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Ishar and kaladin as well as a few theories on the nature of kaladins extra abilities


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Kaladin has a lot of little indications around him that he isn’t quite a normal windrunner but these have yet to be explained. If anyone 

for example 

1. deflecting the high storm- though this could be an instinctive use of adhesion

2. The way the wind seems to grant him supernatural fighting prowess which is in my mind described almost like atium. The wind blowing around him could be adhesion but I don’t see why that would grant him enhanced senses, speed and coordination especially to the level that it does, on top of the fact that no other windrunner shows this happening nobody else has this kind of wind imagery.

3. Child of tanavast- we know that kaladin being the only person called child of tanavast is significant but we don’t know why yet, it’s possible this imparts him with these other abilities.

4. the way kaladin kills the pursuer is a very very odd instance, it’s possible it’s the standard wind thing but that doesn’t normally do what happened here. Kaladin becomes enraged and gains super speed, a power which as far as we have seen only one other power set in the cosmere grants. (Feruchamy) that’s not even to mention the yellowish red tint to his eyes venli sees which indicates potentially some level of corruption from odium.

if anyone would be able to see understand and explain what is up with all of this it is ishar, the most practiced bondsmith ever, capable seeing connections could surely be able to determine this and in fact this may be what helps convince ishar to help Dalinar, he sincere believes he is an aspect of the almighty but maybe something about kaladin and the fact that the son of tanavast thing may indicate he actually is one.

so what could happen when they meet?

one theory I do have that’s a bit crackpot is that this has soemthing to do with cultivation, cultivation being a god of change and nature seems to me like it very well could have some level of manipulation over stuff like the winds and maybe she granted this power, this could also explained the slightly corrupted eyes since red investiture is corrupted seemingly regardless of what other type is corrupting it.

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There is definitely something unusual about Kaladin. He has displayed abilities that no one else has and Brandon has confirmed that some are special to him. (Some, like his plate abilities are not unique, he is just the first of the radiants to do it.) I don't think that Cultivation is responsible for them, or at least not directly. When she grants gifts to someone it is in person and Kaladin has not met Cultivation. 

So do we know anything about Kaladin that could account for this? He is bonded to Syl, who is the first Honorspren created by the Stormfather. Also, she has been with him since he was a child, much like Shallan.

That's all I can think of.

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On 13.1.2021 at 3:10 PM, Valigus said:

one theory I do have that’s a bit crackpot is that this has soemthing to do with cultivation, cultivation being a god of change and nature seems to me like it very well could have some level of manipulation over stuff like the winds and maybe she granted this power, this could also explained the slightly corrupted eyes since red investiture is corrupted seemingly regardless of what other type is corrupting it.

What if Hesina went to the Nightwatcher while pregnant and that’s when Cultivation changed Kaladin ?

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On 1/14/2021 at 9:33 PM, KSub said:

So do we know anything about Kaladin that could account for this? He is bonded to Syl, who is the first Honorspren created by the Stormfather. Also, she has been with him since he was a child, much like Shallan.

I don’t think Syl has been with him since he was a child. She felt pulled to him during the time when he was fighting in Amaram’s army (coppermind article says it was some time in 1170). 

As to what might be special about Kal, this one line from TWoK jumped out at me recently. It’s from when he is strung up in the highstorm:


He screamed, clutching his single sphere as if it were a lifeline. The scream was a mistake, as it let that coldness course into his mouth. Like a spirit forcing its arm down his throat.

I’ve seen some theories floating around that maybe the Stormfather had Tanavast’s cognitive shadow. Maybe he’d been looking for a good candidate on whom to bestow it? It’s probably a stretch but just thought I’d point it out.

There’s also something to what Moash says about no one but Kal being able to kill Kal. There are moments even as early as TWoK where Kaladin very consciously chooses to keep going rather than give in to death.

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On 1/14/2021 at 0:52 PM, Shob the Voidbringer said:

just going to note, your "crackpot theory", isn't that wild, seeing as 1. lots of people have theorized that cultivation did something to kal, and 2. we know, or at least assume, that cultivation has manipulated several people to her advantage

Ok so I saw it pointed out the other day taht syl describes hearing a pure note or tone calling her to kaladin almsot, we have assumed it to be tien but it could have been cultivation


I don’t think Syl has been with him since he was a child. She felt pulled to him during the time when he was fighting in Amaram’s army (coppermind article says it was some time in 1170). 

As to what might be special about Kal, this one line from TWoK jumped out at me recently. It’s from when he is strung up in the highstorm:

I’ve seen some theories floating around that maybe the Stormfather had Tanavast’s cognitive shadow. Maybe he’d been looking for a good candidate on whom to bestow it? It’s probably a stretch but just thought I’d point it out.

There’s also something to what Moash says about no one but Kal being able to kill Kal. There are moments even as early as TWoK where Kaladin very consciously chooses to keep going rather than give in to death.

That could be a good reason as to why, makes sense as to why he would be son of tanavast then. It also may help explain the stormblessed cult that’s springing up. Another thing I thought of what if it’s a spiritual feedback loop like his spear skills. For example ishar displayed a similar ability to the pseudo-atium kaladin displays in the arena fight in wor so maybe kaladin becomes a bondsmith or more likely To cause this a shard, maybe sort of his being so hard to kill is he picks up a dawnshard like hoid. The power could be leaking back in time sicne the spiritual realm doesn’t have time.

Edited by Valigus
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2 hours ago, Valigus said:

Another thing I thought of what if it’s a spiritual feedback loop like his spear skills. For example ishar displayed a similar ability to the pseudo-atium kaladin displays in the arena fight in wor

I like this idea and had forgotten just how much of an atium-like ability Kal has at times. Just got to this part of TWoK chapter 43 in my re-read:


Hashal didn’t display a hint of anger at the comment. She flicked her fingers to the side, and one of the soldiers stepped forward and rammed the butt of his spear toward Kaladin’s stomach. Kaladin caught it, old reflexes still too keen. Possibilities flashed through his mind, and he could see the fight before it took place.

Yank on the spear, throw the soldier off guard.

Step forward and ram an elbow into his forearm, making him drop the weapon.

Take control, spin the spear up and slam the soldier on the side of the head.

Spin into a sweep to drop the two who came to help their companion. Raise the spear for the—

No. That would only get Kaladin killed. Kaladin released the butt of the spear. The soldier blinked in surprise that a mere bridgeman had blocked his blow. Scowling, the soldier jerked the butt up and slammed it into the side of Kaladin’s head.

Kaladin let it hit him, rolling with it, allowing it to toss him to the ground. His head rang from the shock, but his eyesight stopped spinning after a moment. He’d have a headache, but probably no concussion.

He took in a few deep breaths, lying on the ground, hands forming fists. His fingers seemed to burn where he had touched the spear.

We still don’t really know much about what’s going on with this spear-induced future sight do we? Why do his fingers seem to burn? Just Spiritual mumbo-jumbo I guess?

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On 2/20/2021 at 11:21 AM, mdross81 said:

I’ve seen some theories floating around that maybe the Stormfather had Tanavast’s cognitive shadow.

That’s uh, not a theory. The Stormfather is merged with Tanavast’s CS.

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1 hour ago, Dannex said:

That’s uh, not a theory. The Stormfather is merged with Tanavast’s CS.

Yeah. That’s a brain fart on my part. Although I guess my thought was more that perhaps the SF had some ability to bestow all or some of the Cognitive shadow on someone. 

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