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Adolin & Shallan


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Does Adloin know about Shallans disorder. He told her his secret. Do we think she will tell him. Or will he find out in ROW I think this will be very interesting story line. In my line of work I have witness people who talk to people that are not there and it is disturbing sometimes. I wou der how he would handle it. 

Edited by bdoble97
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I think there's a possibility of either case being true. But for me, I think she hasn't... I don't know I just have a feeling. It surprised me when I read it, because it felt like Veil, Radiant, and Shallan were three different people and I think that's what Shallan thinks as well, I don't know. I hope she did tell Adolin though, but it doesn't seem likely.

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9 minutes ago, CosmereanAntelope said:

I think there's a possibility of either case being true. But for me, I think she hasn't... I don't know I just have a feeling. It surprised me when I read it, because it felt like Veil, Radiant, and Shallan were three different people and I think that's what Shallan thinks as well, I don't know. I hope she did tell Adolin though, but it doesn't seem likely.

I agree with you she probably has not told him. I think there will be a scean were Adolin walks in on Shallan having a blow out with Veil and Radiant. Or something like this 

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25 minutes ago, Karger said:

She told him a lot about it in OB and he interacted with Veil.

Ok I have been rereading Othbringer in parts and peices. But I have not had lot of time. I do not remember that part. But I dont remember her telling him that she is starting to have split personalitys

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54 minutes ago, The Ryshadium said:


Then he responds with the glorious understatement, “That’s worrisome Shallan.” (Haven’t gotten to Oathbringer on my reread yet, but I think it went something like this)

Hmmm I dont remember I have been doing my reread of Othbringer for awhile now just have no time with my wife and 4 daughters home all the time hahah.

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8 hours ago, StormlightFan23 said:

but I think that's saving up for the biggest reveal of all... ;) 

I am excited how that relationship played out as well, what do you mean? 

Judging from Shallan`s mental state, her relationship seems not to have had a postive effect on it. 

Edited by Diomedes
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At first I was going to reflexively reply "of course!" but now that I think about it... It's left really ambiguous in OB. While Adolin interacted with Shallan's disguises and recognized the real her when she was starting to loose herself, I don't think Shallan has told him the true depth of her disorder.

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11 hours ago, Honorless said:

At first I was going to reflexively reply "of course!" but now that I think about it... It's left really ambiguous in OB. While Adolin interacted with Shallan's disguises and recognized the real her when she was starting to loose herself, I don't think Shallan has told him the true depth of her disorder.

Yes I agree with you. He probably thinks it's just some small thing. When it's really much much bigger then that 

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In the end of OB, she also points out that he refuses to be intimate with Veil.  I think she tells him off screen in the falling action of OB.

In the Ch. 7 scene - I don't think this is a good sign for their relationship personally.  Maybe Adolin's just a super saint who is fine with his wife being three different people in the same body.  Maybe he was only asking because he wants to treat each one different.  But to me that read as him not totally liking the others and in some ways not considering them his wife.  I think if you add his reaction there with the "refuse to be intimate" comments, I think what you see is that Adolin really only considers the "Shallan" persona to be his wife.  The others, he treats as either separate people who he may be friends with but doesn't love as a spouse, or as unhealthy expressions of her mental illness that he wants to help her manage.

I'm also viewing this through my own personal lens here, but the idea that I would have to wait to figure out who is behind her eyes before I can hug my wife is just heartbreaking.  

I think we'll get more clues into how Adolin feels about all this fairly soon.  I think it's interesting too the way they talk about killing Ialai.  I think that's going to be a battle between them - Adolin seems to be kind of feeling bad about killing Sadeas now.  Or at least, feeling that it's not something they should do only if it's an absolute last resort, while Shallan (particularly Veil) seems to be saying they should start doing a lot more of these extra-judicial killings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We finally got to see some more Adolin-The 3 interactions in a more private setting!!!! Reactions in order: 

Adolin and Shallan scooting- so cute!

Adolin respecting Shallan's secrets- mixed feelings, he's such a gentleman but she has to move forward.

Adolin worried for Veil to...ehm...cheat?- poor Adolin, I really hope the 3 hold to their understanding.

Adolin arguing with Veil and then back to cuddle with Shallan just like nothing- it can't be eassy, no matter how supportive he is of her split personalities, to disagree like that with a personality of your wife and then simply go back to the one you love.

General Thoughts- I'm a sucker for Shadolin, so I'm really glad to see their relationship working; thow I'm really worried what this whole DID and Ghostblood secrets might do to them specially with Formless lurking in the subconscious.

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