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Hello fron Spain


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I'm really bad at this, so I decided to read some introductions from other people. So...

My favourite book from Sanderson is... Allí of them. Well..., Perhaps The Way of Kings. And the character is even harder yo say. Kaladin, Lift, Kelsier, Sazed, Shallan, Rock, Raoden...

I try to look for the English version of  place and character names, please apologize if I forget it any time, and the possible mistakes in this and other posts.

Knights Radiant quiz-> Truthwatcher


Edited by ajotatxe
A question
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7 hours ago, ajotatxe said:


I'm really bad at this, so I decided to read some introductions from other people. So...

My favourite book from Sanderson is... Allí of them. Well..., Perhaps The Way of Kings. And the character is even harder yo say. Kaladin, Lift, Kelsier, Sazed, Shallan, Rock, Raoden...

I try to look for the English version of  place and character names, please apologize if I forget it any time, and the possible mistakes in this and other posts.


Welcome to the Shard, @ajotatxe!

Haha, no worries! It’s all right! By the way, I am moving to Spain next year for my father’s sabbatical! So, that’ll be cool! I will be living in Jaca, Huesca, Spain. Do you know it? 
Anyways, what’s your favorite cosmere character? (My favorite book is way of kings too. :))

Edited by Bearer of all agonies
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7 hours ago, ajotatxe said:


I'm really bad at this, so I decided to read some introductions from other people. So...

My favourite book from Sanderson is... Allí of them. Well..., Perhaps The Way of Kings. And the character is even harder yo say. Kaladin, Lift, Kelsier, Sazed, Shallan, Rock, Raoden...

I try to look for the English version of  place and character names, please apologize if I forget it any time, and the possible mistakes in this and other posts.


Welcome! We have...a shocking amount of similarities, which is amazing! The Way of Kings is one of my favorites as well, though I might say Words of Radiance if you ask me on a different day. I love Shallan as well! And Rock, of course.

Did you take the Knights Radiant order quiz? What's your order? :)

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12 hours ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

@ajotatxeI will be living in Jaca, Huesca, Spain. Do you know it? 


Anyways, what’s your favorite cosmere character? (My favorite book is way of kings too. :))

Never been there but I know where it is. Jaca was relatively important in Middle Age, so it must be a very nice town. I live in Ávila now, but i move frequently.

I can't decide for a character. My heart says Kaladin, but I know that it is kind of another superhero with a hard childhood and so on. Kelsier v2.0, say, with extra tons of honor.

My head says Shallan and her complexity, but I don't feel so much as with Kal.

Edited by ajotatxe
Posted accidentally :)
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