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Lord of the Rings RP, anyone?

King Aragorn of Gondor

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Here is an idea, basically, we go on a quest, fight orcs and do dumb stuff, get the character sheets from TKND, and enjoy!  You can be anything from LotR, or the Hobbit.

My character is, 


Name: Lynn

Race/age/gender: half Elf half man, 17, girl

Personality: She is a very happy person, extrovert, and loves anything to do with fighting.

Background: was heir to the throne, but hated that responsibility, and decided to run away, because reasons.  She has been hunting down a troop of people to go fight bad guys with her.

This is going to go inactive, isn't it?

Edited by Ookla the very snazzy
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Cool. (Thanks for making this not die.):D

Lynn walked into the Prancing Pony, looking for some people who would want to go slay a dragon with her, or go fight some goblins, or basically anything, but really, who wouldn't want to slay a dragon? @ShadowLord_Lith @Ookla the Ninja

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I see... I'll just use Gallen. He's very different from my normal character type, so I hope I play him well. In still learning, sorry. ^_^

Gallen was there, a human man that was very tall- he was even a few inches taller than most elves, meaning he stood out like a sore thumb if he wasn't careful. He had a very nice sword on his hip, and a dagger strapped to his thigh. He looked like a man in his mid to late twenties who was used to rough roads and sleepless nights. At the moment, he was sitting at a table, looking haggard and exhausted, drinking ale slowly out of a mug. It wasn't a table in a corner, but it was a table against a wall. It was empty, and people seemed mildly wary of him. He was certainly an unusual stranger- and his dusty, written clothing and good almost seemed to make him fade into the background. With his large frame, and obvious muscle, that was an impressive trick. 

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A fairly short blond-haired and blue-eyed man walked into the inn. Well... he didn't so much walk as prance. It was distinct and very odd, he knew that. He thought it was hilarious how people reacted to him. He ordered a tankard of ale and walked right over to the shadowy, scary guy in the corner. "Hi!" He plopped down next to him and kicked his feet up on the table, careful to not hit anything with them, then took a mouthful of ale and grinned. He set his odd elven sword on the table and kept a subtle eye on the shady man to see how he reacted.


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Gallen looked yo, blinking tiredly at this stranger. He looked around, confused- he wasn't in a corner, so he wasn't the most interesting person, he wasn't overly grouchy- or so he thought- so... he had no idea why the man was bothering him. "Can you leave me to my suffering? My wife died a few days ago." He didn't look happy about it. Not depressed or utterly hopeless, but he was definitely unhappy. Hence the drinking and exhaustion. Still, he looked way better than most men in his position would. He wasn't crying or sobbing or anything. 

@Ookla the Ninja

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He shrugged. "I'm just tired... Sleeping is hard though. Do you have anything that can help with that? A distraction would be nice too... that young lass looks like she's eager for adventure... maybe she has an idea?" He looked at Lynn, waving her over. "You there, young lass- what's got you so eager to be about today? You don't often see a woman with steel on her hip in these parts..." He forced a smile- though it still looked tired. Everything about him looked... worn. 

@Ookla the Ninja

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Lynn walked up to the two men, not a hint of fear in her eyes and asked, almost giddy, "Do you want to go fight a dragon or storm an orc stronghold, or I hear Moria has a pest problem now?"  She waited for the men to answer. @ShadowLord_Lith @Ookla the Ninja

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He stared at her. Then smiled for real. "You have a death wish... I like that. It sounds distracting. We'll go with you. When do the three of us leave?" He'd spoken for the other man, he was aware of that- but at the moment he was having trouble caring. The man had offered to distract him, right? This was the perfect way. 

@Ookla the Ninja

@Ookla the very snazzy

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Nym smiled back, it was nice to have someone want to do stuff with her.  "We can leave right after I eat my meal."  Nym snared down her meal and stood up.  "We going?" @ShadowLord_Lith @Ookla the Ninja

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"We can go slay a dragon, I know for one down south that has been terrorizing southern Rohan for quite some time."   She silently cursed herself, she had forgotten that in Rohan everyone knew her face.  They would know who she was and send her back to a life of solitude, expectations, a place where dreams were unable to come true.  "You good with going now?  Oh, wait, do you guys have horses, we'll travel faster if you guys do."  She had a horse, it was given to her by her father, it's sire was Shadowfax, the lord of horses.  @ShadowLord_Lith @Ookla the Ninja

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Hey all! I be joining!

I'm a 15-year-old human. My name's Lisse. I have a huge family that I complain about all the time. I love arguing, sneaking my grandad's whiskey, and calling my baby mare a "fat old man". I live on a farm just outside of Bree, but I visit my married brother and sort-of-maybe-halfway boyfriend nearer to the Shire.

 Lisse strolled into the Prancing Pony, glad for relief from the constant whining of her baby cousins. She'd stolen some coins from under Gran's nose, but she'd pay it back... eventually. Lisse ordered some ale and plopped down at a small table near a bubbly-looking girl her age standing with a freakishly tall fellow who looked like a Ranger, and I short blond man with a jaunty smile. Lisse stared so long the girl paused and gave Lisse an ominous grin that said: "You look like someone who's in need of some real fun!"                 "Oh, dear," Lisse muttered as the girl strolled over.


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Hey! Welcome! I can tell you're gonna be fun to RP with! My only concern is that Nym is a player character. A PC if you will. Be careful not to write out actions for her, as she isn't your character to control. Other than that, I'm excited to see how this plays out. I hope we get to really enjoy this game together. :D

@Ookla the very snazzy

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No, she's good.

Lynn walked out the door with three whole new people to quest with.  She made her way to the stables and to her already-saddled horse.  She had named him Storm.  He was a beautiful stormy grey stallion, she had gone through the ritual of horse bonding with him in Rohan.  He was shuffling his feet, anxious, and she whispered to him in elvish.  He claimed down and she looked to see if the others were ready.  @WannabeWorldhopper @ShadowLord_Lith @Ookla the Ninja

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Gallen got his horse, petting it's mane and mumbling softly to him. He spoke a few elvish words, if one listened close, but only a few, and not very well. Mostly just 'calm', 'peace', and 'good boy'. The stallion seemed very happy with it's rider.


I see. Sorry to bring up a baseless concern. I'm just really eager to do this. The LotR series is just so cool... :D


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