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Dalinar being the Hero Of Ages


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Ok so.

This is not my theory, my friend talked to me about this today.

So, in the Contest of Champions contract, it states that if Dalinar's Champion loses, Dalinar's soul becomes Odium's to use and be served by.

My friend suggested that Odium will make Dalinar a fused, severing his connection to himself, making Dalinar serve only Odium.

He suggested that somehow, Dalinar would make it to Scadrial, and severe his connection to Odium somehow. 

This would make his connection to anything and anyone severed, leaving him unresponsible to his actions, and making him view life in the third person.

I can't remember much else of what was said, but he said that this would lead him to becoming the hero of ages, or something.

The Hero of Ages shall be not a man, but a force. No nation may claim him, no woman shall keep him, and no king may slay him. He shall belong to none, not even himself. 

He shall defend their ways, yet shall violate them. He will be their savior, yet they shall call him heretic. His name shall be Discord, yet they shall love him for it. 

That which has been sundered must again begin to find its whole 

The Hero will have the power to save the world. But he will also have the power to destroy it. 

The Hero will bear the future of the world on his arms. 

The Hero of Ages was not simply to be a warrior. He was a person who united others, who brought them together. A leader. 

The Hero of Ages was removed from the Terris people. He was not royalty himself, but came to it eventually. 

He commanded the forces of the world. Kings rode to his aid. 

He left ruin in his wake, but it was forgotten. He created kingdoms, and then destroyed them as he made the world anew. 

...One who is separated from the Terris people, a king of men, a rebel caught between two worlds. 

He who is not of his people, yet fulfills all of their wishes. 

Make what you want of it, I'm posting this here since he can't.

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I have a question for you @Theldragor. Two of the lines really don't fit Dalinar well: 


No nation may claim him, no woman shall keep him, and no king may slay him.


He who is not of his people, yet fulfills all of their wishes

First quote: Dalinar is unquestionably Alethi and is a king himself. How could a nation not claim him? Alternatively, if Dalinar becomes a fused, what would you call the government set up by the fused if it is not a nation?

Second quote: the people would be referring to Fused or the Alethi. If the Fused, wouldn't the severing of his ties once he's on Scadrial argue against this point? If the Alethi, well, he doesn't do their wishes. They're a militaristic nation that is thoroughly Vorin. Dalinar is a heretic so can't be traditionally Vorin; has rejected conquering as a worthy goal and would be serving the enemy in this theory. So, he can't be fulfilling all of their wishes. 

Third, @Knight of Iron raises such a good point about how it fits squarely with Sazed.  

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13 minutes ago, DougTheRug said:

I have a question for you @Theldragor. Two of the lines really don't fit Dalinar well: 

First quote: Dalinar is unquestionably Alethi and is a king himself. How could a nation not claim him? Alternatively, if Dalinar becomes a fused, what would you call the government set up by the fused if it is not a nation?

Second quote: the people would be referring to Fused or the Alethi. If the Fused, wouldn't the severing of his ties once he's on Scadrial argue against this point? If the Alethi, well, he doesn't do their wishes. They're a militaristic nation that is thoroughly Vorin. Dalinar is a heretic so can't be traditionally Vorin; has rejected conquering as a worthy goal and would be serving the enemy in this theory. So, he can't be fulfilling all of their wishes. 

Third, @Knight of Iron raises such a good point about how it fits squarely with Sazed.  

Ultimately, this isn't a question for me. This is not my theory, I will restate. It's my friends theory that i posted here.

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Just now, DougTheRug said:

Dalinar is unquestionably Alethi and is a king himself. How could a nation not claim him? Alternatively, if Dalinar becomes a fused, what would you call the government set up by the fused if it is not a nation?

Dalinar isn't the king of Alethkar though, and while he's the Highking of Urithiru, it's not really a nation in and of itself. Dalinar is Alethi by birth and culture, much like how Sazed is a Terrisman by birth and culture, but both had to be separated from their people after a time. Dalinar owns no lands in Alehkhar, and he is no longer the head of House Kholin. So yeah, that fits him. 

In terms of the nation and Fused thing, I can see Dalinar as a Fused setting up nations, but then moving onto the next one. So he himself can't be claimed by the nation because he 1) serves a "higher" power, or 2) he simply doesn't want to be tied down when he has other work to do. 


Just now, DougTheRug said:

Second quote: the people would be referring to Fused or the Alethi. If the Fused, wouldn't the severing of his ties once he's on Scadrial argue against this point? If the Alethi, well, he doesn't do their wishes. They're a militaristic nation that is thoroughly Vorin. Dalinar is a heretic so can't be traditionally Vorin; has rejected conquering as a worthy goal and would be serving the enemy in this theory. So, he can't be fulfilling all of their wishes.

Or maybe the Knights Radiant, bringing honor and unity to those on a different planet, despite no longer being a Radiant/Bondsmith himself?


Again, I like it fitting our Hero of Ages on Scadrial better, but I don't think that it's unthinkable for Dalinar to be the HoA. 

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3 hours ago, DougTheRug said:

Cool totally understand. Would you please ask them and get back to us? It's certainly an interesting theory and I'd like to hear their thoughts. 

Thank you!

I will ask them tmrw, when I have class with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a cool theory! One line of the prophecy in particular reminds me of something from the back of WoK, where it says


One of them may redeem us.

And one of them will destroy us.

which sounds like this line:

On 8/31/2021 at 7:22 PM, Theldragor said:

The Hero will have the power to save the world. But he will also have the power to destroy it.

I'm not sure if I think this will actually be the case, it does fit rather nicely.

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