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The Book of Endless Pages (WoR spoilers)


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34 minutes ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

The original Book of Endless Pages was an empty book, and it was probably destroyed on the boat in the start of the book. Why would it be named after a book that has little relevance and was more than likely destroyed?

From what I gather each person who has one fills their book with their individual truths.  Perhaps Shallan had to open hers and write the words in a chapter that no longer exists?  Also the title was changed.  Brandon may have come to the same conclusion you did.

Edited by Ookla the Prolific
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The Book of Endless Pages was analogous to the Ideals of the Lightweaver Order of the Knights Radiant, focusing on individual growth rather than any unified code.



Who’s going to be the focus for the next Way of Kings?

Brandon Sanderson

I spent a long time deliberating this, and eventually, in my plotting, I came upon one of those moments where you’re “Ah, this is what I need to do”, so it is going to be Shallan. So the focus for the next book is Shallan, and half of you want it to be Dalinar, and half of you want it to be Shallan, Dalinar will get his book, Shallan will get her book, but there’s a funny story here. In my original outline, I named many of the books, like Dalinar’s is named Highprince of War. Shallan’s book was actually named after the book that Jasnah gives her, which is very thematically important to her. But then I started telling it to people, and they started laughing, because the book that Jasnah gave her is called the Book of Endless Pages.

So, I thought that was a really cool title, but apparently, that’s going to give the reviewers too much fuel. So you can pretend in your head that it’s called that, but I’ll come up with a different name.

Alloy of Law release party (Nov. 7, 2011)

Brandon joked that the name wasn't a very good idea for what was sure to be a very lengthy book in a lengthy series full of lengthy books. 



The Way of Kings was named after an in story book, as is the would be Shallan's book if you don't change like you siad you might "The Book of Endless Pages", do you plan on naming all the books in The Stormlight Archive with in world literature?

Brandon Sanderson

That was the original plan.

17th Shard Forum Q&A (Sept. 26, 2012)


And I saw on facebook about the discussion about the name of the second book. This is more like a request, please, keep the name of it being The Book Of Endless Pages. That title is awesome! Oh and another suggestion, please, keep making huge books! Now, after reading your books, I expect books to be at least 600 pages, so you can see I get disappointed quite often lol

Brandon Sanderson

I will keep the books, in this series at least, long. It's what the story demands. As for title...it does have a certain charm, but I worry that it just feels wrong to too many people. Three out of four laugh when I mention it. That doesn't bode well...

17th Shard Forum Q&A (Sept. 28, 2012)


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