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I need movie or tv recommendations.


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Can someone please recommend a fantasy or science fiction movie or tv show to me? I want something that is visually stunning. While it can have dark elements in it, I don't want something with a very dark storyline. Thank you.

Edited by Elf at heart
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Yes, Game of Thrones is really good. At least the first few seasons are, after the third or fourth it went downhill. Mainly because the next books were not written then (and are still work in progess) and the showrunners were lacking the storytelling skills. But it has been said that the ending was given to them by GRRM, so even if the way there will make much more sense in the books, the ending should be the same. That being said, GoT is very bloody and contains copious amounts of nudity and sexual acts. 

If it doesn't have to be traditional fantasy, I would recommend the movie adaptations of the Terry Pratchett novels Color of Magic, Going Postal and Hogfather. They are not only good as movies but also as book adaptations, something that is quite rare.

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11 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

LotR is good if you have not watched it, then people like GoT for some reason I have not personally watched it myself. 

Oh, I have watched LotR. It's amazing. Personally, GoT is just way too grimdark for me. But thanks a lot for the suggestions!

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7 hours ago, Marukka said:

Yes, Game of Thrones is really good. At least the first few seasons are, after the third or fourth it went downhill. Mainly because the next books were not written then (and are still work in progess) and the showrunners were lacking the storytelling skills. But it has been said that the ending was given to them by GRRM, so even if the way there will make much more sense in the books, the ending should be the same. That being said, GoT is very bloody and contains copious amounts of nudity and sexual acts. 

If it doesn't have to be traditional fantasy, I would recommend the movie adaptations of the Terry Pratchett novels Color of Magic, Going Postal and Hogfather. They are not only good as movies but also as book adaptations, something that is quite rare.

I would give GoT a try were it not so grimdark. I don't like extremely dark fantasy.

Ooh, I didn't know there were Discworld adaptations! I am planning on reading the books so, If I can find the movies anywhere I'll definitely watch them! Thanks so much.

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8 hours ago, Ammanas said:

I think it’s technically Science Fiction but the tv series Fringe is excellent. It has parallel Universes, teleportation and monsters in it and a lot of other really cool concepts. It is completed at 5 seasons (if memory serves).

I'll definitely give Fringe a try. Thanks!

Edited by Elf_at_heart
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18 hours ago, Elf_at_heart said:

 I want something that is visually stunning. While it can have dark elements in it, I don't want something with a very dark storyline.

I know this isn’t exactly what you’re looking for, but I recommend The Chosen. I think you will not be disappointed.

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17 hours ago, Elegy said:

Don't know if animated movies are allowed, but if so, Princess Mononoke.

I had wanted to get into anime, so I'll try it out. Thanks!

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17 hours ago, Xaladin said:

I know this isn’t exactly what you’re looking for, but I recommend The Chosen. I think you will not be disappointed.

I'll check it out. Thanks for replying!

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1 hour ago, Philomath said:

Some other good ones by Miyazaki are Spirited Away and Castle in the Sky. 

Nice! I'll see them. Thanks!

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