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Two blind men

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On 5/26/2021 at 6:57 PM, Bejardin1250 said:

Yah I don’t think he would ever just say “yes” to a question like this 

He seems to not want to spoil things

but this isn’t pointing in either direction 

I disagree.  A few years ago he directly confirmed that RoW's prologue would be from Navani's perspective, and book 5 would be Gavilar.  So Brandon has spoiled future viewpoints in the past.  However, I think the reason he RAFO'd this question is because he doesn't want to explicitly confirm anything that happens after the end of book 5.  I fully believe that it will be from Hoid's perspective though.

On 5/27/2021 at 7:44 PM, Frustration said:

Moash could have been a good villain, then Brandon decided to try and make him sympathetic

He could have been a lost sheep, but Brandon made too much of the fandon holds him as irredeemable.

He could have been a champion for Odium, but then Brandon blided him.

He's now the worst thing to have in a story, no matter what Brandon does he's a problem

I completely and utterly disagree.  The entire theme of the Stormlight Archive is about redemption and growth.  "Journey before destination".  What you do in the past doesn't define your future, and anyone can take the next step towards being a better person.  Moash might be the best possible example of this at the current time in the series.  


If we're gonna sit here and accept Dalinar in spite of the monster he used to be, then we need to accept the idea that Moash is not irredeemable.  

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2 minutes ago, Ba-Ado-Fisherman said:

I completely and utterly disagree.  The entire theme of the Stormlight Archive is about redemption and growth.  "Journey before destination".  What you do in the past doesn't define your future, and anyone can take the next step towards being a better person.  Moash might be the best possible example of this at the current time in the series.  


If we're gonna sit here and accept Dalinar in spite of the monster he used to be, then we need to accept the idea that Moash is not irredeemable.  

I'm not saying I think he'sirredeamable, but try telling that to the rest of the fanbase.

My problem is he's too lame to be any good.

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3 hours ago, MGershone said:

Is it possible that there is something that Odium can't do, but honor can? maybe honor can send vision, but only odium can listen to them,or something

Maybe reading the hearts of men? We know Taravangian is unable to do that. (and assumes Cultivation has the same issue)

Edited by mathiau
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16 minutes ago, Ba-Ado-Fisherman said:

I disagree.  A few years ago he directly confirmed that RoW's prologue would be from Navani's perspective, and book 5 would be Gavilar.  So Brandon has spoiled future viewpoints in the past.  However, I think the reason he RAFO'd this question is because he doesn't want to explicitly confirm anything that happens after the end of book 5.  I fully believe that it will be from Hoid's perspective though.

Yes I realized this a few days ago but forgot to mention this

you are correct

7 minutes ago, Frustration said:

I'm not saying I think he'sirredeamable, but try telling that to the rest of the fanbase.

My problem is he's too lame to be any good.

It’ll take a lot of work to redeem Moash

Even after he killed Teft he said he didn’t regret it, so if he’s redeemed I think it has to be back half

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20 hours ago, MGershone said:


Is it possible that there is something that Odium can't do, but honor can? maybe honor can send vision, but only odium can listen to them,or something

Didn't Odium send a vision to Venli in Oathbringer?

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On 5/23/2021 at 9:36 PM, Ba-Ado-Fisherman said:

So I was listening to latest Shardcast episode, and someone, I believe Grace, made a very interesting observation about Moash.


Brandon has said that the ending to The Stormlight Archive is hidden within the first two books.  In both tWok and WoR, Hoid tells an interesting story.  One of my favorite scenes in WoR is when Hoid tells a story to Shallan.  He says, "Two blind men waited at the end of an era, contemplating beauty. They sat atop the world's highest cliff, overlooking the land and seeing nothing."

Now this is certainly a stretch, but when Grace mentioned it, it really piqued my interest.  There is also another story from Hoid, in the epilogue, but it's a little different. He says, "A blind man awaited the era of endings, contemplating the beauty of nature."


The biggest difference in these two variations are "end of an era", and "era of endings".  So, what if the first story is foreshadowing the literal end of Stormlight "era" 1, and the second story is foreshadowing the ending of the entire series?  And if so, the fact that Moash is now blind becomes very considerable. Kaladin is basically the main character of the series so far (he has the highest word count by a large margin), and Moash is a crucial part of Kaladin's story. I find it to be plausible that Moash could be involved in the climax or very ending of book 5.  


In the epilogue, Hoid refers to himself as being "spiritually blind" as well.  Each book so far has had an epilogue with Hoid as the pov character.  The epilogue of book 5 could consist of Hoid and Moash sitting on a mountain, looking over the land and seeing nothing.  


Of course, this all hinges on the idea that Hoid's two stories are the previously mentioned "ending of the series" that Brandon has said exists in the first two books.  It's quite a stretch, but a fun theory nonetheless.  

-Credit to Grace on Shardcast for sparking this idea.

Moash and szeth I think would be a good pick

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