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[Spoilers up to OB] Looking for a recap/summary


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So, I'd put off reading SA for a long long time because of how unfinished it was, but, I finally got around to reading it and after a huge binge session I just today finished Oathbringer.

However, I can't get into ebooks so I have to wait for my physical copy of Dawnshard which is likely going to take some time, so I'm probably going to take a few month break to read some other stuff before I continue on with the series.

Was hoping someone could give/link a bit of a summary of the series of each book I'll be able to use as a recap to get me refreshed when I come back to SA. 

Preferably in this thread, rather than a link, as spoilers are going to be easier and easier to stumble across as time goes on.



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Given how big the books are, a summary short enough to fit in a post here would be so short as to be not terribly helpful. There are very good rereads of the first three books at Tor that go chapter by chapter if you want something with both summaries and a lot of analysis that might help you find things you missed: Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Oathbringer. Or you can use the Coppermind summaries here, here and here if you just want a quick review of what's in each chapter.

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18 minutes ago, Weltall said:

Given how big the books are, a summary short enough to fit in a post here would be so short as to be not terribly helpful. There are very good rereads of the first three books at Tor that go chapter by chapter if you want something with both summaries and a lot of analysis that might help you find things you missed: Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Oathbringer. Or you can use the Coppermind summaries here, here and here if you just want a quick review of what's in each chapter.


Coppermind might be best, had a quick glance at the layout of the site and doesn't seem like there's much chance of accidental spoilers (Seen a lot of wikis that have stuff like "Popular Pages" and "New Pages" in prominent spots...)

Mind you, the TOR analysis could be interesting... Might come down to if I've finished reading the rest of the Cosmere by the time I come back to SA, as well as how long the analysis actually takes to get through. 

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17 minutes ago, Chaos said:

The Coppermind book summaries should not have spoilers for later books. We also did a quick Stormlight recap series: https://www.17thshard.com/news/features/stormlight-archive-recap-world-and-history-r584/

Oh, that looks awesome! I'll definitely be reading through that in a couple months when I read Dawnshard + RoW.

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