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Pendragon - Interest Check


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It struck me the other day that there was nothing stopping me from starting an RP myself. I'm currently in a King Arthur Pendragon RPG kick, so I figured I might start a play-by-post campaign here on the Shard. However, I wanted to gauge interest first.

So - what is King Arthur Pendragon? Here's the Wikipedia page, but I'll give the explanation a shot: essentially, you take on the role of knights in Arthurian Britain, and follow their quests, adventures, and life story. Eventually, they will die (every character WILL, eventually, die), and you play as their heir - the game takes on a dynastic element, as you create a rich family history.

One of the unique aspects of Pendragon is it's Traits/Passions system. Traits are personality traits (Forgiving/Vengeful, Energetic/Lazy, etc). Your characters' actions will influence these traits, and as the traits grow stronger, they will influence the actions of your character. Passions are strong opinions and feelings (Honor, Loyalty, etc) that also influence your character's actions, and can be utilized to strongly enhance your character's attempts.

We would begin in the year 484. King Uther Pendragon of Logres (south-central Britain) has his eye set on the High Kingship of Britain. Saxon raiders are increasing their attacks on British soil... and, ominously, establishing small kingdoms on the coast. Internal feuding threatens to tear kingdoms apart, setting Briton against Briton even as foreign invaders knock on the door. Your father is dead - you are on the verge of knighthood - the world is yours for the taking...

If you're interested, either PM me or comment here! I'll explain the mechanics further when/if more players join, and we can figure out a couple of housekeeping details.

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...can I be Merlin?

Edit: So I looked over the wiki page (I thought it was just an explanation of who King Arthur was when I first saw it tbh) and I didn't realize that this was a TTRPG. Would we be doing the RPG itself, just post-by-post, or would it be more freeform with inspiration drawn from the game?

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

...can I be Merlin?

Edit: So I looked over the wiki page (I thought it was just an explanation of who King Arthur was when I first saw it tbh) and I didn't realize that this was a TTRPG. Would we be doing the RPG itself, just post-by-post, or would it be more freeform with inspiration drawn from the game?

My intention was to run the RPG post-by-post (or possibly over PM or even start a Discord server). Obviously some tweaks to the official rules would have to be made to accommodate this, but I don't think it would have to be too drastic (in fact, I'm currently playing a PbP campaign on another forum, but our GM is... sporadic at best, so it hasn't progressed too far).

Unless somebody had strong objections, I figured I would deal with most of the dice-rolling/paperwork myself and let the players focus on the non-technical side of the game. That way, it's quicker and less complicated for everybody.

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Ok, @The Unknown Order, it looks like you were the only interested one (unless @Channelknight Fadran was too? I couldn't quite tell. LMK if you were, otherwise no need to respond to this). 

A solo campaign is certainly possible if you really wanted to do it, but if that's not what you were looking for then there's no pressure at all to do it. Your call either way.

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14 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

I'm here! I'm still here! It sounds fun!

Well, in that case my previous message can be ignored :)

I'll send you both character sheets to fill out, and once we get characters set up, we can begin! (My default plan was to run the game here in the Role-Playing forum, but I am by no means wedded to that idea, so if anyone has a preference for PM or Discord, speak out.)

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