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Cousin Question/Possible Theory


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I have no idea if this is the post-story hangover but I noticed something listening to the audiobook after I did my first read. 
It’s either a possible theory, error or nothing out of the ordinary. Figured the pals on the forums would be able to decide which it is

Couple facts for context:

- The Sibling is a spren created created by both Honor and Cultivation.

- Sja-anat mentions that Unmade were “Made and unmade at Odiums hand. 

- it’s a decent assumption that the Unmade are in a way kinda, possibly, the Voidspren equivalent of God spren like the Bondsmith spren. 

So, while listening to the Sja-anat interlude, during her conversation with Odium, Sja-anat tells Odium she would like to see her cousin again(who is inferred to be the Sibling though not mentioned by name) and that her cousin was the creation of Honor and Cultivation. She also remarks that Odium “hates that she referred to the Sibling as her cousin”. 

Thus the question. Are the unmade, or at least Sja-anat, a creation of Odium and Cultivation? If this were the case then Sja-anat and the Sibling would the literal human definition of cousins. Why does Odium hate when Sja-anat refers to the Sibling as cousin? Maybe because odium and Culti had a “thing” and the Sibling represents the unity of Honor and Culti so Odium is feeling a bit, as the kids say, “jelly”. 

Three biggest holes I see with this is the fact that she explicitly says Odium made and unmade her and doesn’t mention Honor or Culti. Another is that Sja-anat could be, if this theory is half correct, a creation of Honor and Odium. And lastly, Odium hates that she refers to the Sibling that way simply because he’s the god hatred and hates the symbol the Sibling stands for, the will of both his enemies will made manifest. Oh and also I have no idea what the “thing” between them could actually be but I’m inclined to think it wasn’t romantic. It could be Odium got the proverbial “left on read” by Culti. 

I don’t which way I lean but if I had to pick it’d be that this is just a face value thing of Sja-anat taking the opportunity to get under Odiums skin. But I thought I’d bring it here just in case someone else picked up on it or just to tell me I’m cracked. 

edit: Another hole lol, maybe this wasn’t as solid as I thought. Sja could also just be referring to the Sibling as cousin in the broad sense that kinda every spren is related to one another in some way. 

Though the whole “The Unmade were Honor and Cultivation spren Odium directly corrupted to combat Honor’s Heralds” could have some traction. 

This turned into a hot mess real fast. 

Edit 2(this is never going to end, friends): Literally just finished listening to the interlude and Sja says Old Man T is a weapon. We know Culti molded T to be able to replace Rayse. Did Culti clue in Sja because Sja was once Culti’s spren or a spren of Odium and Culti? 

My brain hurts again.

Make it stop.

Edited by Kered
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My take is that the Unmade were all Honor/Cultivation spren tied to all the ways Cultivation and Honor changed Roshar, like how the animals all have crystal radios that react to investiture, or how they added bits of themselves to already existing spren to make sentient spren (windspren->honorspren). Then Odium unmade, then remade them.

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Updates and Edited like 7 times

21 minutes ago, seriodor said:

My take is that the Unmade were all Honor/Cultivation spren tied to all the ways Cultivation and Honor changed Roshar, like how the animals all have crystal radios that react to investiture, or how they added bits of themselves to already existing spren to make sentient spren (windspren->honorspren). Then Odium unmade, then remade them.

Solid take, I didn’t think of that. 

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1 hour ago, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

This is only tangentially related, but I'm a big fan of the theory that Sja-anat is gonne become a bondsmith spren based on stuff like her calling the Sibling her cousin

A bondsmith Voidiant (that's just what I call Radiants like Renarin) with the ability to make other Enlightened Spren... Hoo boy. Navani would probably either hate or love them, but nowhere in between. :P

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1 hour ago, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

This is only tangentially related, but I'm a big fan of the theory that Sja-anat is gonne become a bondsmith spren based on stuff like her calling the Sibling her cousin

Well that makes me wonder what qualifies a spren as a bondsmith spren. I'd assume it's a spren that was made that way by Cultivation and Honor. I don't think it's something Sja-anat could be unless she was already something capable of that before she was Unmade.

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On 11/23/2020 at 0:26 AM, Kered said:


Thus the question. Are the unmade, or at least Sja-anat, a creation of Odium and Cultivation? If this were the case then Sja-anat and the Sibling would the literal human definition of cousins. Why does Odium hate when Sja-anat refers to the Sibling as cousin? Maybe because odium and Culti had a “thing” and the Sibling represents the unity of Honor and Culti so Odium is feeling a bit, as the kids say, “jelly”. 

Ok Maybe this will Clarify it for you . Stormfather , Sibling , And Nightwatcher existed on Roshar before Honor and cultivation arrived . Honor and Cultivation Co-opted the mega spren to be thier servants . It’s possible the unmade were 9 other Mega spren that were Co-opted by Odium . Oh Honor invested into Stormfather , Cultivation invested into Nightwatcher and they both invested into the stone spren to make the Sibling ...... look at it that way and see if it makes more sense to you .

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2 minutes ago, SzethIsBadAsHell said:

Ok Maybe this will Clarify it for you . Stormfather , Sibling , And Nightwatcher existed on Roshar before Honor and cultivation arrived . Honor and Cultivation Co-opted the mega spren to be thier servants . It’s possible the unmade were 9 other Mega spren that were Co-opted by Odium . Oh Honor invested into Stormfather , Cultivation invested into Nightwatcher and they both invested into the stone spren to make the Sibling ...... look at it that way and see if it makes more sense to you .

I know it states in the text that Honor and Cultivation created the Sibling to be the bridge between spren and humans. And I don't know if Brandon has stated if the Nightwatcher and Stormfather existed in some capacity prior to the Shards arrival but if/when he did, did he also say if this was the case with the Sibling as well? Cus my read on the Sibiling, from what it says itself, was it being created fully by both Shards basically from "scratch". Not a clue what "from scratch" would mean in this context tbh lol


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32 minutes ago, Kered said:

I know it states in the text that Honor and Cultivation created the Sibling to be the bridge between spren and humans. And I don't know if Brandon has stated if the Nightwatcher and Stormfather existed in some capacity prior to the Shards arrival but if/when he did, did he also say if this was the case with the Sibling as well? Cus my read on the Sibiling, from what it says itself, was it being created fully by both Shards basically from "scratch". Not a clue what "from scratch" would mean in this context tbh lol


It was Created from the Stone spren , which was there when they got to Roshar . 

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