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Cassandra Adama's Metallurgic Emporium


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“Yeah, I’m alright,” Poller replied tiredly, holding on to his bronze with all his might, tapping  to stay awake. He wasn’t sure if he tap away the fit entirely, but he could hold it off while there were customers.

“I just got... dizzy,” he finished. “If you want to put an official order for a Soulcasting, put down a date and time on the sheet of paper over there,” he said, pointing to a sheet of paper on the main desk. “Ms. Adama will set it up as an appointment. And Anarchist, your order will come to... 60 chrysts, I believe.”

He had just got the kris and bullets bundled together when another customer came in the building. Poller turned toward the door.

“Welcome to Cassandra Adama’s Metalurgic Emporium! We can supply any metals, whether-”

Another wave of exhaustion hit him. Ah, forget it. “What can I do for you?”

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3 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

"Welcome to Cassandra Adama’s Metalurgic Emporium! We can supply any metals, whether-”

Another wave of exhaustion hit him. Ah, forget it. “What can I do for you?”

Gethen looked up." Oh, yes. I will be needing a new chromium metalmimd. " He pulled out a battered bracer from his bag. "My old one has been damaged, and I prefer to have more than just my wristwatch. I will also be needing some tin dust." Speaking of dust, he noticed a speck on his suit. He quickly wiped it off. 

Edited by Kings_way
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“Sure thing!” Poller replied, glad to have a simpler order to fulfil. He briskly walked over to the bracer display and grabbed a gleaming chromium one. He liked having to move, to not just be standing at a counter all day, trying to stay awake.

“One chromium bracer is 75 chrysts. Tin is 4 - no, wait, 3 chrysts per vial, 30 for a jar, which is about 15 vials worth. How much do you want?”

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21 hours ago, Kings_way said:

 "I'll take the bracer and five vial. that'll be... 90 chrysts." Gethen pulled the chrysts out of his bag, plus a 5 chryst tip. 

Poller grabbed 5 empty vials and filled them with the large tin drums. They had premade vials, but filling them on request seemed more... professional.

“Yup, 90 chrysts,” he said, making the exchange. And he’d given a tip! That was fairly uncommon for the gruff Alleyverse citizens.

“Thank you for doing business with us!” Poller said. “Would you like one of Ms. Adama’s business cards?”

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2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

“Thank you for doing business with us!” Poller said. “Would you like one of Ms. Adama’s business cards?”

Gethen took the vials and the bracer. "Yes, I would." He took the card and walked out of the door, rolling up his sleeve to attach his new chromium metalmind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The door opened again and a man stepped into it. He had short, dark hair, was tall, a little lanky and hummed a happy, nice tune. He looked around curiously, his gaze lingering just a second on the windows, the door, before he turned towards the only other person in the room.

"Hello." he greeted Poller with a bright smile and walked over to the counter. "I'm looking for a vial, something special, with a few leaves curled around it, or maybe some flowers." he grinned and then shrugged with his shoulder. "For a lady, you know? Beautiful, but not too much. Ideally she'll be able to wear it on many different occasions, as an accessoire of some sorts?" He shot Poller a smile. "I'm not too sure about the details, maybe let me see what you have? She's a special one, and I want for it to be as special as she is."

Leaning forward he lowered his voice, despite still being bascially alone in the room apart from the one he was speaking to. "You know, she had an idea, and I want to see if she's got the guts to follow it through. So I thought, maybe a present would be nice? Nothing too large, just something nice." he continued to describe what he was looking, not quite realizing his different idea contradicted themselves. "Do you have anything like that?"


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Poller's eyes darted to the newcomer. Since he seemed to know what he wanted... badly... so Poller just let him talk.

"Hmm... we have decorative metal vials, but not like what you're saying. Cassandra could probably make one, but it might be easier to find a piece of jewelry or a corsage or something to hide a vial in. Unless you want the vial to be obvious?"

"And for a present... we can package an item, but... do you have anything in mind? A decorative metalmind? Jewelry? You can look for what we have, but I'd need to know more about what you think the lady would like."

Poller rubbed his head. He was missing something... oh, right. "She's an Allomancer... what metal should a make a vial for? Is she a Ferring as well?"

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7 hours ago, kenod said:

(Just for clarification, is this how this should be handled mods?)


