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Nomic [Resurrected]


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5 minutes ago, MetaTerminal said:

As for Chesterton’s Fence: it might now be more frustrating to lose a vote but this stops people engineering votes for their own gain. I’m okay with the trade-off. We can reinstate it later if we want.

I think that you are using a different meaning of Chesterton's fence(one I have never heard)

About who should be Judge, check out 212. This discussion ideally would have happened before Meta's turn.


Edit: What about online games?

Edited by The_Truthwatcher
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I’m identifying what I see the purpose of the rule is, there: to incentivise people to vote against popular rules even if they know they’re going to lose. It’s less frustrating to lose a vote if you know you’re going to get points for it. Chesterton’s Fence.

9 minutes ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

About who should be Judge, check out 212. This discussion ideally would have happened before Meta's turn.


Edit: What about online games?

Well, here’s the thing. When 306 passed, it instantly became my turn, because it was the end of xino’s.

So, basically, we have three things happening at once: 1) the vote becoming ‘winning’ 2) the vote repealing 206 3) the turn change. I’d say since I am now the one moving when Judgement was invoked (and there was no way to invoke judgement while it was still xino’s turn since his was instantly over when the issue occurred) then xino is Judge.

Besides, I don’t think anyone should avoid calling Judgement just because they know they’re going to disagree with the decision. If we overrule his decision by unanimous vote, then that’s within the rules; otherwise, we do as the rules say.

What about online games?

Edited by MetaTerminal
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1 minute ago, MetaTerminal said:

Well, here’s the thing. When 306 passed, it instantly became my turn, because it was the end of xino’s.

So, basically, we have three things happening at once: 1) the vote becoming ‘winning’ 2) the vote repealing 206 3) the turn change. I’d say since I am now the one moving when Judgement was invoked (and there was no way to invoke judgement while it was still xino’s turn since his was instantly over when the issue occurred) then xino is Judge.

Not really. After the vote, and before the ending if the turn point allocation happens. This discussion(and invoking Judgement) should have happened at that point. 

About the points, you are right, I would not get any. I rescind my call for Judgement.

7 minutes ago, MetaTerminal said:

I’m identifying what I see the purpose of the rule is, there: to incentivise people to vote against popular rules even if they know they’re going to lose. It’s less frustrating to lose a vote if you know you’re going to get points for it. Chesterton’s Fence.

Is this about 206?

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3 minutes ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

About the points, you are right, I would not get any. I rescind my call for Judgement.

It’s all good!

4 minutes ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

Is this about 206?

Wait... am I an idiot?

checks rules

Yes, yes I am. I got the two repealing rules mixed up :P

In this case, it’s probably to prevent people from proposing frivolous or unpopular rules: but you already lose the ability to use one of your slots, and it might create cases where people don’t propose rules they want to for fear of losing points even if it might get passed. I’m fine with it staying or going here.

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Are points going to be always integral? Do we round them? Or simply take them rounded down?

Also, xino's points are wrong: 11 + 12 + 10 5/6 = 33 5/6.

5 minutes ago, MetaTerminal said:

In this case, it’s probably to prevent people from proposing frivolous or unpopular rules: but you already lose the ability to use one of your slots, and it might create cases where people don’t propose rules they want to for fear of losing points even if it might get passed. I’m fine with it staying or going here.

Well, the rule has already been repealed :shrug:

28 minutes ago, MetaTerminal said:

What about online games?

We could make possible to challenge others to online games. All the people in the challenge will 'bet' a set amount of points and the winner will get all.

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13 minutes ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

Are points going to be always integral? Do we round them? Or simply take them rounded down?

Also, xino's points are wrong: 11 + 12 + 10 5/6 = 33 5/6.

Integer not integral? Points are rounded to the nearest integer under 301.

14 minutes ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

We could make possible to challenge others to online games. All the people in the challenge will 'bet' a set amount of points and the winner will get all.

This is an idea, but it probably doesn’t lead to a game mechanic we can build on and alter and create loopholes, it just leads to people playing delocalised games. 

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6 minutes ago, MetaTerminal said:

Integer not integral? Points are rounded to the nearest integer under 301.

Integral means the same. So xino should have 34 points.

6 minutes ago, MetaTerminal said:

This is an idea, but it probably doesn’t lead to a game mechanic we can build on and alter and create loopholes, it just leads to people playing delocalised games. 

I understand. I say we start making nonsensical rules now, which do nothing but make game play interesting. Sort of like what happened in the first game.

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5 minutes ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

Integral means the same. So xino should have 34 points.

I understand. I say we start making nonsensical rules now, which do nothing but make game play interesting. Sort of like what happened in the first game.



I have two ideas for 307, both involving NPC’s: either that there be a Bank/Casino that you can incur debt to if your points drop below zero (and there be some way of losing points) - this would probably turn into a property/points trading game? Maybe you could play games against the Bank somehow. There would be room here around games against the Bank, the rules of the Bank, maybe taxes or loans or bonuses when players fulfil certain conditions.

Alternatively, we create a Merchant who can hold items which you can buy; then it would probably become a trading game with different items - that would maybe tie nicely into contracts - and we could set different win conditions (well, getting lots of points, because of 112) on having certain sets of items, or being granted abilities from items. (There could be x point-gain conditions and they’re assigned to players randomly and perhaps secretly? That might need a game-master or something, so, hrrm.)

If other people have ideas I would love to hear those as well. 

I’d love to hear some more feedback about this, and then we can get implementing!

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My turn!

307: I am now proposing to believe that God—or the universe, or time, or whatever—is all really just a drunk monkey.
actually 307: Points shall be referred to as Eggs, or any alternate plural of the word egg (such as eggses or ova), capitalization is recommended but not necessary.

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I’m mildly confused as to why it’s your turn but whatever, I support 307.


edit: phones being weird, tried to post this like 4 times and I don’t think it worked. If all four pop up at the same time and I quadruple post I’m sorry.

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Bugger, I forgot about that rule. Good catch TLP!

Still didn’t get any feedback beyond one vague support on my 307 so people should look at that. If people like that then TLP can put it to vote (and snag the sweet, sweet points that I should’ve gotten ;)).

I am against 307. We had Eggs last time; but if we want eggs this time, then viva le uova!

Edited by MetaTerminal
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1 hour ago, MetaTerminal said:

Bugger, I forgot about that rule. Good catch TLP!

Still didn’t get any feedback beyond one vague support on my 307 so people should look at that. If people like that then TLP can put it to vote (and snag the sweet, sweet points that I should’ve gotten ;)).

I am against 307. We had Eggs last time; but if we want eggs this time, then viva le uova!

uova is italian, you wanted oeuf. (As in one egg is un oeuf)

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Well, It is now my turn.

I think it is clear that a lot of us are losing interest in this game.

I propose that we start a new game using only the three rules as was done in the first Nomic. This would probably make it go a lot faster and I think it would be much more interesting.

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