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It's great to finally have an account here so I can get to know all of you. 


I've been following Brandon Sanderson's work for just over a year now, so I'm pretty new to him. But he's an exceptional writer and his books are epic. 


About me?


I own an airstream, those silver bullets you see towed down the road every now and then. We're (my ife and I) remodeling the interior and it's a ton of work! 

Currently, I am a computer technician. 

Personally, I believe running is a terrific way to listen to "Writing Excuses", though my wife disagrees.

I love coffee. Passionately enough to roast my own. Sumatra single blend anyone?


Shoot me a message if you want to know, well, anything about me. 


I'm looking forward to talking with everyone here!

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Welcome to the land of the sharders! Feel free to join the pseudo RP on the Social guilds and clans forum. 

You should probably read mistborn soon, between that and WoR you will have most of the cosmere covered.

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I have read all of Brandon's published cosmere books minus the ones in anthologies. I have also read all of Alcatraz, Steelheart, and Rithmatist. I really need to buy Firstborn/Defending Elysium.

Ashiok, I though we all swore off inviting them to the guilds on their introduction threads. B)

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I have read all of Brandon's published cosmere books minus the ones in anthologies. I have also read all of Alcatraz, Steelheart, and Rithmatist. I really need to buy Firstborn/Defending Elysium.

Ashiok, I though we all swore off inviting them to the guilds on their introduction threads. B)


"Better one person should leave guild invitations than ten," whispered Kobold King. He plunged his Honorblade into the ground and walked off, thinking of the one he'd left behind.


(My way of saying, the Oathpact has been broken. :P)

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Haha, amusing reference, @kobold king. I guess there will always be one. Still, thanks for saying hello. I've been looking over the Cosmere theories. They look incredibly in depth, I've only scratched the surface. It reminds me of reading through The Silmarillion years ago. All that stuff that you missed in the book on the first read through, but got on the second.


Ashiok, what did you think of The Mistborn Trilogy?


I'll check out the guild and cosmere forums when I've got some time. Looking forward to it!

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Ashiok, what did you think of The Mistborn Trilogy?

---Ignores the fact that he's not Ashiok---


If you enjoy original, creative magic systems, great world building, thrilling action sequences, and clever plot twists, you can't go wrong with Mistborn. They are actually the books that made me realize Sanderson was soon to be my favorite author. Being one of his earlier works, it has some stylistic problems but still an outstanding read.


The unwritten Mistborn books will play a critical role in shaping the Cosmere later on as well so definitely something you should read if you expect to be a long term Sanderson fan (or for understanding a large portion of things that are discussed in this forum).

Edited by Awesomeness Summoned
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@Awesomeness Summoned I was surprised back when I found out that Brandon was picked to complete the WOT series. I didn't know until well after the fact. It was terrific for his career and he was definitely the right pick for it. Do you know if Robert's wife looked at anyone else to complete it, or just Brandon?


@Curiosity it's nice to know coffee roasters aren't just a big company thing. It's good to be here. How do you roast your coffee? I'm "small beans" in a skillet over a campfire/stovetop. 


*Moves Mistborn to next on personal reading list*

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Well, we used to use an old popcorn popper (an air-popper, not a whirly-pop), but now my dad bought himself a fancy new Coffee Roaster. It looks like a toaster oven with a mesh barrel inside it. It doesn't do darker roasts very well, which is sort of a bummer, but we can manage it by roasting in smaller batches.

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I've heard of that style roaster, with the popcorn popper. Never used it though (Don't own a popcorn popper)


Skillet method is pretty good, but it's not a super even roast. You have to keep stirring it, which gets repetitive. But it's tons of fun to watch them literally pop out of the skillet at you as they darken up. And you can get a pretty dark roast.  


What kind is the new coffee roaster?

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@Awesomeness Summoned I was surprised back when I found out that Brandon was picked to complete the WOT series. I didn't know until well after the fact. It was terrific for his career and he was definitely the right pick for it. Do you know if Robert's wife looked at anyone else to complete it, or just Brandon?

From what I recall, there really wasn't a list of candidates. After RJ died, Brandon wrote a eulogy (Goodbye Mr. Jordan) on his blog about RJ's impact on the fantasy genre, and his influence on Brandon choosing to be a writer himself. Someone showed it to Harriet and she found it very moving. She read Elantris and met with Brandon shortly thereafter. You know what happened after that.

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