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Neon Reads The Wheel of Time


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Elaidaaaaaaaa why are you so duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumb listen to the god damn warniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! "The rebels are no threat they can't reach us without us knowing several days in advance WHY ARE THEY HERE" "The Seanchan are no threat, they're all the way in Altara, they can't reach us without us knowing several days in advance" AND HOW IN THE GOD DAMN WORLD DO YOU THINK THAT'S GOING TO END!

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A deal with the Dark One. But he would do whatever it took to get Faile free

Ch 4. Fantastic chapter. AAAAAAAA

I'm kind of surprised that the Seanchan relented without any argument about the channelers. I would have expected them to fight at least a little bit harder regardless of their need


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Morgase can't catch a break. She just keeps getting thrown from one bad situation to another. First she's mind controlled by Rahvin, then she's abused by Valda, then she's in the Seanchan's hands, and then when she finally escapes, she gets captured by the Shaido. Will this woman ever know peace. She's spent almost her entire screentime from like book 3 onwards captured by someone

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3 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Hmmmmm very interesting. I've been wondering about Noal's identity for a while now. Is he Jain Farstrider? Did something similar to what happened to Birgitte happen to him? This man has a story to him for certain, and this conversation about Jain Farstrider is very interesting


yes, he is. and no, he's just old. I had assumed he was historical and long dead as well at first, but apparently "The Adventures of Jain Farstrider" took place only a few decades ago.


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19 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Elaidaaaaaaaa why are you so duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumb listen to the god damn warniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! "The rebels are no threat they can't reach us without us knowing several days in advance WHY ARE THEY HERE" "The Seanchan are no threat, they're all the way in Altara, they can't reach us without us knowing several days in advance" AND HOW IN THE GOD DAMN WORLD DO YOU THINK THAT'S GOING TO END!

Elaida dumb because Red Ajah superiority complex.

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1 minute ago, Dunkum said:

just in case your question about Noal was more rhetorical. answer is there if you want it, and shouldnt spoil anything else

It was rhetorical. I was making a theory. I feel quite confident in this theory as well. I don't believe that story about him being a cousin of Jain, but I also don't feel it's necessarily entirely a lie. I assume Noal's true story is said in the series?

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22 minutes ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

It was rhetorical. I was making a theory. I feel quite confident in this theory as well. I don't believe that story about him being a cousin of Jain, but I also don't feel it's necessarily entirely a lie. I assume Noal's true story is said in the series?

you'll get a pretty definitive answer by the end of Towers of Midnight

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1 hour ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Mat is peak fiction. Mat is the best character. I love this man. So much. I've been feeling him as the best character for a while now. But he's so PEAK now. I can't stress how much that scene grew my love for this man

Which scene are you referencing?

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Just now, The cheeseman said:

Which scene are you referencing?

The scene with Mat removing the a'dam from the Aes Sedai in Tuon's cabin. The very specific quotes that got that out of me was


"They annoy me, too." Placing his fingers just so, he pressed, and the collar clicked open



"I could let Precious keep you for a few days, until you change your mind." Joline's collar clicked open in his hands. "But I won't."


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I don't like that Renaile is being sent out of the Palace now. I didn't like that right after Elayne said that they had no idea whether Kara could be trusted on her own, they left her on her own with only another former damane for company. That gives me a very bad feeling and I think bad things will happen because of that.

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Alright since Logain has taken most of the Asha'man who aren't under Taim's thumb away from there, I think I can safely put the Black Tower in the "villain" category now

Man with all this buildup, I can see why Jordan wanted to finish the series one book after this. It FEELS like Tarmon Gai'don will be next book. How in the world are we gonna stretch this for three more books

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Yeah when I was talking on the Discord I was listing everything that still needs to happen and realized it could easily fit into three books.

I think this book will finish one of the three ongoing plotlines, most likely Perrin saving Faile (Egwene and Elayne's plots just got small developments this book while Perrin feels like we're coming up to his conclusion).

I think Gathering Storm will be giving Egwene the Tower and Elayne the crown, as well as setting up the fight between Rand and Taim, Mat saving Moiraine, and maybe getting the Seanchan in place to assault the Tower.

Then I think Towers of Midnight will be focused on those three things. Rand and Taim will get into a major conflict, the Seanchan will attack the Tower, and Mat will save Moiraine, followed by setting everyone else in their places for the last battle (Rand getting the Seanchan to stop invading and actually help people, getting the Horn to Mat, etc), and the end of the book will be Tarmon Gai'Don starting properly.

And then obviously A Memory of Light is just the Last Battle. That's the whole book. That one seems pretty obvious. 

There's obviously a lot of other smaller things that need to happen, this is far from comprehensive. But those are what I think will be the major conflicts. We obviously still need to resolve a lot of other smaller plot points as well

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yea, a whole bunch of big stuff, plus some more minor stuff as well. I remember when Brandon was picked to take it over, and it was announced it would be three books, that there were people complaining (not sure how extensive that was, but i encountered some) because Jordan had said he'd finish after 1 more book. and I was listing those dangling plot threads out to myself and thinking there was no way 1 book was ever feasible. pretty sure Jordan said that only because he knew HE wouldn't manage more than 1 with his declining health, and wanted to finish.

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