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Hoid's story at the Middlefest Fair


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Is this about the Heralds?

Two men stand and contemplate the end of an era

These could be jezrien and Kelek discussing the end of the Oathpact and the fate of Taln.

They talk through the different methods of torture that he would have to endure and question if he can handle the burden they've placed on him. Perhaps Taln has always been the type of person to find the best part of a situation in order to stay strong. The final part, the days where the pain is less is his beauty is their final excuse that allows them to leave their blades behind.

Obviously this can't be literal but it is an interesting metaphor.

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This is an interesting idea. Jezrien and Kelek being blind because they can't foresee the consequenses of their actions.

But if we were to take the story a little more literaly, there are things that don't match: One of the men prays to the God Beyond instead of the Allmighty, and at least him is physicaly blind.

I think the story was about Hoid himself and someone else in a time arround the Shattering. Hoid being only spiritualy blind, as he says in the epilogue. Wish we could read the first man's last reply.

Although, maybe Hoid choose that specific story for it's similarity with Taln's situation.

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You bring up another interesting point, would the Heralds believe that Honor is God? Disillusionment with religion seems to be becoming a trope in Brandon's work with characters like Lightsong and Hrathen (a bit, not fully). 

It could be Hoid and Frost but that is only guess because it's the only character we know who was alive then and isn't a shard. Regardless of who it is, the metaphor is still a good one

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9 minutes ago, Winter said:

You bring up another interesting point, would the Heralds believe that Honor is God? Disillusionment with religion seems to be becoming a trope in Brandon's work with characters like Lightsong and Hrathen (a bit, not fully). 

Ash worships Adonalsium, it seems. The other Heralds might have done the same, or are continuing to do so. 

I’m pretty sure Ishar worships himself though. 

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