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Unsealed Metalminds


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How hard are unsealed metalminds to make? With the coming of the Southern Scadrians it appears that if difficult there are still plenty of them around. (From what I remember) The reader's point of view doesn't really know what goes into making those but it does seem like they are produced. 

I would have thought that Identity would be a little harder to get rid of and the fact that we can get unsealed metalminds sort of makes Hemalurgy seem drastically less appealing to any baddie out there. I'm a little concerned with how easy it appears to be to make an unsealed metalmind, but am curious if you guys think I'm mistaken or if there are some things I'm over looking.   

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We know that something called an Excisor is required to make unsealed metalminds and we don't know how many there were originally or whether the southerners have been able to make more. Consequently it's hard to know how quickly new unsealed metalminds can be made since we don't know the specifics of the process or how many can be made at a time.

Identity is actually involved in creating unkeyed metalminds (anyone who already has the right power can access its storage) rather than unsealed ones (grants the relevant power(s)) and it's not really hard at all since it's built right into feruchemy via F-Aluminum. As mentioned, we don't really know exactly how the latter are made aside from 'it needs an Excisor, nicrosil and at least one other metal'. Brandon has said that if he doesn't describe the process in The Lost Metal, we have permission to bug him about it until he explains it. :D

Edited by Weltall
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13 hours ago, Shinwarrior said:

I would have thought that Identity would be a little harder to get rid of and the fact that we can get unsealed metalminds sort of makes Hemalurgy seem drastically less appealing to any baddie out there.

Highly debatable, as the Metallic Arts have synergy. That is, it is better to be a Coinshot and a Lurcher together than the addition of both abilities would suggest. This again goes up if you add duraluminium and iron feruchemy. You could argue that medallions in part increase the attractivity of hemalurgy.

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16 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

Highly debatable, as the Metallic Arts have synergy. That is, it is better to be a Coinshot and a Lurcher together than the addition of both abilities would suggest. This again goes up if you add duraluminium and iron feruchemy. You could argue that medallions in part increase the attractivity of hemalurgy.

Not to mention Hemalurgy has a lot of potential applications entirely independent from stealing magic Powers. From increasing your total on traits you can feruchemical store to doubling Powers to stealing all kinds of spiritual things (Connections, Destiny, etc).  Plus Hemalurgy never has to be recharged.  

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  • 3 months later...
On 9/2/2021 at 8:26 AM, Quantus said:

Not to mention Hemalurgy has a lot of potential applications entirely independent from stealing magic Powers. From increasing your total on traits you can feruchemical store to doubling Powers to stealing all kinds of spiritual things (Connections, Destiny, etc).  Plus Hemalurgy never has to be recharged.  

Not to mention that powerful, immortal entities suddenly seem much more vulnerable when their ability to magically heal from any wound gets taken away :) 

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