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The Rhythm of War Cover's Here!


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Finally, it's here! I've been checking tor.com daily since April to see when it's posted. Here's a link to the cover. 


I know there will be a news article, but I'm so excited I can't wait. I really love this one. It's my second favorite cover so far after WoK. WoR was too similar to the first cover in my opinion, and OB was particularly disappointing. I didn't dislike it per say, but that wall for a background in OB made the cover feel a bit too monotone, although seeing a thunderclast and Jasnah soul casting made for some epic images. The RoW cover though, it's so vibrant, and the color palette is so different from previous ones. Also, we get to see Adolin! Eeeeeeee! I wasn't sure if the cover would be of the same scene as the Bulgarian one. I was sort of hoping for a different one, just because I felt like seeing the Bulgarian cover first might take away from the novelty of the Whelan cover, but I'm finding that to not be the case. It's just so awesome seeing Shadesmar. By the way, what the storms is that monolithic structure on the back cover?

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Okay, I must be incredibly blind but where the storms is Adolin? I can’t see him anywhere. 

Apart from that, I like the cover. The background’s really dynamic and eye-catching, and I love seeing Shadesmar. I still think the Bulgarian cover is my favourite, though. 

Edited by The Awakened Salad
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1 minute ago, The Awakened Salad said:

Okay, I must be incredibly blind but where the storms is Adolin? I can’t see him anywhere. 

He’s on the back. 

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1 hour ago, The Awakened Salad said:

Apart from that, I like the cover. The background’s really dynamic and eye-catching, and I love seeing Shadesmar. I still think the Bulgarian cover is my favourite, though. 

I would have edited my previous post to respond to this, but I can't figure out how to quote somebody and add it to an edited comment lol. But yeah, the Bulgarian cover is absolutely gorgeous. What a brilliant idea to actually hold a competition for the cover art, and props to the artist for winning. For me though, something about Whelan's style feels distinctly Stormlight, like I imagine his style was for fans of the Wheel of Time when that was still coming out. 

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What if that large black monolith in the distance is the cognitive representation of the tower of Urithiru?
We already know a lot is up with the tower already, maybe the way the Sibling inhabited the tower and powered the functions of it has caused some major differences in how it is represented in the Cognitive Realm?

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