In general it's always better to edit your previous post than to double post. I have to admit, I personally am no friend of posts without any content - but in the end if it allows someone to stick to the site rules I suppose it's better than breaking them. Although for a more general decision, you'd have to ask Voidus.


"Ahhhh, you know,..." the man held his hand out in front of him, as if trying to paint something in the air. "I thought of the vial as the present." He nodded again. "Yes, I think that will be good. Some nice vial that she can use as a piece of jewellery." Satisfaction coloured his tone when he came to that decision.

Smiling jovially he patted Poller on his shoulder. "Don't worry too much about the content for now. Let's focus on the design first. I know you're more specialized on the other part, but the main part is the vial, the content just something she can fill up whenever she needs it refilled." His face lit up when another idea crossed his mind. "You don't happen to sell gift cards as well? If yes, that's what I'll take. A gift card, a vial that can serve as a charm and your idea to pack it is awesome. So that's what we'll do as well."

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"I... uh..." Poller stammered. This was a metalworking shop, not a... not a gift store! What did this man...


Poller snapped upright and tapped bronze. Another episode. They were getting closer and closer together: he'd need to sleep to recharge his staffmind.

"We don't sell gift cards!... er... sir. We can wrap a gift, or you can buy wrapping paper at a shop down the street, I think."

This wasn't going well. "Do you have any ideas for a design for the vial? What should it look like? A flower, a-"

Several echoing footsteps resounded outside, and the door opened. A boy, younger than Poller and wearing a coat that seemed like it was worn by his ancestors - and fit them too - burst in, breathing deeply but oddly slowly.

"Cassie, I-" he said, then stopped.


Byron looked at the scene. Two men, one younger who looked like a shopkeeper, and the other tall and commanding. Byron tried not to hide.

"Are you... busy? I need cadmium dust. A lot." He glanced at the catalogue and patted one of his pockets. "6 jars of it should... should be enough."

He'd thought Cassie would be here. Cassie had previously just given him the metal he needed, but he doubted that this clerk would do the same. But that wasn't really why he'd come here, stumbling through the city as the strange pressure on his mind ebbed and flowed. It was mostly gone now.

Cassandra always had an answer, or at least something to say. She was like that new royal... what was her name? Jasnah? Cold and calculating, but also incredibly knowledgeable about almost everything and kind to those she knew. People said she had a Soulcaster as well. It was a similarity that Cassie would find interesting. 

But she was gone. And who knows where she was?


Poller sighed. A new customer. Finally.

"If you have any ideas for a design, just list them, and I'll see if I can replicate them," he said, turning to start filling jars with cadmium dust. "But my specialty isn't design so I don't know what I can do. If Cassie comes back she might be more artistically minded."

Poller lowered his tap on bronze, letting his face droop a bit. 

"Anything else for you, er..." he turned around. "What are your names again?"


I didn't realize how similar Cassie is to WoK Jasnah...


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"Of course, of course." the man nodded amiably, and stepped a little to the side to allow for the new customer to walk up to the counter. His eyes moved through the room again, while he made sure he remembered the most important details. It looked good, professional. If the quality was good as well -

He scribbled a few lines on a paper, roughly sketching a small vial with some leaves around its top. It was neither skilled, nor beautiful, but he figured that the boy should be able to grasp its meaning. "My name?" he asked, looking up again, placing the slip of paper in front of the boy. "Oh that one's easy. Alrik." he laughed at the thought of someone actually choosing Alrik for their child. Who would ever choose the first name on a list?

"So if you could maybe make something like that?" he asked and tapped his finger on the slip of paper. "And I'd like to have a few metal powders as well. Electrum, iron, pewter, gold -" he went through the list in his head. Gold to see if they were greedy enough to mix it with something else, the other three because they were easier and harder to create. "And brass." he finished.

"Would that be possible?"


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Poller finished filling the jars of cadmium metal, hollered “600 chrysts” then spun to look at the drawing the man had offered. Nothing too outlandish, just a vial with a few leaves around the top. So not a concealed weapon, but something to be paraded around. That was interesting. Most metalborn that Poller had seen didn’t like revealing their abiliities, although he by nature was an exception to his own rule.

