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Theory on Navani's blackmailer/threatener [Dawnshard Spoilers!]


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After reading Dawnshard and seeing Nikli refer to Navani as "Mother of Machines", my theory on the origin of the threat towards Navani in chapter 9 is that one of the Sleepless has had enough of Navani making progress with fabrials and now tries to stop her.

It would have been easy for a hordeling to enter the Fourth Bridge and deposit the spanreed ruby there without anyone noticing, especially since there are hordelings that are able to fly

Whether it would be a rogue Sleepless like Arclomedarian or one aligned with Yelamaiszin, the First, remains unclear to me.

Edit: Well, this theory of mine can be flushed down. Issue is answered in RoW.

Edited by Pattern
RoW answered this question
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I was an advocate of it being a Sleepless, but now I'm in doubt. I still find the Sleepless theory one of the most logicals, but I'm struggling with the fact that because of the events of Dawnshard Navani has a context for what the Sleepless are. The problem here is that IFRC Brandon has said you can dive into RoW without reading Dawnshard. Thing is I don't see a scenario where she doesn't reference that previouse knowledge from Dawnshard if her blackmailer turns out to be a Sleepless ( which would be a Dawnshard spoiler IMHO) The other possibility is that it's a Sleepless but she doesn't find out on this book, but that would simply seem like no pay-off on a plot set from part 1. But then again, it is Sanderson, if someone can Dodge spoilers it's him. So maybe it's a Sleepless and -no surprise- it will be delt with beautifly.

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