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Attention everyone! Newbie incoming!


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Hello everyone :))

I am a little bit intimidated by how huge this community is and the fact that I'm more of a casual reader myself and even though I keep track of events and characters and timelines, there's a lot of stuff I miss out and I always wait until Sanderson surprises me with the continuation of his books. However, I have been around here for a while already, lurking in the shadows while reading a lot of theories and discussions, but I never had the courage to actually sign up until today! I hope I can fit in just fine. Thank you for having me. :))

Just to clarify a few things: I'm Spanish, which means that I will mess up with my English a lot (and I mean, a lot) and I've read Brandon Sanderson's books in Spanish (Rhythm of War included). I was thinking of rereading all his books in English, though, and there are terms and such that I've looked up already, so it was just more of a fact about me rather than an actual problem with me being able to understand the forums and all.

And that's all because this is looking too long lol

Happy to be aboard!

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Welcome to the Shard! Yeah, the community here is huge and so amazing. There are so many great people here. When I joined, I head read all the books, but didn’t really know a thing about anything people were talking about. :P 

Whats your favorite cosmere book?

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4 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

Welcome to the shard! And don't worry, there's plenty of people like yourself, who aren't the megafans that many of us are.

Thank you! Haha, that's nice, I just hope I can become one of those "megafans" as well someday!


2 minutes ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

Welcome to the Shard! Yeah, the community here is huge and so amazing. There are so many great people here. When I joined, I head read all the books, but didn’t really know a thing about anything people were talking about. :P 

Whats your favorite cosmere book?

Thank you! Honestly, that's how I felt when I discovered this community and The Coppermind Wiki. I was like "wait whaaat there's more to this than I initially thought!"

Honestly, I love all of Sanderson's books I've read so far (well, sort of), but The Stormlight Archive are the ones that have grown on me a lot. I was already very much in love with Mistborn and I still love Mistborn with all my heart to this day because those were the books that made me discover the Cosmere and all, but the themes that TSA talks about really resonated with me (overall the mental health theme). Cliché, yes, but it's the truth!

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Awesome! My first book was the Way of Kings, so that will always be my favorite(though Rhythm of War might take it’s place). I love all the cosmere, and non cosmere, basically anything Sanderson I like. :) 

What’s your favorite cosmere character?

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10 minutes ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

Awesome! My first book was the Way of Kings, so that will always be my favorite(though Rhythm of War might take it’s place). I love all the cosmere, and non cosmere, basically anything Sanderson I like. :) 

What’s your favorite cosmere character?

Oh wow, Way of Kings! I hope it wasn't too confusing at first ahaha. And me as well! I like his non Cosmere books too, although I still have to read a few of them.

I really can't choose :(( I love a lot of characters and I have my own favorites with each book I read (I don't know if that makes any sense though? I hope it does, if it doesn't I'll explain it on another post welp) but Kaladin is very important to me, his character arc too!

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54 minutes ago, Anders said:

Just to clarify a few things: I'm Spanish, which means that I will mess up with my English a lot (and I mean, a lot) and I've read Brandon Sanderson's books in Spanish

Well, I (probably) make a lot of mistakes too, so don’t worry :P. 
Also I am not a mega fan, I haven’t even read RoW. (Mostly because of language) 

What’s your favorite Cosmere creature?

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19 minutes ago, EmiTheNinja said:

Well, I (probably) make a lot of mistakes too, so don’t worry :P. 
Also I am not a mega fan, I haven’t even read RoW. (Mostly because of language) 

What’s your favorite Cosmere creature?

It's good to know that, we're together in this ahaha

Oh hey that's fine! I'm wondering how the hype hasn't eaten you alive yet haha. I am grateful Rhythm of War got released here in Spain only two days later. I would have read it in English, probably, the hype was too much!

Hm... that's a good question. The ones that came up to my mind first were the kandra. But I am fascinated by The Sleepless

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5 hours ago, Anders said:

Oh wow, Way of Kings! I hope it wasn't too confusing at first ahaha. And me as well! I like his non Cosmere books too, although I still have to read a few of them.

I really can't choose :(( I love a lot of characters and I have my own favorites with each book I read (I don't know if that makes any sense though? I hope it does, if it doesn't I'll explain it on another post welp) but Kaladin is very important to me, his character arc too!

It was very confusing. :P
After I read it a few times, I eventually began to understand all the worldbuilding and character. It was an amazing day. ;) 

Yeah, Kaladin’s character arc is special, like very special. 

Edited by Bearer of all agonies
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Welcome to the shard @Anders it is great to have you here. Don’t worry about your English, many here do not have English as there first language. Happens when an author becomes a global phenomena. 

13 hours ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

I head read all the books, but didn’t really know a thing about anything people were talking about.

This is exactly how I had felt when I had joined the shard! 

13 hours ago, Anders said:

Thank you! Honestly, that's how I felt when I discovered this community and The Coppermind Wiki. I was like "wait whaaat there's more to this than I initially thought!"


me too. I had no idea about coppermind and all the wobs! But ppl here are really nice and you make great friends!

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9 hours ago, Aon Tia said:

I had no idea about coppermind and all the wobs! But ppl here are really nice and you make great friends!

Haha. Same! No wonder everyone here gets along so well. :) 

Yeah, people here are the best. Thanks to all my friends on the Shard!

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