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Mistborn Movie: Demoux Should be Female


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This might be a controversial take, but hear me out.

Much of Demoux's character arc centers around him trying to prove himself. He's a bit of an underestimated character for most of book one and two. In a male dominated society--which, even with the changes Brandon has made so far, it remains that way--what better way to heighten that underestimation by making Demoux female? Demoux would struggle trying to prove herself, looking up to Ham, now also female, as a role model and guide. The scene with Kelsier, Demoux, and Bilg in the caverns would leave an even bigger impact on Demoux as she not only fights, but defeats a man far bigger than herself, strengthening her faith in Kelsier. To me, it makes sense, and would be a perfect way for Brandon to have more female characters in the cast.

Also, female Demoux should still fall in love with a woman in the end.

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We absolutely need more LGBTQ characters in the series, and I think it would be absolutely amazing to have Demoux take up that mantel for the movie adaptation. It makes so much sense, I'm surprised I never really thought about it before myself.

Also, for everyone else who might see this, she has only read Mistborn Era 1, so make sure to keep spoilers out of this. :)

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