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Willshapers and Spiritual Cohesion

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On 7/10/2020 at 8:00 PM, Watchcry said:

Against teleportation: Kalak didn't use it in the Way of Kings prologue. If he could teleport,  he would have been among the first at the rendezvous point to abandon his honorblade. Instead he was the very last. 

He was dragging he feet.  He did not want to go back to Braize.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My opinion is that spiritual cohesion is less about weakening and more emphasis on the molding. They literally shape will. Not mind control. More influence or persuasion. Maybe they not only free the oppressed but train them to fight and push their wills toward rebellion and esprit de corps. Maybe they're just very persuasive and charming. Expert hagglers and con men? Don;t know. Molding the hearts of people into something different is the idea I get. Haven't read any of the sample chapters or anything. I'm probably provably wrong by this point.

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  • 2 years later...

I have a crazy, radical idea that probably wouldn't actually work the way I think it would: What if Spiritual Cohesion could be used on yourself? Like with Forgery you could alter your own Identity and Connection, what you could do with this would probably be limited and I don't think that you could use this to become a Mistborn but what if you could use this to make yourself into a better Vessel for a Shard?

Like if you were to try to pick up the Preservation Shard, but you are a rather destructive person, you could use Spiritual Cohesion on yourself to change yourself into someone who was better fitting for holding the Shard?

Like I said this probably wouldn't work but I'm spit balling a crazy idea.

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On 7/10/2020 at 3:49 PM, Ixthos said:

I think the more spiritual uses of Surges is a Truthwatcher and Bondsmith thing, and that the other orders are more restricted.

I'm not convinced that Spiritual Surgebinding is limited to any particular order. Doesn't Pattern straight up tell Shallan in WoK that she used Spiritual Transformation to recruit Vatha and the rest into protecting the caravans?


On 7/10/2020 at 8:14 PM, Cheat Commando said:

Why not reshape someone's Spiritweb, provided you have a TON of Stormlight? I mean, they are called Willshapers. 

This sounds like we're getting into Forgery territory, and I think that's pretty cool! Worth noting that Forgery requires relatively very little investiture in order to work, but I could see that being because Forgeries are somewhat temporary. Permanently altering someone's spirit web must surely take a lot more energy to accomplish.


On 7/26/2020 at 2:14 PM, KandraAllomancer said:

Given the new evidence from chapters 7/8 I wonder if the new Voidish fabrial might actually use Cohesion - affecting the space around it, like @Ixthos theorized, and weakening the bonds in the process

What chapters are those? I wasn't aware of anything new being released recently!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the oathgates might've required a Bondsmith.

In a similar way Dalinar empowers the Lightweaver surges.

Maybe a three-way resonance: Willshaper, Elsecaller, Bondsmith?

Bondsmith Connects the two Oathgates. Willshaper uses empowered Spiritual Cohesion to create a path through the Spiritual Realm. Elsecaller uses transformation to transform spren into Oathgate spren. 

Dalinar can "grab" the Spiritual realm. Remember that Jasnah's transformation surge is empowered around Honor's perpendicularity, I think Cohesion would be strongly affected as well.

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