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19 minutes ago, midnight13 said:

Lorena glanced at the knight, nodding curtly. “Have you finished the task I gave you?” She frowned at Olivier. “Do you need me for some reason?” Quietly, she seethed to herself. Foreigners. They had no propriety whatsoever. Zarokhavan would teach them how it was done.


I'd like to point out that Olivier is in fact, Zarokhavan.

Olivier looked a little ashamed at how all of this was going. "It's uh, my boss wanted to send you some details about what he wants out of the negotiations. That is, what he's been told to work on as the Chairman of Commerce."

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6 minutes ago, The Ward's Guard said:

Olivier looked a little ashamed at how all of this was going. "It's uh, my boss wanted to send you some details about what he wants out of the negotiations. That is, what he's been told to work on as the Chairman of Commerce."

Lorena’s mood darkened. The last thing she wanted to do right now was meet and deal with a simpering, dull witted chairman right now, but she nodded anyway. “Lead the way, then,” she said, sighing.

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1 hour ago, midnight13 said:

Lorena’s mood darkened. The last thing she wanted to do right now was meet and deal with a simpering, dull witted chairman right now, but she nodded anyway. “Lead the way, then,” she said, sighing.

Olivier cleared his throat again, "yes well, he uh, he outlined everything he wanted you to include in the negotiations on a uh, a piece of paper." Olivier started patting his pockets, searching for where he had placed the paper. After a few seconds of searching, his face started to turn red and he started stammering, "I know I placed it . . . somewhere. Ah, here it is!" Olivier produced an envelope from one of his pockets and offered it to Lorena. The envelope had the Chairman of Commerce's seal on it, which was still closed.

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Just now, The Ward's Guard said:

Olivier cleared his throat again, "yes well, he uh, he outlined everything he wanted you to include in the negotiations on a uh, a piece of paper." Olivier started patting his pockets, searching for where he had placed the paper. After a few seconds of searching, his face started to turn red and he started stammering, "I know I placed it . . . somewhere. Ah, here it is!" Olivier produced an envelope from one of his pockets and offered it to Lorena. The envelope had the Chairman of Commerce's seal on it, which was still closed.

Lorena snatched the envelope from his hand and dismissed him curtly with a nod. “Knight,” she said, again, to Dawn. “Have you completed the task I gave you?” @JesterLavorre

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2 hours ago, midnight13 said:

Lorena snatched the envelope from his hand and dismissed him curtly with a nod. “Knight,” she said, again, to Dawn. “Have you completed the task I gave you?” @JesterLavorre

With this dismissal, Olivier backed away from Lorena, obviously intimidated. He watched Dawn to see what she would do.

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53 minutes ago, The Ward's Guard said:

Anyone else want to be introduced in this general area, or are we good to get on with other stuff?


I mean, I need to introduce my character sooner rather than later, so... I'll do that in a bit.


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On 2/9/2021 at 1:58 AM, midnight13 said:

It’s okay. :) I’m not even sure what it is. Just to...assassinate some other people. Do you have any ideas who to assassinate? I was thinking maybe another family member or friend. 


Yay! In anyone has someone for Dawn to kill, speak up! :D

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Deirek speed-walked down the hallway of the large tri-border building, holding a briefcase in his left hand and a small notepad in his right. After the Ladies' deaths, Lord Pending sent him to the Assembly to announce the passings and be the spokesperson for the grieving family. On his notepad held the opinions and votes of the Lord and the young Lady, so if they were not able to make the last bits of the assembly, he could speak for them. Deirek turned down a few hallways and found himself in a large auditorium that could seat roughly one thousand people. About fifty were already there, as the meetings would not actually start for another hour or so. He found the duo of seats assigned to his lord and lady and sat in one. Now just to wait for the meeting to start.


Alen sat in a carriage, wearing the most frivolous and frilly gown imaginable, all in black and silver. Across from her was her father, also wearing black. His eyes were rimmed with red and tear streaks still were visible even though his eyes had long since dried up. Behind their carriage were the two wooden boxes that held... It was too painful to think about. Alen looked out the window, wishing the weather would match her mood. Instead it was the most beautiful of days, like the world was trying to deny the loss of... Alen shut another thought out of her head. She wanted to think of something - anything - that would keep her mind out of that pit of darkness. She triggered her Effect, watching it calmly spin as though nothing happened, as though Alen's whole world didn't just come crashing down.


Sorry if that was a bit sad, so here's a funny cat photo I found on the internet to brighten the mood:





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Olivier backed away from the pair and started to explore the area. He wasn't sure when the assembly itself began, but even still he was going to be incredibly busy. After all, his work wouldn't do itself.


The intent here is that Olivier can be in a position to bump into any number of people before the assembly actually begins and talk with them.


Edited by The Ward's Guard
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Since this rp is inactive rn, let's introduce my character and write a bit about her so we can try to get this started and so I don't keep bothering myself about this for the billionth time, lol.

