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Random Parodies Done for Fun

The Ward's Guard

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In the year 1173, in the first battle, when the Everstorm first awakened, one stood. Broken by the plains that had been shattered, his soul blistered by the fires of Damnation and tainted beyond Tranquility, he chose the path of perpetual torment to defend others. In his burning devotion, he found no peace, and with boiling blood he scoured the lands of Roshar seeking vengeance against the Fused lords who had wronged him. He wore the medal of an Alethi Highmarshal, and those that tasted the bite of his spear named him . . . The Stormblessed.


Hey all, I just was minding my own business when I had the dumb idea to take a pre-existing monologue and remake so that instead of being about the original subject, the "parody" is about our favorite Windrunner Kaladin Stormblessed.

The monologue that this is based off of is from the Doom Franchise, and is called "I. Dogma." (Disclaimer, I have not actually played any of the Doom games, I simply heard the originally and thought it was so cool that I just had to screw around with it until it fit for our good friend Kaladin). Click on the Video link to be sent to a Youtube video that seemed fitting considering the source material.

Feel free to place anything else that you think might be neat that's a parody or reimagining of something. This is just me sharing this dumb thing that I thought of, so the bar isn't high.

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In the Last Desolation, in the Battle for Thaylen City, when Odium first showed himself, one stood. He chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous Thrill, he found no peace. And with boiling blood, he scoured the Shattered Plains, seeking vengeance against the God of Emotion who had wronged him. And those that tasted the bite of his Shardblade named him... The Blackthorn.

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