“My name? Oh, that one’s easy. Alrik,” the man said. The new boy kicked at the floor and said “Ben” - or something like that, it was hard to hear for some reason.

Poller accepted the paper and scribbled ‘Alrik. Decorative metal vial. Gift for a lady. Unsure on metal or if he wants more than one.’ Then he added the pairs names and Ben’s cadmium order on the register as the boy paid. Cassie wanted to keep track of who was buying what sort of metals, probably to get more “regulars” to come.

He looked up at Alrik as the man continued his order. “I think Cassie can make it. I might be able to, but I’m not great with precision metalworking yet. Do you want the vial to be glass or be some metal? Do you want real leaves, or metal forged ones, or Soulcast ones?” He paused, feeling something odd in the air, then jotted down the list of metals: brass, iron, pewter, gold, electrum. “And how much of each-”

Another man burst in, moving straight toward the counter.

Poller sighed inwardly. Another one.


600 chrysts. 600 rusting chrysts. Byron gulped, hoping assorted spheres, boxings, and other currencies would add up to the right amount. Pickpockets didn’t tend to frequent the moneychanger’s office.

Byron sheepishly gave his name as Ben, then walked over and dropped a sapphire broam and a handful of chrysts next to the register. He felt his field bumping a few things within the desk, then the shopkeeper himself. Byron winced and checked his bubble’s strength. It was running low, but not as low as he would like around so much aluminum. 

Then another customer walked in, asking for... oh. Rusts.


Poller could tell that this would need to be done in a hurry. The man wasn’t running, but he moved with purpose and needed a lot of metal. Aluminum, specifically.

He started talking as he took Ben’s money - an odd combination of currencies- and set a few chrysts as change. “Umm... oh dear. Cassie’s not here to Soulcast any, but we should have some stock sheets and blocks I can forge to sheets. Let me check what we got.”

He started to run toward a door in the back of the shop, then hesitated and turned back. “Alrik, if you want to write down those specifications, that would be a great help for making an order. Ben, your change is there and you’re free to go, but this gentleman might need your help. And you sir,” he finished, pointing to the man in such a rush, “get ready to carry a lot of metal.”

And he ran into the storeroom. Time to find some aluminum.

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14 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

He started talking as he took Ben’s money - an odd combination of currencies- and set a few chrysts as change. “Umm... oh dear. Cassie’s not here to Soulcast any, but we should have some stock sheets and blocks I can forge to sheets. Let me check what we got.”

"This is an urgent matter," Dr. Gears said. "Time is of the essence. So long as the aluminium is malleable enough, the thickness should be irrelevant."

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On 7/25/2020 at 8:53 AM, Gears said:

"This is an urgent matter," Dr. Gears said. "Time is of the essence. So long as the aluminium is malleable enough, the thickness should be irrelevant."

"Gotcha!" Poller yelled back as he ran into the storeroom. He slapped a light switch, watching several dusty lightbulbs illuminate shelves upon shelves of metals. Luckily aluminum was the closest shelf. It was generally in high demand.

There were five large sheets left, then a large crate of ingots below it. Poller hesitated, then grabbed all five and an extra ingot, then ran back outside toward the customer.

"I think these should-"

Suddenly the metal flew out of his hands onto the floor. It was like an Ironpull... except it was aluminum?

He didn't have time for this. He picked up the aluminum - which still moved strangely, at least for a moment - and offered it toward the customer. "Should this be enough?"


Each sheet should be a 1 by 1 meter square. I think that should work.


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2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

He didn't have time for this. He picked up the aluminum - which still moved strangely, at least for a moment - and offered it toward the customer. "Should this be enough?"

"Thank you," Dr. Gears said, taking the aluminium. "That should suffice." He turned and walked briskly out of the shop. Hopefully the deadspot hadn't spread too far in the meantime. 

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Alrik waited until Poller was back from selling some aluminum, watching the boy rush around in amusement. "Pretty busy store you've got here." he commented and raised an eyebrow when the aluminum tumbeled to the ground. Interesting. He smiled, never leaving his place at the counter, leaned against it in a relaxed way. That store prooved to be more interesting than he'd expected. And they were keeping track of their customers, noting what and how much each and every one of them bought. It was nice to find one place with at least some kind of organization in place. Sadly there were way too many that were run in a lenient matter, that left you without any informatin about the customers.

