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Mid-Range Game 1: The Stormfather and The Nightwatcher


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Ok, that was an incredibly fun game to play.  Congratulations, everyone.

Khas, I am sorry you died, but I personally was getting scared of you.  I think Meta said it last game, but I am definitely watching you from now on.  You will be an incredible helper to whichever side you are on.

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Jaelre: That's Aonar and Wyrmhero, who spent a few hours in the dead doc figuring it out ;) And I love that pun. I'm not so tactically inclined, but yes, I would think so. That's my read on the situation. I'm also kicking myself for not spending my Voidbringer PM on someone from a different faction, because the fact we all spent so much time RPing and faffing around rather than communicating really allowed 17s to sit back and let us cut each other's throats. (Mostly, with the exception of the WoD.)

I was mostly hoping I could somehow dupe other factions to target me in place of others, but my total lack of subtlety completely undermined that. Losing a couple of cycles didn't help either.

Well, lesson learned.

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The last Dead Tweet should give you a clue there, Tulir ;)


Also, for that wonderful bit of damage-soaking on Cycles 2 and 3, totaling 4 different kill attempts and another lynch which never got through, I'd like to nominate Khas for the 'Aggro Magnet' award :P

Edited by Wyrmhero
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The last Dead Tweet should give you a clue there, Tulir ;)

Also, for that wonderful bit of damage-soaking, I'd like to nominate Khas for the 'Aggro Magnet' award :P

I was the best storming tank ever. Totally not a role that the Voidbringer was intended to be. (For those of you who aren't getting the inside joke: Wyrm is referring to the fact I got killed three times in a night, and on the next night, the nobles tried to lynch me again, and the Merchant GB decided to stab me for good measure.)

So Jaelre, what was your curse/boon. You could talk to the dead, but was it scrambled?

I'm not him, but if you're curious: he had to whistle in Morse code (to speak with the dead) and Aonar and King had to figure out what he was saying, basically. In addition, he had to post in limericks in the thread. Edit: Thanks, Cursor of Doom. I stand corrected.

The dead doc was so much fun this time. I feel bad for those who read it though. ;)

Khas, everyone is now scared of you, hence the three attacks on you in one night. :P

Maili, Tulir, I really appreciate that, but can you guys stop cursing me? I actually want to be able to play Game 6 :P

Edited by Kasimir
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Oh, he didn't have to whistle in morse code. He chose to. He wanted to "whistle to the dead and have the dead whistle right back".....but you guys didn't respond. :(

Well, we replied in the dead tweet in the same manner... You never mentioned that we could whistle back outside of it. :P

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Well, we replied in the dead tweet in the same manner... You never mentioned that we could whistle back outside of it. :P


I was hoping one of you would have the brilliant idea to try that yourselves. I really wanted to tell you that, because I thought it would be hilarious. At one point, it looked like Aonar was about to suggest responding in kind, but then he didn't. And then you guys wrote up that tweet, which was pretty stinkin' hilarious, so there wasn't really any point then.

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If I had a half-decent microphone, I'd have probably whistled it instead and asked Rubix to accept it as the dead tweet as it would've been 140 characters long :P.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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little wilson, on 16 Jun 2014 - 04:42 AM, said:

I was hoping one of you would have the brilliant idea to try that yourselves. I really wanted to tell you that, because I thought it would be hilarious. At one point, it looked like Aonar was about to suggest responding in kind, but then he didn't. And then you guys wrote up that tweet, which was pretty stinkin' hilarious, so there wasn't really any point then.

Also, I can't whistle. So that sinks it on my end :(

In addition, if this award thing is a go, I'd like to nominate Aonar for the Most Ironic Death, or however we're now naming it. If there's a chap who deserves it, he does. Rengar can be nominated for Die Hard, or Can't Touch This (I think he doesn't meet the vote requirement but if I recall correctly, he survived three attempts on his life, which is pretty storming good.)

Edited by Kasimir
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Aonar definitely gets the Most Ironic Death one (Don't Worry, it's Not Loaded, Awesomeness has named it). I don't think Rengar qualifies for Can't Touch This as such, since he was attacked less than Khas and probably had less lynch votes on him than Clanal, but I'd say he probably qualifies for Biggest Game-Changing Move (Nailed It!). :P

Edited by Wyrmhero
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So Jaelre, what was your curse/boon. You could talk to the dead, but was it scrambled?

Yeah, I could literally whistle to the dead, I think at this point I can publicly link them. My curse was that I could only talk in italicized limericks, which sent me on a rampage of horrible poetry, mostly for the fun of it.


Also, I can't whistle. So that sinks it on my end :(

You might have noticed I couldn't whistle either.


Edit: I couldn't think of anyway to communicate besides more code. Well, Rubix said I could also post a video of me whistling, and I thought I could have stuck a message there, but it seems a bit too much like cheating.

Edited by jaelre
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Gamma should definitely get the Chronic Back (Stabbing) Pain award.


Also, in terms of Can't Touch This....Claincy definitely wins. 4 days, accumulating 23 votes (I think). He would also get Most Lynchable, seconded by Alvron, at 18 votes.

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Rengar can be nominated for Die Hard, or Can't Touch This (I think he doesn't meet the vote requirement but if I recall correctly, he survived three attempts on his life, which is pretty storming good.)


