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"Welcome, welcome, one and all, to the Isles of Survival. A new show on Survive.com that has been subject to incredible amounts of speculation since its announcement, just weeks ago. We have a large cast of people, from all walks of life. Let's have a look at them after this quick word from one of our sponsors.

Cast of Characters:


Will be edited in after a word from our sponsors. 

Name: Ryphile Milain

Description: Large, both tall and broad. About 6, 3 and 260. He has long dark brown hair that is knotted and unkempt looking. His eyes are brown, verging on black. He over all looks dirty and dangerous. 

Skills: He is a survival expert. He is a decent forager and an excellent hunter. He is skilled with both a spear and a bow.

Backstory: Lived on the Montanan Rockies for most of his life. His father was a lumberjack and shared Ryphile's love for nature and the outdoors, as well as their respect for it. When Ryphile was fourteen, his father died in a woodworking incident. Following her husband's death, Ryphile's mom for the city, and took Ryphile with her. He hated every second of it. When he turned fifteen, he got his license and ran away from home. He lived in the woods for ten years after that.

Announcer's Commentary: "Now this one could be real contender. He's strong, he's vicious, and he knows how to survive in the wild."

Name: Horrus Wildt

Description: Ruggedly handsome. He has black hair and dark green eyes. He's pretty short, at 5, 7, and is skinny, weighing about 165 pounds. His is kinda just unruly, but it has been trimmed short for the contest. 

Skills: Gun and bow hunting. He knows how to make a bow too. He is a hobbiest wood carver as well.

Backstory: Pretty normal life, lived in northwest Washington for most of his life. Grew up hunting deer and other game. He got married when he turned twenty-two. He now has three kids ages nine, seven, and three.

Announcer's Commentary:

@Channelknight Fadran's Character 

Name: Gwenyth Allen (goes by Gwen or Gwennie)

Personality: Something of a klutz. Very clumsy when she isn't paying attention, but she's plenty capable of being not-stumbly if she remembers to be careful. Otherwise she's plenty friendly, something of a self-depricator, and also pretty dang insecure.

Why she's here: idk she prolly took a wrong turn somewhere and landed herself in the brainwashing room where they got their 'volunteers.'

Skills: She's seen A LOT of science youtube videos and played A LOT of minecraft. She's totally got what it takes!

Appearance: Picrew!

@AmazingGoob's Character

Name: John J. John
Description: A reporter, tall and scrawny, so intrigued by this strange new competition that he decided to join. He carries a seemingly ancient camera and wears a press hat
Personality: Nosy, as all reporters are, and also somewhat of a coward.




@Channelknight Fadran @Condensation @JesterLavorre @Chasmessian @AmazingGoob @Flaming Coinshoot post your characters and I'll edit them in.


Edited by The Unknown Order
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Kay, here's the character!


Name: Gwenyth Allen (goes by Gwen or Gwennie)

Personality: Something of a klutz. Very clumsy when she isn't paying attention, but she's plenty capable of being not-stumbly if she remembers to be careful. Otherwise she's plenty friendly, something of a self-depricator, and also pretty dang insecure.

Why she's here: idk she prolly took a wrong turn somewhere and landed herself in the brainwashing room where they got their 'volunteers.'

Skills: She's seen A LOT of science youtube videos and played A LOT of minecraft. She's totally got what it takes!

Appearance: Picrew!






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1 hour ago, Random Bystander said:



Go head and join. As for the creation guidelines, there's not much really. There would have to be a reason they were picked by the show, this could be incompetence, competence, or some other reason. Go young or old, but try to keep them above seventeen. And if you need an idea for a character sheet, the first two in the OP are good enough for me.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll just throw something together quick. It won't be very long, sorry...


Name: John J. John
Description: A reporter, tall and scrawny, so intrigued by this strange new competition that he decided to join. He carries a seemingly ancient camera and wears a press hat
Personality: Nosy, as all reporters are, and also somewhat of a coward.


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