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Will Kaladin say the 5th ideal?

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I doubt that Kaladin will ever say the 5th oath. I think after/if he survives the next 10 days, he will want to go back to being a surgeon/leader of his support group. So there will be less opportunities for him to dramatically announce the 5th ideal. He wants to be done fighting, and although I understand that you don't have to fight to protect, when you don't fight, there's just not as much need for you to swear ideals. On the other hand, of course, this is Kaladin, and he never gets what he wants, so maybe ignore everything I just said.

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On 6/8/2021 at 6:39 AM, a Faceless Immortal said:

Honestly, I just want ma boy to be happy (maybe his 5th ideal can be 'I'll try smiling more' ?)

If that's Kaladin's 5th Ideal, I will laugh out loud lol

"Live before death, Strength before weakness, Journey before destination."

"I will defend those who cannot protect themselves."

"I will defend even those I hate, if it is right."

"I accept that there are those who I cannot protect."

"You know what? I think I'll try smiling more." XD

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14 hours ago, The Sibling said:

I doubt that Kaladin will ever say the 5th oath. I think after/if he survives the next 10 days, he will want to go back to being a surgeon/leader of his support group. So there will be less opportunities for him to dramatically announce the 5th ideal. He wants to be done fighting, and although I understand that you don't have to fight to protect, when you don't fight, there's just not as much need for you to swear ideals. On the other hand, of course, this is Kaladin, and he never gets what he wants, so maybe ignore everything I just said.

I think Kaladin's 5th Ideal will reflect this. Windrunner Ideals are about protection and leadership, right? "I will lead Roshar in how to properly deal with mental health issues." I'm not expecting it to be quite this blunt about it, but I expect that his Ideal will be more about leading the way, and helping people outside of stabbing someone with a spear.

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I think that Kaladins’ 5th ideal will be “I will lead you, I will show you how to protect”.

I don’t think that Kaladin story is ending once he swear the 5th ideal, I think that he have a bigger role ahead of him shaping Roshar for the future. His second arc will probably resemble Dalinar political arc trying to lead the various orders and/or free nations.

We also know that Brandon likes to push the magical-tech in his stories forward, I don’t think that the 5th ideal is necessarily the end for this new generation of KR.

Edited by Blackwarder
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9 minutes ago, Bort said:

Upvote, just for the pun...

I don't think it has. I think there is room for them both.

Maybe it won't happen until we get to the Jasnah flashback book, but I think it'll happen.

Evidence indicates Jasnah will end up with someone else

Spoilers for books 6/7 and WoK Prime



By the way, the chapters from Way of Kings Prime were pretty interesting when I read them in the [Altered Perceptions] anthology. I assume the rest of the book at the moment is still pretty spoilery... about where in The Stormlight Archive series would you consider it 'caught up' enough to do something with the rest of WoK'?

Brandon Sanderson

Unfortunately, one of the ways I made the series work was by splitting the character into two groupings, and doing half in the first five and half in the second. This means that WoK Prime doesn't spoil anything for Dalinar/Kaladin/Shallan. But it has huge spoilers for books six and seven, with Jasnah and Taln. So it will be a while.

General Reddit 2015 (Nov. 16, 2015)


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Guessing that means Jasnah and Taln are a thing in WoK Prime. Shame, but I could actually see that working.

Even so though, we do know Brandon has changed a lot of WoK Prime stuff for Stormlight Archives, so you never know.

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I think Kaladin will swear the 5th oath, but I don't think it will be during or right after the duel, and maybe not even in book 5. It took him more than a year to go from his 3rd oath to his 4th, and then it takes him only 10 days to get to the 5th? Which is supposed to be nearly unobtainable?

I think maybe Jashnah will swear her 5th oath on-screen in book 5, thereby completing that part of the promise, but Kaladin will swear his later. Maybe even in book 9 or 10? I think he'll be in the story by then, though not in the same role he is/was in the first arc.

And if he does end up as a herald in book 5, as I think is likely, he can still swear his last oath - just like Nale did

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2 hours ago, Wrae said:

I think Kaladin will swear the 5th oath, but I don't think it will be during or right after the duel, and maybe not even in book 5. It took him more than a year to go from his 3rd oath to his 4th, and then it takes him only 10 days to get to the 5th? Which is supposed to be nearly unobtainable?

I think the 4th ideal is going to have been the hardest for him, he's always struggled with a lot of survivor's guilt, "I couldn't save them" type stuff, and he seems to have done just about everything he can to majorly improve himself. He's a natural leader and exemplifies everything there is about Windrunners as a group.

2 hours ago, Wrae said:

I think maybe Jashnah will swear her 5th oath on-screen in book 5, thereby completing that part of the promise, but Kaladin will swear his later.

I think Jasnah will either swear off-screen, or during her book in the back 5. Brandon has avoided focusing on her for the front 5 (to the point of giving her a POV in shardplate and not even bringing up how shardplate works.


While I'm not going to comment much about whether or not Kaladin is going to swear his 5th ideal in the 5th book (I think he will, but I don't have anything to support that besides for it would be relatively easy for him and that I really want it) but I hope he survives. His arc to me has been less about surviving these situations, but living on past them. Not about how he couldn't have saved Tien, but how to live with the guilt of not being able to. He has depression, just living is enough of a struggle for him. I think killing kaladin off just undermines that, it strikes me as the easy way out. He doesn't have to do anything important other than be there and support the idea that you can keep going. That it's ok to live on.

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