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Question for all you fans out there.  If you could have 1 action scene and 1 dialogue or character moment from Mistborn: the Final Empire to be made into live action what would it be?

An example of an action scene would be Kelsier fighting the Haze killers when he breaks into keep venture.  An example of a character moment would be Kelsier first training Vin, or the moment they outline their plan to overthrow the Lord Ruler.

I'm a filmmaker and have been pondering how I would bring some of these scenes to life in my head for years now.  Would love to know what everyone else would want to see if they could only get a scene or two.

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The immediate action scene that comes to mind is Kelsier's final fight with the inquisitor, when he has a cloud of metal around him. The dialogue scene I want is after their army is destroyed and everyone is planning to leave, and Kelsier comes in and is all chipper and then they go watch the deaths and Kel tells them "this is why I fight.  Never question me again."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have always loved the scene where the crew is relaxing and begin talking back and forth in Spook's street slang. There's no action and the story doesn't depend on its existence, but it is such a wonderful moment. I think that if it was accurately depicted on screen that it would show viewers what separates this series from other fantasy shows.

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Man, there are so many. My choice of an action sequence would have to be when a kelsier and vin spar at the beginning of part two. My character moment would be when vin is hanging in the mists contemplating kelsier’s death. Another option would be when marsh, vin and sazed talking about the lord ruler at the end of the book. I just love the idea of an allomancer, a feruchemist and a hemalurgist watching the sun dawn on the beginning of a new era.

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  • 2 months later...

Vin and marsh and I want the scene at the end of secret history, where kelsier is begging at vins feet for her and emend to stay with him and then she just holds his tear stricken face, and says “oh kelsier, you really have a lot to learn about love” and before kelsiers can reach out and touch her she puffs into mist

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For action scene, I agree that the most important would be Kelsier fighting the inquisitor, and Vin realizing that iron and steel are his specialties.

 For character scene, we need the moment in the carriage when Kelsier offers Vin a lot of money, saying that he can’t have crew members who aren’t invested.

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This is a good way to frame this somewhat frequently raised discussion in a newly focused way!

My most live-action-worthy Misborn (Era 1) action scene: Kelsier v. Bendal the Inquisitor.

"Character moment" from Era 1: When Vin explodes at Kelsier (and his assembled crew, all Allomancers but for Dockson) for dismissing Elend as being anything other than an enemy to them for being a nobleman:

"So are you! ...What do you think this is, Kelsier? The life of a skaa? What do any of you know about skaa? Aristocratic suits, stalking your enemies in the night, full meals and nightcaps around the table with your friends? That’s not the life of a skaa! ... don’t say things about people you don’t know. You’re no skaa — you’re just noblemen without titles.”

Ouch. And Kelsier deserved it, and he knew it.

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For me, when Vin and Kelsier enter into Kredik Shaw, it is a good option for adaptation, Although I think it is better when Vin rescuing Elend close to tries assassinate.

When the team met the first time, they did all plans on the board about what to do for that the final empire to fall. It seems to be a moment that talks a lot about how is all world is and takes different pathways.

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2 hours ago, Kazset said:

For me, when Vin and Kelsier enter into Kredik Shaw, it is a good option for adaptation, Although I think it is better when Vin rescuing Elend close to tries assassinate.

When the team met the first time, they did all plans on the board about what to do for that the final empire to fall. It seems to be a moment that talks a lot about how is all world is and takes different pathways.

That scene... Even when I first read it...

A board with a list of crazy goals, and a leader writing on it saying "YES WE CAN!" -- it felt too much like my real-life workplace, LOL.


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From TFE...for the quiet scene, I'd keep in Vin's rant to the crew and her talk with Kelsier afterwards. It's such a powerful moment, and done right, it could be one of the highlights of the movie. 

For action...I'd probably do Vin tracking of Shan and the assassins from the informant to the fight itself. Of course aspects of this would have to changed since Shan is Elend's sister in the current screenplay treatment, but I think the rest could work pretty well. (And replacing Shan wanting to assassinate Elend with a former friend like Jastes* and you've got a solid idea.) I'd imagine as a one-shot. Vin finds out about the assassination and starts moving through the hallway with purpose, first taking off her shoes, and then jogging as she rips the dress, and then gets into a full-on run as she pushes the frames of the window and flies into the night. The assassination wouldn't be happening too far away, so we'd follow Vin as she lands and takes out the first wave. 

If I had the power, artistry, and skill, I'd make that entire fight a one-shot as well, so we'd have a full 15-20 minutes of pure, exhausting emotion and action. Entire days - if not weeks - would be devoted to this fight while the other actors get to go home for a break (and while Kelsier's actor practices his stunts and whatnot for the Inquisitor Battle). By the time Vin gets back to the hideout, the audience would be as exhausted as she was, and it'd be awesome. (In theory. Probably not in practice.) But movies also have ways of making scenes feeling like a one-shot when they aren't - the Raid movies in particular are masters of that. 



*Jastes could work as an upgraded villain for the first two movies or for the entire trilogy, depending on how one wants to play it. Imagine Jastes as a friend of Elend and a suitor of Shan. (All we need is for Daniel Radcliffe to play that part.) We'd see hints of his ambition in earlier scenes where he talks about ruling with Elend, but it would be ramped up when he catches wind of Shan's plan to prove her capability as the Venture heir. Jastes' first idea was to expose Elend's treasonous political theory, but since it's not outright treason, nothing happens. Instead he resorts to assassination, which is where the scenes in question come into play. At the end of the movie, Jastes would escape in the chaos, and would show up in WoA as a major villain. His survival in WoA is...less certain to me. I think replacing or combining his role with Yomen might be a good way to streamline his roles. I could easily see Jastes as using the Koloss as a move of desperation for power, but when it fails, he retreats to the undefended Fadrex city (this part needs work) and sets up the regime Yomen had in HoA. Elend's goal in the HoA adaptation would have the undertone of one man trying to appeal to a second man he once called friend. But at the end of the day, even if the two are forced to work together, there's too much bad blood in between them for forgiveness or friendship. Or he could die in the WoA adaptation and we get Yomen proper. I'm not in charge. 

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On 8/20/2021 at 6:39 PM, Truthwatcher Artifabrian said:

For action scene, I agree that the most important would be Kelsier fighting the inquisitor, and Vin realizing that iron and steel are his specialties.

 For character scene, we need the moment in the carriage when Kelsier offers Vin a lot of money, saying that he can’t have crew members who aren’t invested.

I read that last word in your post as capital I Invested, or magical and thought, "What about Dox!?"

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