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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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The following is very, Very, VERY non-canon. Also if yous say no then it doesn't happen.

And it's Cami's web.

Tvora wanders in a place she cannot see. All around her gossamer webs float, shimmering in an unknown light. She looks down at herself, somehow knowing she'll see a web, but instead seeing a splash of color belonging to another place. She looks around again, examining the webs. Each is different from every other. Some are familiar. One of those looks strange, as if it's been... stretched.

Tvora really likes this web, but the stretched part makes her sad. The stretched part makes it sad too. She wonders how she knows this. This web feels so familiar. Where has she known it before? She doesn't want this web to be unhappy, so she tries to fix it. Someone says her name, distracting her for a moment as she looks to where the strangely muted sound came from, seeing nothing. She reaches for the web, reaching for her Chaos at the same time.

She recoils in shock. There is an empty space inside her where her Chaos used to live.

Then she feels something else. It's warm and feels good, and makes her happy and helps her relax. She decides to call it a Hug.

She takes the Hug, touches the web, and channels the Hug into the web, making new strings that patch the holes and strengthen the webs. These strings are different from the rest of the web. They glint differently from all the other parts, and look foreign. The web fixed, the Hug used up, she turns away.

Tvora doesn't respond to Ayia's hug.

@Random Bystander

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Ok just for in general what to expect from Tvora while I'm gone:

She looks at you when you say her name.

She'll follow Ayia around.

Other than that she won't respond to things, but if you hug her she'll probably use the Hug to help with something (ex. healing someone a bit, helping someone feel better, etc.) but she won't move in response to a hug. If she gets hit she'll fall down. She sometimes blinks. She won't eat or drink unless you make her, but she won't suffer ill effects from not eating. Her Chaos will take care of her and make sure she doesn't die.

I'm guessing from the lack of objection that the bit about the webs is alright?

Tvora doesn't respond.

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"Tvora..." A tear dripped off the end of her chin.

Fadran reached forwards and tentatively placed his hand on Tvora's forehead. "I... can't see much. I can't tell if she's... still in there."

"Her name," Ayia said, "is Tvora."

Closing his eyes, Fadran shook his head. "It doesn't work that way. I can't... you can't be the one who gives it to me."

"Will she come back?"

Fadran shook his head. "I don't know."

"Will she be okay?"

"She's alive. She'll probably stay alive. But... not like she used to."

Ayia bowed her head, nodded, and began to cry.

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6 hours ago, Tani said:

did anything in particular happen to the broken orb or can I have it?


The orb exploded! There's nothing left. Given that you guys were able to take some of the creatures down, though, I think you've earned one looted from a corpse.


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41 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

The orb exploded! There's nothing left. Given that you guys were able to take some of the creatures down, though, I think you've earned one looted from a corpse.


Yay!!! :D

Wait. It doesn't suck color still, does it?


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Oh my... I know I'm new, but I think I might actually cry.

Around Ayia, Tvora, and Martin, the air shimmers and warps as Remembrance sticks back into their spatial dimensions. It attempts to find Tvora's thoughts, but cannot. There is... nothing. Its mind fills with sadness, which leaks over into the minds of those around it.

A splash of purple appears on Remembrance, creating a rippling effect along its "skin." More splotches of purple, and now blue appear, creating similar effects. With the rippling comes strange vibrations in the air, causing small, quiet, chime-like noises. Remembrance pushes outwards to the the minds of the group, a cacaphony of sound solely made up of thought that ebbs and flows as a tide. Those thoughts swell into a song, far off and longing, ethereal in entity. A song of mourning, a song of loss, but also a song of protection and courage to those that hear it. A hopeful wish that the spirits of the fallen travel swiftly, that they may always rest in peace.

Edited by EchoOfThePlanes
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