Well, what did you expect?  Nobody can kill the Freed Bridgeman!  I'm the strongest storming man in this city - it would take more than a mob to put me down for good! ;)

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Renegade, on 16 Jun 2014 - 05:06 AM, said:

Well, what did you expect? Nobody can kill the Freed Bridgeman! I'm the strongest storming man in this city - it would take more than a mob to put me down for good! ;)

I've said it in the dead doc, and I'll say it again. Tch. Sharders. Get more creative. Professionals have standards :P
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Storms, and here I was convinced you had some sort of a kill weapon. O.o Started to put together that Whistling was linked to your curse somehow, from the thread title and Rubix hiding clues to our past Boons/Curses in the same way. (Slaughter in the Streets was the Day I received my sword).

Sorry, by the way Mon, you totally called my betrayal. :P  Several of us Sharders decided in the beginning of the game that we basically had to work together to work as a team, you know, to rep the Forum. Shame, it would be, if the 17S lost their first time around, right? (S)laughter also basically cemented the fact I had to betray the Merchants, since I had to feed people from one of my loyal teams to it.

Speaking of which, my exact wording for my Boon was on the first night I asked to be able to 'Kill with Laughter'. Since I decided at that point I was basically The Joker on Roshar, but Aodan's Boon was granted instead. Second Night I made my request in the form of RP where Magam strode up to the Nightwatcher, called her an old goat, and demanded she give me an Awakened Sword named Laughter. (Since I apparently wasn't clear enough on what I wanted the first night) ;) Surprised I received the weapon instead of being struck down, actually. O.o

Some of my later RPs after I had received my curse were obviously cut down in length, and they started portraying a weakened/vulnerable Magam. Speculation could determine that these were just the results of the Insanity Magam was experiencing from his curse and his main speaking companion being an Awakened Sword. She was named after Magam's old friend, Silence, back on Threnody, incidentally. Similar sense of humour, too...

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Nice game, everyone. I basically dropped out a day after dying since I didn't see anything important left for me to influence, and several real life things needed some more involvement. But I'm going to skim over things again now that we've wrapped up to see the behind the scenes of things.


I'm a little disappointed over losing my one day extension as a Voidbringer. I had dozens of ideas for RPing Jerrek wounded in the streets and stuff, but someone had to hit me with a Weapon of Doom and spoil all my fun. =)


Does anyone have any input on how a faction might have better arranged for their own victory? The nobles did do a good job holding out, but I wonder if there would have been a better approach than the one I had set out for the faction. I do like the idea of trying to flush out the sharders in a cross-faction alliance, but how would that have been done effectively?


And if I may ask, did my boon get turned down for not being funny enough, or was it so odd that you didn't know what to curse me with? =) (I'm really guessing it was just not cool enough for the day one rush. My role wasn't the best for boon-hunting in the first place.)

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It's funny how I've always die on the 3rd day in the 2 games I've played in. Wel played, everyone, and good GMing, RUbix  :D


Just asking, how did I die? I was the Merchant GhostBlood. Knifed Kas twice on the first two days then knifed Grey Pilgrim (Kas got attacked 4 times on the first day)

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Does anyone have any input on how a faction might have better arranged for their own victory? The nobles did do a good job holding out, but I wonder if there would have been a better approach than the one I had set out for the faction. I do like the idea of trying to flush out the sharders in a cross-faction alliance, but how would that have been done effectively?


The Nightwatcher was a crucial aspect of this game. While the curses were bad, as long as you didn't ask for anything too game-changing, they were totally workable, and the boons helped enormously. I'd say that was probably the biggest thing the factions should've been doing. The Sharders started out with no powers, but more information than anyone else (I would say a lot of information, but they were still in the dark about a lot of stuff), but they gained more power because they went to the Nightwatcher. Outside of the big first day rush, no one outside of the Sharders went to the Nightwatcher until after the Everstorm. That killed the factions. It's understandable that you want to use your power, but if you sacrifice one day and head to the Nightwatcher and pray successfully, when you return, you'd be able to not only use your power, but also your boon from the Nightwatcher (whatever it was).


Once Rubix links the docs and the spreadsheet (not sure if he'll do it today or tomorrow), you'll be able to see the prayers that were granted. Take special note of Aonar's prayer (which I'm pretty sure the fact that his was so insanely good was the reason no one else got one granted that day. No one else compared, despite some of the other prayers that day being on par with other prayers that were granted later in the game). Aonar's prayer was the ideal prayer. Rengar's was pretty good too, and I thought Gamma's was pretty hilarious. Maill had some good prayers too, but he was dead at the time. If he'd been alive and offering the same prayers, he likely would've gotten one answered. But since he was dead, he didn't. That's not saying a prayer from the dead couldn't have been accepted, but it really would've depended on the humor (read: troll) factor of the boon.



Just asking, how did I die? 


You were hit twice. Gamma fed you to the sword at the same time that that the Darkeyes GB hit you. (See, Khas? You're not the only one to get hit multiple times!)

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Okay, I'd understand it if everyone went for Kas, since he proved himself to be a skilled turtler/planner. But why me?


Feather, I'm sort of sad how you didn't continue the toy panda RP. I gave it to you the day before I died.


Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Okay, I'd understand it if everyone went for Kas, since he proved himself to be a skilled turtler/planner. But why me?


I'm not sure why the darkeyes went for you, but Gamma went for you because you were a Merchant, and he needed power for Silent Laughter (aka (S)Laughter).

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