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Does Sazed hate Southern Scadrial?


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Pretty much the title.  While he was reforming the earth did he just decide "eh these people don't need to be able to survive in the north"?   

If Wax and Wayne were to travel to Southern scadrial would they need a personal AC unit in order to survive?   

I know we haven't seen a lot of southerners but I couldn't help but wonder as I was reading why Sazed would create such an awesome part of the planet for our heroes and villains to enjoy but it is nearly uninhabitable by the other peoples on the planet.  

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Brandon has RAFO'd a question on why he didn't change the southerners to survive in the new world so it's likely to come up later. That said he seems quite impressed with them and their accomplishments (contrasting them to the northerners who have it so easy) so one kind of gets the impression that he wants to see how much further they can develop on their own, especially since his own attempts to actively provide for people have kind of backfired.

And no, Wax and Wayne wouldn't need portable cooling to survive in the south because it's too cold there for the southerners to be comfortable without the aid of technology, and they're still uncomfortable even up north where one assumes it's warmer. They might want to bring jackets though. ;)

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9 minutes ago, Weltall said:


And no, Wax and Wayne wouldn't need portable cooling to survive in the south because it's too cold there for the southerners to be comfortable without the aid of technology, and they're still uncomfortable even up north where one assumes it's warmer. They might want to bring jackets though. ;)

Thanks for pointing this out. I totally missed that no lie.  I was listening to the book half dead driving that day (literally had no idea just how ill I was and was just focused on making my 10 hour drive in one piece).   

I totally pictured the southern people with big voodoo looking masks (warcraft troll mask vibes) and living in a tropical land...  its good to know just how far off that was.  I may need to go crack the book and actually read that section again as opposed to listening to it.  

This definately adds a thinking point to another thread asking about tech advancements on scadrial as well.  The people who are living the harder life would naturally evolve faster or die out.  The basin is too cush for advancement to be needed. 

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2 hours ago, Weltall said:

Brandon has RAFO'd a question on why he didn't change the southerners to survive in the new world so it's likely to come up later. That said he seems quite impressed with them and their accomplishments (contrasting them to the northerners who have it so easy) so one kind of gets the impression that he wants to see how much further they can develop on their own, especially since his own attempts to actively provide for people have kind of backfired.

And no, Wax and Wayne wouldn't need portable cooling to survive in the south because it's too cold there for the southerners to be comfortable without the aid of technology, and they're still uncomfortable even up north where one assumes it's warmer. They might want to bring jackets though. ;)

I doubt they’d need jackets. My daughter can run cold in 90+ degree weather. The temperature of the area could be a very comfortable 70, and the SoScads would still freeze.


4 hours ago, DoctaDajman said:

Pretty much the title.  While he was reforming the earth did he just decide "eh these people don't need to be able to survive in the north"?   

If Wax and Wayne were to travel to Southern scadrial would they need a personal AC unit in order to survive?   

I know we haven't seen a lot of southerners but I couldn't help but wonder as I was reading why Sazed would create such an awesome part of the planet for our heroes and villains to enjoy but it is nearly uninhabitable by the other peoples on the planet.  

I don’t think Saze knew enough to start messing with the ANS. Based off my conversation with Brandon, the SoScads temperature issues are likely directly related to how their ANS functions.

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20 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I don’t think Saze knew enough to start messing with the ANS. Based off my conversation with Brandon, the SoScads temperature issues are likely directly related to how their ANS functions.


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On 7/20/2021 at 6:21 PM, Weltall said:

Brandon has RAFO'd a question on why he didn't change the southerners to survive in the new world so it's likely to come up later. That said he seems quite impressed with them and their accomplishments (contrasting them to the northerners who have it so easy) so one kind of gets the impression that he wants to see how much further they can develop on their own, especially since his own attempts to actively provide for people have kind of backfired.;)

On the other hand, they appear to have a massive unfair advantage in said development, as they're implied to be in possession of the only source of Harmony's god-metal.

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