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Theory: Roshar's Afterlife and the Tranquiline Halls

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Spook was the only one in the crew he could speak to. That’s because Spook truly has faith in Kelsier as a deity—which, for these few weeks between Preservation’s death and the coming of the Hero of Ages, Kelsier is.
--Brandon, Hero of Ages Annotations Ch. 64

Well...now that makes me wonder what role faith or belief plays in the Cosmere. Maybe that has something to do with Realmatics and the Spiritual Realm? I can't seem to recall belief playing any sort of (magical/Realmatic) role in any of the Cosmere works I've read (still saving some as a treat). I don't think we know many specifics, if any, about the Spiritual Realm, but this certainly seems to be a clue from Brandon. Gotta think about this some more before I start tossing theory around :huh:

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23 minutes ago, lopens_cousin said:
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Spook was the only one in the crew he could speak to. That’s because Spook truly has faith in Kelsier as a deity—which, for these few weeks between Preservation’s death and the coming of the Hero of Ages, Kelsier is.
--Brandon, Hero of Ages Annotations Ch. 64

Well...now that makes me wonder what role faith or belief plays in the Cosmere. Maybe that has something to do with Realmatics and the Spiritual Realm? I can't seem to recall belief playing any sort of (magical/Realmatic) role in any of the Cosmere works I've read (still saving some as a treat). I don't think we know many specifics, if any, about the Spiritual Realm, but this certainly seems to be a clue from Brandon. Gotta think about this some more before I start tossing theory around :huh:

In the case of Spook, it's the strong Connection to Kelsier as he was in life (ace thieving crew leader), and as he is now in death (Vessel of a god's power).  More on the former than the latter, judging from the text.  

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@FeatherWriter I don't know if Odium may push itself on Roshar's Cognitive Realm, while He is trapped on Braize.

Anyway I think Odium through his Unmade (that at the moment I don't remeber the name) uses  the time of recent deadmen in the Cognitive to exploit them (and their Soul/Investiture) to fuel his Future Sight. The Body is still linked with the Mind& Soul and while the Unmade feeds of the soul, the body recive a feedback of the vision.

I don't think Odium forces have other uses for the deadmen.

And I read in some previous post that maybe The Radiant broke their Oath to De-Invest themself and go Beyond. But this don't make sense. You may resist to the Beyond's call longer if you are invested (and forever if you are a Sliver) but also in this cases...You may simply decide to go Beyond also if you may resist... Killing your partner for this is quite foolness.

It's possible the opposite (but I don't think), the Radiants wanted to be more Invested and able to resist the Beyond's call longer. They broke their Oath, killing the Spren's Mind because some of the Spren remained in them when the Bonds were broken and they have more Investiture in them.

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By the way, I remember reading a WoB where Brandon mentions that he couldn't answer some question because speaking about it would reveal about the nature of the back five books. Now I couldn't find it :(. Can anyone post if you find it?

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I found it, but it doesn't specifically mention the back five books  



Is something wrong with Roshar's afterlife?


Uh, why do you ask?


Because of the Tranquiline Halls stuff? Needing to reclaim them?


Um. So, I'm... not going to answer anything about Roshar's afterlife.


Kay, alright.


Roshar ,  tranquiline halls ,  afterlife


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Well... So far we know that there is religion about the tranquiline halls being lost... Also that Braize is literally odium's home planet and in Roshar's religion they refer to hell as Braize, letting us know that maybe there is something to their knowledge of the afterlife... And we also know that something unusual happens to people when they die, related to odium, because of the death rattles which are caused by an unmade of odium according to Taravagian's diagram. So... Yes, there is an excellent case for some kind of aberration in Roshar's afterlife. I don't think we can say with confidence where exactly the spirits go when they die on Roshar, but I think there is good reason to believe that for now the spirits are unable to pass into the great beyond... It is likely that at some point somebody will "fix" the afterlife.

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  • 3 months later...

I think belief comes in as perception, which heavily influences the Spiritual Realm. In Spook's belief Kelsier is a god, and gods can talk to their followers. Thus, the Law of Probability (as seen on the Emperor's Soul) indicates that it is possible. I kinda guess that you can override the law if you put in extra power, short-circuit things for a short time (like our heroes do from time to time by pulling off crazy stunts in emotionally challenging situations), but since Kelsier was pretty limited as a Sliver... 

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  • 4 months later...

i dont know, but ive always felt that teh Tranquline Halls was the Rosharan interpretationof life on Yolen before the Shattering, but this is only a hunch. i feel this way because Brandon said that al the books are conjoined by a creation myth that is interpreted differetly from place to place. i also imagined the afterlife in the Cosmere to be a universal concept, kind of like Investiture or Shards are a universal concept but given different names

does anyone else share my hunch?


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Some aspects of this theory are almost obviously going to happen IMO...nice work.

Makes me think the world will end at the end of book 5, or at the very least almost every major character will die. The second set of books will be saving the souls of the dead. 

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If they really are fighting in the Halls to retake the afterlife then maybe when they lose that battle they need another desolation to replenish the warriors in the Halls....

Would that work with the Shard's intent? It's certainly... dark. :o

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On 4/2/2017 at 9:02 AM, dayman said:

Also, what if the desolation is honor? If they really are fighting in the Halls to retake the afterlife then maybe when they lose that battle they need another desolation to replenish the warriors in the Halls....

I mean I'm pretty sure the voidbringers draw on Odium... It is implied that a highstorm and everstorm have opposite investitures, so probably they don't come from the same shard.

But about all this, I had a thought which may suggest that Odium is indeed messing with the normal afterlife process.

See, Odium is the intent of "divine wrath." And, in a lot of religions... Divine wrath tends to be described in terms of the afterlife. Divine wrath is often described in the context of hell.

So... The shard of hell, putting people through unpleasantness after death? That seems to match its intent perfectly.

Which is a little scary for the people of Roshar... Still, it is very likely that if this is true, then in a later book, the afterlife will be restored to how it was supposed to be in Adolnasium's time.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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