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FOTT - Earth 2767

Spren of Kindness

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Craven nodded, ready to go. No one seemed to be taking the lead, and he figured Martin would, but Craven also just wanted to explore the unfamiliar land. "Let's go!" He began walking in no particular direction, away from the airplane.

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Martin glances around at everyone.  He knows they're probably itching to use their various talents.  "Here's the plan.  We go down there, I'm going to get something from a specific location, then we come back and give that thing to Nahl.  Once she has that, and she's leaving, we need to go back to where we're going now, and you can get there however you want."

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I'ma timeskip the hike - there's not much interesting in middle-of-nowhere-maybe-Idaho.

Martin's footsteps slow as they near the abandoned facility.  It's not big - most of it is underground, and guarded to high heaven.  But there are outbuildings above ground, and most of those are in some form of disrepair.  The wind that rushes between those buildings stirs up dust, and his arm moves on instinct to lift a mask that he isn't wearing.  "Home sweet home," he murmurs.

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"Once upon a time, this was the west of the United States," Martin tells Andante, weaving between buildings.  "Not sure where exactly we are, but there's not much out here but rocks and dirt.  Don't worry," he adds, turning to glance at Queen.  "There's no one here.  I should know."

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