Anyways, my condensed character sheet:

Name: Keres Lashay

Appearance: She has dark green eyes that seem to be a lighter shade when in the light. She has a darker shade of ginger for hair, with the highlights of blonde every here and there; it goes past her jawline. She stands at 5' 5" and is built slender.

Personality: A bit bubbly, as if nothing is wrong. Seems to have an optimistic view on anything and everything. She's excited about anything that may come up, even if it might be to take the trash out. She looks to be accepting about anything that anyone says, giving her opinion here and there when it is needed.

Position: She is working as a middle-class assistant to the king of Zarokhavan. There is really nothing else that special about her position.

Keres pushed her ginger hair from her eyes, taking a deep breath. She looked out the window of the carriage, admiring the sights for perhaps the millionth time. She should be used to this, she knew it, but there was always a bit of awe that came in whenever she made her way to assemblies or any sorts of meetings in the city. Being the king's assistant did have its perks, such as the carriage, but sometimes it didn't allow her to see the sights. That's why she always went out at night to not only admire the nightly sights, but to complete some personal errands that she couldn't do in the day.

She flattened her dark maroon dress, then reaching out for her notes. Keres always kept them in an orderly fashion, keeping them according to the plans of the king and whatever plans she had going on for the rest of the day. If they weren't kept in order, Keres wouldn't be able to live with herself. It wasn't that she was super OCD about it, it was just because if everything didn't go according to plan the king's and her own schedule, their time would be a bit wasted. Although, there was that small bit in her that thrived in the chaos of not knowing what's next and every day she worked with the king, she found herself wanting to live life like that; however she knew that schedules were important and that's why she kept to her plans.

The carriage came to a stop, which caused Keres to look up. She hadn't realized how much time and scenery has passed when she was lost in her thoughts. Pulling her hair in a tail, she let out a breath. She snatched her notes and writing utensils, sticking one behind her ear in the mess of her ginger hair. Despite of being to all sorts of these kinds of meetings before, Keres found herself trembling ever so slightly. The trembling subsided when she reminded herself why she was here and what she was going to do. After all, it was going to take work to be able to keep notes on what happened at the assembly.

The door opened to the outdoors, sunlight spilling into the carriage. Keres squinted a bit, then rose from her seat to meet the outdoors while holding her notes in one arm. The coachman waited patiently, then offered a gloved hand towards her. She gave him a smile, taking his offered hand and climbed out of the carriage. Her heels hit the cobblestone underneath, making it seem almost as if the only sound in the whole city but she knew that there were more sounds to be discovered.

Before letting go of the coachman's hand, Keres leaned in close to his ear. "If I'm not out at the allotted time, Leander, don't come for me," she whispered before letting go and giving him a slight nod.

Leander gave a nod back, bowing to her. "Of course, my lady."

She gave him a reassuring smile, seeing the carriage off before turning about, looking at the large building.

Just another job, she told herself, walking to the building with notes in hand.

Apparently, there were more people on their way towards the building. Keres tilted her head, considering her options before she made her way towards the group. 

Just another job.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a while since things have happened here, so should I just start the meeting right now?

@Lecky Twig @I think I am here. @Mystic Syn @The Ward's Guard @midnight13 @2EmLee2 @Not an Ookla @Dannex @Condensation @The Unknown Order @JesterLavorre


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  • 2 months later...

Olivier arrived at the assembly doors just as they were closing. He tried to dash up towards them to squeeze inside, but he was winded before he even got halfway there. He stopped ten feet away from the door, panting from the sprint and spitting out the extra saliva that was in his mouth. He silently cursed himself for having one of his fits right before the assembly. He knew how important it was for him to get inside to watch what was going on, but he instead sighed, walking off to get some of his other work done since he couldn't enter the building. He would have to chat with Theen about what was going on in there, he just needed to know.

@JesterLavorre @The Unknown Order @Mystic Syn @Enter a username


I'm using this as an excuse to start up the assembling. That is, unless you guys think otherwise.


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  • 6 months later...

After the funeral services, Alen sat with her father in a too-plush study with a fire going in the fireplace, casting a warm glow over the dimly lit room.

"What did you want to talk about?" Alen asked.

"Listen, Alen, now that you're the la- the lad-" He cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. "The lady. Alenara Pending- I believe that is is about time for you to get married."

Alen's heart seemed to stop. "What- what do you mean?"

"In about a month, we will hold a gala where all the possible suitors will come to offer for your hand. I want the best for you, so the most well-off one will you eventually marry."

Alen's head ran through a list of the richest, unwed men that had been drilled into her brain during the times she actually went to class during her time at the boarding school. I'm not going to marry some ugly old trout sniffer just because he's rich, she thought.

Also, "But, father, I'm sixteen! You can't expect me to get married that young!"

Lord Pending stood up and raised his voice. "As lady of House Pending of the mighty country of Xalinas, it is your duty to marry and bring gain to our house, in favor of our King!"

Alen stood and swiftly walked away, not wanting her father to see the new tears welling out of her eyes. As if life couldn't get worse, she thought.

Edited by Ookla the Ballerina
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