.

Edited by Weltall
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I don't think Sazed has to die or that Dalinar has to pick up Ruin/Preservation. The prophecies have been slowly altered, just because current understanding of them says the Hero ascends through the Well of Ascension doesn't have to be the whole story.

I did say it was crackpot but what I was going off was some combination of Dalinar holding Odium/Honor/Cultivation. Roshar is associated with tones/rhythms/music whatever and, at least in my mind, Discord would be the perfect name for someone becoming those shards.


It's just something to think about, he fits too many of those descriptions for it to be purely coincidental. A troll/red herring possibly, even probably. But to just dismiss it out of hand seems foolish.

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We're not dismissing it out of hand, there are serious issues with the idea of anyone not from a given world taking up not just one but two Shards of that world and most of those things you cite in support of your position are either incredibly vague or just don't fit. For example, Dalinar left ruin in his wake, true, but it most certainly has not been forgotten. Squint hard enough and you could make most of those same conditions apply to Vasher, just as Sazed himself assumed they once applied to Vin

Also, Brandon has already more or less confirmed that Discord is another name that Scadrial's dual-Shard could have gone by if things had been different:


chasmfriend's friend (Paraphrased)

My friend asked for Brandon to write something about Harmony in her Alloy of Law.

Brandon Sanderson

There's another name Harmony could go by if he weren't able to control the conflict between his halves… *to Zas* Have you guys figured that one out yet? Oh, I'm not going to say anything. You have it on recording… I was pretty sneaky with that one so I don't know if you have it or not.

Holiday signing (Dec. 12, 2015)



Last time you said that his name, if it wasn’t Harmony, it would be something else. Is it Discord?

Brandon Sanderson

This is relevant.


It is relevant?

Brandon Sanderson


Footnote: The questioner is referring to this exchange.
Bands of Mourning release party (Jan. 25, 2016)


Shallan's Ward

While Sazed holds Preservation and Ruin, could his intent change from Harmony to Discord?

Brandon Sanderson

It is possible

Skyward Seattle signing (Nov. 10, 2018)



Is there a significance between Harmony and Discord being musical terms? And would they be considered different Investiture tones? 

Brandon Sanderson

Yes and no. So what's going on here is that... it is significant, I chose those two terms very specifically. Not gonna tell you a lot about Discord or things like that, but the idea is that idea of Harmony is in... the sounds are in harmony, they are working together. In Discord they are not. I wouldn't call them Investiture tones, more the way the two tones are responding to each other.

JordanCon 2021 (July 17, 2021)


Edited by Weltall
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Maybe I'm not looking into it closely enough, but i always assumed the prophesy was speaking of Sazed. I also agree with Weltall about harmony and discord, but with a twist. We are seeing him struggle right now with having two shards with opposing intents. His story isn't yet finished, i believe, and it's totally possible for him to shift to Discord later if he fails to keep the two balanced (and it would make a really interesting story). :D

But yeah, I'm almost completely certain the prophesy is all about Sazed.

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8 hours ago, Weltall said:

Also, Brandon has already more or less confirmed that Discord is another name that Scadrial's dual-Shard could have gone by if things had been different:

Bahhh, there you go ruining my fun. I'm really not that knowledgeable with the Arcanum, seems like that should have been trivial to look up. My theorycrafting needs some work, I thought I stuck gold with the connections I saw.

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