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White Sand collected edition?


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Per the most recent State of the Sanderson, Brandon says that an omnibus edition of all three volumes of White Sand is in the works, and that it will contain some material not present in the initial release, including a new prologue. Does anyone have any info or updates on when this might be coming out (whether a rough idea or something more specific)? State of the Sanderson doesn't mention, but I was wondering if this had been mentioned anywhere else. 

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  • 11 months later...

@LeonardChurch Here.

To quote,


We should have the graphic novel omnibus coming at you sometime in the near future. I hear that the individual original volumes are sometimes going for a lot of money, but I’d suggest not grabbing one of those but waiting for this new edition. We’ve spent a lot of time making it the quintessential White Sand graphic novel experience, updating text and dialogue to be more in line with the Cosmere. There are 38 new pages at the beginning, revised text and art throughout, a new map and glossary, and fourteen Ars Arcanum pages. We think you’re really going to enjoy experiencing the complete package.


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  • 1 year later...
On 2/26/2021 at 3:35 PM, MasterGhandalf said:

Per the most recent State of the Sanderson, Brandon says that an omnibus edition of all three volumes of White Sand is in the works, and that it will contain some material not present in the initial release, including a new prologue. Does anyone have any info or updates on when this might be coming out (whether a rough idea or something more specific)? State of the Sanderson doesn't mention, but I was wondering if this had been mentioned anywhere else. 

On 1/27/2022 at 8:30 PM, LeonardChurch said:

Is this really true? Where did he say it? In his newsletter? Or was it on his podcast? Sorry, for some many questions, just little excited. Maybe a lot.

I'm not sure if you found out yet or not, but the Omnibus Edition is available through Dynamite's website. 




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Another note, is it does change various lines of dialogue, changes some art, and retcons saltrification (which Brandon repeatedly said wasn't even meant to be in the original release, as it doesn't fit with the magic system and kind of breaks things). So it is more than just the added prologue and ars arcanum. I do really recommend it. 

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  • 1 month later...

For me the Omnibus Edition improves on the original graphic novels in pretty much every aspect.

There's the Ars Arcanum pages, additional chapters for Kriss and Kenton, and also expands on Trackt Ais' character. It has re-written/improved texts overall, improved art and in some parts even rearranged panels, more consistency in art and writing in general (e.g. small details like the sash colours of the sand masters now have a system to them and there are fewer bald sand masters, which makes it easy easier to understand who's who; also Kenton doesn't seem to become ever lighter skinned during the course of the GNs anymore). The story, especially with focus on the (slightly altered from the original) finale, comes full circle now and feels more rounded altogether. And as I understood they also got rid of all the wrong background elements (like boom boxes, electricity etc.) though I didn't check.

While the original felt quite clunky in parts, the updated version feels way more rounded and finished and I like it a lot, so I'd now definitely recommend it (over the original, but also in its own).


Edit: My main gripe with the digital version is probably the non interactive table of contents! And generally that all the text has been embedded into the pictures instead of remaining in text format (which makes it harder to quote anything, e.g. for the Coppermind).

Edited by PanicPug
Added problem with digital version
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