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Nohadon and Taravangian theory


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First of all I want to apologize for any grammer\spelling mistake I did in that post. english is not my mother tongue and even tho i'm learning english for a lot of time, it's not perfect and there's a good chance I'll use phrases you won't understand and\or grammer mistakes. After I cleard that out of the way, we can move on to the topic.

the basic of my theory is that Nohadon was a bondsmith. I know that this is a realy common theory, so i'll try to make the reasons for why I think so short:

1. It make sense that the guy who wrote the book that changed Dalinar to the person he needed to be to become a bondsmith whould be a bondsmith himself.

2.the stormfather thinks that Nohadon was a good man, and I don't think he'll think that about Nohadon if he was not a bondsmith. I mean, the stormfather dosen't like kaladin, and kaladin is bound to a honorspren.

3. Nohadon's personality sounds like he'll fit in as a bondsmith.

I also belive that Nohadon's spren was the nightwatcher, because the stormfather was also confused when dalinar talked about Nohadon, and the sibling was asleep et the time.

 And now for the final steps of my theory. We know that Nohadon was a king during a desolotion, and I think that Nohadon is the tipe of guy that will do whatever it takes to save his people, so he went to the valley and asked the nightwatcher for a way to save his people, and got from the nightwatcher (or from cultivasion) the smae boon and curse Taravangian got, or something similar to it. I have only one reason to think that, but I think that its a preaty good reason: in dalinar's last vision of nohadon, dalinar sais that Nohadon remines him Taravangian, and I don't think brandon'll put this without a good reason. Plus, even before dalinar notices that, It's not very hard to see that Nohadon is a little wierd.

Nohadon is also having a godlike day, but instead of creating his own diagram because he understands that It probably won't last to the day it will be needed in the war in our days, he askes the nightwatcher-which is according to my theory Nohadon's spren- to insert a vision of his inside dalinar's minde when he comes to visit her. If that's true, it'll explein why the stormfather didn't knew about dalinar's last vision of nohadon and why it seemed like nohadon actually talket to dalinar in that vision. It also means that theoreticaly ther are more visions we did'nt see yet,and that it's harder to see dalinar's future because of it, which explains why odium, the diagram and even hoid mistake all the time when dalinr involved.


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I can kind of see him being a Bondsmith, although he could also be a Windrunner who puts a lot of emphasis on leadership.

I don't think the Stormfather liking him is definite proof he's a Bondsmith though, as his dislike of Kaladin seemed more along the lines of being Syl's overprotective dad and the general fear among spren that the Radiants will kill them en masse again.

As for having Taravangian's boon/curse, that seems a little more of a stretch. Ruthlessness doesn't necessarily mean he's got the same inverse relationship between intelligence/empathy.

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21 hours ago, jamesbondsmith said:

I don't think the Stormfather liking him is definite proof he's a Bondsmith though, as his dislike of Kaladin seemed more along the lines of being Syl's overprotective dad and the general fear among spren that the Radiants will kill them en masse again.

And for the fact the Kal killed Syl

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3 hours ago, jamesbondsmith said:

So, a dad whose overprotectiveness is justified, but still 'disliking Kaladin' =/= 'everyone he likes is a Bondsmith

Actually, that's a big point in the favour of  'disliking Kaladin' =/= 'everyone he likes is a Bondsmith' :)

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I believe that in the earlier vision of Nohadon at the end of the desolation (this is one of the original storm father visions) Nohadon says to his advisor (Dalinar is in the advisor's body) that it's too bad not all spren are as discerning as honor spren. Apparently this is a bit of a hot take since he is surprised that Dalinar doesn't argue with him. This comment makes me think that Nohadon is a windrunner but it's not explicitly stated. He could still have a boon from the Nightwatcher or even cultivation or honor without being a bond smith though and he does seem special beyond being a king and a radiant. 

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I generally agree that Nohadon was probably a Bondsmith, although I think it's a bit weird that the Stormfather wouldn't have mentioned that as he certainly would have been aware of that info if it were true. Bondsmiths do seem to be the most likely to have been leaders or kings, so that part checks out. 


Also, welcome to the forums! :D

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I've been kicking around a crazy idea and about to start my reread before RoW. When I do im gonna be watching for every clue. But the idea is noahadon is tanavast. If I remeber correctly noahadon isn't his original name. It was given to him later to get the symmetry or something to that effect. Tanavasts CS merged with the stormfather when honor was shattered, I've had the idea at least a part of him survived and is still there hiding within the stormfather. It could tie other loose ends also. If tanavast is there it would explain Odium we killed you statement. If tanavast in the past pulled a zues took a mortal form and had children kaladin being his x20 great grandchild could explain the child of tanavast comment. I just feel this could explain alot of things. Who better to write a book for a future bondsmith about how to be a bondsmith. As I'm writing this its tickling a memory. Didn't they say nohadan isn't a surgebinder?

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