"What about you, young man?" he asked Ben. "You're done? I can wait, you know, nothing urgent waiting for me tonight. We can haggle over the details of the present, once you're done."


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Byron blinked. He'd zoned out, again. Trying to retract his field from the aluminum had had a weird affect. The smaller his bubble, generally the slower it went.

"Yeah, uh... yeah. Go ahead. I'm done."

Cassie hadn't shown up, even for an emergency. So he grabbed the cadmium jars and his change, threw one glance back toward the store, and left.

He couldn't wait for Cassie to return.

He didn't have time to.


Poller watched as the customers filed in and out of his shop, breathing fairly heavily. Now it was just Alrik left. Waiting. Expectantly.

"I think we can work on that present now," he said. 

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12 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Poller watched as the customers filed in and out of his shop, breathing fairly heavily. Now it was just Alrik left. Waiting. Expectantly.

"I think we can work on that present now," he said. 

"You know that young man?" Alrik ask, watching as the figure left the store. "He seemed to be a little unhinged."

"Anyway," he turned back to Poller, memorizing the other man's face. He could always look into that later. "So, like I said, some leaves, wrapping themselves around the vial, and the metals I mentioned. How do you want to proceed? I can wait - but I can also come back tomorrow, if you need some time. Just as you prefer."

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11 hours ago, Sorana said:

"Anyway," he turned back to Poller, memorizing the other man's face. He could always look into that later. "So, like I said, some leaves, wrapping themselves around the vial, and the metals I mentioned. How do you want to proceed? I can wait - but I can also come back tomorrow, if you need some time. Just as you prefer."

"Do you want real leaves? Or metal ones? Or something else like glass?" Poller replied, trying to get a straight answer from the man.

He turned around and started filling some jars with the requested metals. He assumed this man wanted more than a vial, since he didn't seem to be ordering for himself.

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On 30.7.2020 at 8:28 PM, Ashbringer said:

"Do you want real leaves? Or metal ones? Or something else like glass?" Poller replied, trying to get a straight answer from the man.

He turned around and started filling some jars with the requested metals. He assumed this man wanted more than a vial, since he didn't seem to be ordering for himself.

"You can work with glass?" the man asked delighted at the prospect. "That opens so many more options - they could be coloured and - " he paused, then shook his head. "but no, I think that would be too much. Metal is enough."

He smiled again, nodded towards the metal Poller had filled up. "What do I owe you for all of this?" he asked while reaching for his purse. "Let's settle the financials and then I can leave you or your boss to work on the vial."

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Chronologically, this post and any conversation that might ensue happen before Anarchy Incorporated. Also, Ashbringer, you can post now. Preferably your next post will give me an opening to ask about guild secrets. 

The Anarchist walked into the shop again. Forgetting cesium was so stupid! "Hello again," the Anarchist said. "I forgot something. Do you have any cesium?" 


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Poller counted. One jar each of iron, pewter, brass, gold and electrum. "That's 290 chrysts total for the metals. I'd have to work on the vial. Our store doesn't do glass specifically, but we could find someone to make it from glass specifically. Have a specific metal in mind?"

Then another customer walked in, asking for... sesium? He recognized the name, but like the customer he couldn't really place what it was.

"Umm... I don't know about-"

The door opened.

And in walked Cassandra Adama.

"Well, Poller," she said. "You've certaintly kept yourself busy. I'm Cassandra Adama. What can we do for you?"


So, cesium/caesium will catch fire in the air. So while that may be a desirable quality, selling it as a bomb may take a while, because I need to figure out how I can actually do it. Or I may just sell you sodium, which is more stable out of water and is also rather explosive.

Either way, alkali metals "explode" in water, but its more smoke and fire than actual concussive force. Although I've yet to find out what happens if you put a 10-pound chunk of caesium in a bucket of water. So it could probably work as explosives, but the Anarchist may find simple dynamite to be a better alternative.


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7 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

the Anarchist may find simple dynamite to be a better alternative.


The Anarchist lives for explosives in all of their myriad forms. Variety is good. Also, the Anarchist wouldn't ask for sodium because this is a metal shop.

"And you must be Cassandra Adama," the Anarchist said. "Where have you been? Do you have caesium?"

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