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Silver cities


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Hello friends!

As i was reading SA I get some wild theory about the Silver Kingdoms.

I didn't manage to find any topics on this matter so i decided to start a new one.  If my eyes wronged me, please show me where to look ;)

So, the theory 

After Heralds departure Radiants shaped 10 kingdoms according to theirs ideals, so to speak each of the 10 silver kingdoms is based on one of the Orders

  1. Iri - Bondsmiths
    • 3 ruler system as for bondsmiths 3 person order
  2. Shin Kak Nish - ?
  3. Sela Tales - ?
  4. Aimia - Truthwatchers due to the place of origin of various soulcasters 
  5. Makabakam - azish culture reminds me strongly about Elsecallers 
  6. Valhav - Edgedancers 
    • lots of gardens for cultivation sprens and a place of origin for vorin religion - Edgedancers tend to be the most religious order 
  7. Rishir - Dustbringers 
    • The capital is called the city of lightning, guess it's a good name for Dustbringers capital
  8. Alethela - founded by Windrunners 
    • suppose it was more of a warcamp state due to alethi militarisms and azish claims that they lack any culture before Sunmaker's conquest 
  9. Natanatan - Stonewards 
    • The Granite kingdom nickname and the most severe living conditions reminds me of this order love for challenge 
  10. Thalath - Willshapers
    • Country of merchants and sailors is a good pick for freedom-loving order whose sprens are also sailors

Still doubt about placing Skybreakers and Lightweavers anywhere. Shin seems to be a good point for Skybreakers but we have so little info on them and Szeth always could be a deviation.

Also got second thoughts for Iri due to their capital name. The City of Shadows is such a good name for Lightweavers.


Will be happy to read your thoughts on this 

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The Silver Kingdoms weren't specialized like that. Shinovar was where humans were supposed to live when they came to Roshar, Alethela was "watcher at the rim", with traditions of warfare to be prepared for the Desolations. It happened organically, with time



With the ten Silver Kingdoms, what were actually their roles and what kingdoms did they correspond to? Can you say that, or-?

Brandon Sanderson

Well, what do you mean by correspond?


Did the ten Silver Kingdoms each have a job like Alethela was the kingdom of War?

Brandon Sanderson

They would all consider themselves specialized but it wasn't official like that. It was more like their own philosophy and how they view themselves. And I wouldn't align them straight up with orders of Knights Radiant or anything like that.


I wasn't saying that, I was saying, maybe different job or it was like--

Brandon Sanderson

They all did kind of have different roles but its not like they had any-- you know, Thaylenah is your navy, right? Its not necessarily that it's-- if that makes sense, but Alethela has like the view of itself, it had a very distinctive view of itself.


Okay, so it wasn't like each one actually had a different role?

Brandon Sanderson

No, they were not quite, quite, organized enough for that.

Skyward Atlanta signing (Nov. 17, 2018)

After leaving Urithiru many Radiants settled in Alethela, not just the Windrunners, though there was a large group of them that settled there, giving the Windrunner River it's name.

Edited by Honorless
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7 minutes ago, Honorless said:

The Silver Kingdoms weren't specialized like that. Shinovar was where humans were supposed to live when they came to Roshar, Alethela was "watcher at the rim", with traditions of warfare to be prepared for the Desolations. It happened organically, with time

After leaving Urithiru many Radiants settled in Alethela, not just the Windrunners, though there was a large group of them that settled there, giving the Windrunner River it's name.

thanks for answer and WOB!

 But there're such a big coincidence between orders and silver kingdoms...

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