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Take A Deep Breath


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More rain.

Ana fiddled with her skirt, a muted green, as she sat at the kitchen table. Her plate lay empty in front of her, not even a hint of crumbs remaining. The rain pattered on the roof, and the sky outside was grey.

She kept her head down, her eyes avoiding the empty seat on the other side of the table, like the way one’s eye avoids the beggars on the streets. Before . . . her father used to dine with her outside, in the gardens. They’d drink juices and he’d tell stories of The Court of Gods. She would listen with rapt attention as he painted pictures of dazzling hues and brilliant displays. He told her how the gods could awaken objects with a single word and perform wonderful miracles.

Her toes curled and her fists clenched, scrunching up her skirt. That was before.

Ana looked up. The walls stared back at her, peeling, faded, a dull off-white. The house was silent – her father had not yet risen from bed. It was worse, on rainy days, he said. Silently, she stood up and brushed the crumbs from her skirt, before realising that there were none at all. She crossed the room and into a short hallway, bare feet on wood. Pushing open the door, Ana poked her head into her father’s room. Beneath the thin sheet, he slept, his face contorted into a look of frustration. Ana pulled the door closed and shut the door with a click, turning around and entering her own tiny room. She went to the far corner, pushed her bedroll aside and pried up one of the floorboards. Under it was a small box of her possessions, things she couldn’t bear to lose when they left their home, two years ago. In it was an old comb, which she ran through her hair, though she didn’t need to. She’d sold her hair for a spindle of wool some months ago, and her hair was only now just coming to rest by her chin. The motion calmed her, however, reminding her of her mother’s gentle touch as she brushed Ana’s hair each night before bed. She replaced the comb and shut the box, tucking it safely away under the floor, and pulling her bedroll on top. Ana stood up, wishing she had a mirror, then turned and strode out of the house. The rain had stopped, and the sun poked through clouds, shining gentle rays onto the city. She looked straight ahead, face set, and started walking.

Her hands she hid in their pockets, to hide their shaking.

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Ophelia listened to the boy's words in surprise. His sister a barber? She waited until the priest was gone, then tried to take her bag back from him. "I'm not your sister." She told him slightly confused. "And while I know how to shave a man, I'm no barbar. I'm a hairdresser and I'm sprecialized on elaborate hairstyles."

She paused, suddenly nervously looking around. Something was wrong here, the boy, he didn't seem that nice anymore and the hole in her bag hurt. Her lipstick and other tools would fall out of it and she had no means to repair it. She knew that the knife had been safely stored, so he had to have moved it around. Paling slightly she shook her head at him, afraid what he would do next. "Please, give it back." She asked him, knew that if he stole this bag, or if he scattered its contents on the ground, she was done. It was the only thing she had left to show off her skills to find a place to work.


Edited by Sorana
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On 10/29/2019 at 2:44 AM, I ♥️ Rashek said:

It was a great day outside. Of course, the weather in Hallandren was almost always good, so this was nothing new. Elias had seen more fine days than he cared to count, and while they were nice, most days they were simply that. Today was different. It took him back to the days when he'd held Breath, when his world had been bright and colorful. Those days were over now, his last Breath offered to the gods, but the memories remained. The glories of the Heightenings were not so easily forgotten.

Elias started his daily walk. He was a stranger to T'Telir, and the walks were his way of familiarizing himself with the city.

As he passed the second fountain, Elias noticed a change. The buildings here were in terrible condition, paint peeling and windows cracked. Beggars sat by the streetside, dirty and tired, wearing clothes that had seen better days. He knew that he really shouldn't encourage them, but seeing people reduced to this state was beyond pitiful. In one of them, Elias could see the signs of typhoid, a rash of red spots and a face flushed with fever. Without treatment, the beggar might die.

Elias made his way over to the beggar, giving the man a coin and some advice. "Son, you have the typhoid. Take this coin and buy some water, then mix in some salt and sugar before you drink it. If you stay hydrated, you'll live."

He continued to walk. He'd done what he could for this one.


On 10/29/2019 at 2:52 AM, The traveller said:


a lot more than that girl for sure, who has no idea that kid is robbing her in broad light.. 

not my concern though... 

that will teach the girl lesson about being naive.. 


She walked ahead past the de’dnir statues... is it really true... did they come to life.... I don’t know...

looking back at the girl and shook her head and walked away..


On 10/29/2019 at 3:40 AM, Karger said:

"I'm not hurt!" Brills replied as the man got nearer he brushed the bag against the side of his robes right at the bottom of the left pocket.  Coins fell on the ground as it tore. 

"Oh no!" Brills gasped in his best youngster voice.  He scrambled to pick up the coins that had fallen on the ground and return them to the man careful not to move the bag so that the coins that had had made sure would fall in would make any noise.

"It was my sister's knife it must be poking through," he murdered to the man as he handed the last coin back.  "She is a barber you know.  One of the best!" 

Chapter 2

Rayas waited patiently as the girl stopped before him and stared up at the statue. Conveniently, the... robbery she was truly paying attention to was happening at just the right angle for her to observe it without gawking at it.

A thief, he thought, or a recruiter for some criminal activity

No one notices beggars and one learns a lot by being unnoticeable

She completely ignored his existence, much less his completely empty bowl and swiftly moved on after losing interest in the mugging.

Rayas let loose a litany of colourful curses at her back.

He needed to eat. His stomach was clenching painfully.

He stared balefully at the stump of his leg. The injury that had brought him here, to this colours-cursed city: faith, he clenched his teeth, and the renown of a doctor he had ended up chasing halfway across Hallandren and yet not managed to find.

He turned to watch the theft-in-progress and snorted, what was that kid hoping to find in there? Then gaped as the boy simply swiped something shiny across a bag of a passing priest in one fluid movement. The bag tore and a veritable waterfall of coins spilled out.

He jumped up, fell down again for forgetting about his stump, then hobbled up to the three.

Rayas then proceeded to swipe up a few coins, surreptitiously slipped a few up his sleeves then handed the rest to the priest and the Idrian looking boy, who had, alongside his former mark and a couple of other bystanders, bent down to help the priest gather up his coins.

The boy raised an eyebrow at him, obviously noticing the action but otherwise seeming to let it go without remark before turning back to the well-dressed girl Rayas had thought was the little thief's original mark.

He was just about to leave when a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

It was the priest. Smiling, the priest handed him a few coins, "bless you, child. Even in your difficult times you remained honest. Go get yourself something warm to eat"

Rayas "gaped" at the priest then thanked him profusely before "joyously" making for the kiosk by the wayside (going to any more 'permanent' food establishments as a beggar was not a wise choice, as he had found out the hard way). The kiosk had even seen how the priest himself had handed him the money to get himself something to eat.

One learns a lot of things as a beggar

The vendor gave him some steaming fries, smiling at him kindly.

Dragons take you, Rayas thought angrily, I was sitting there starving for days. Now you smile at me kindly? 

But he didn't let it show. He just appeared thankful. He knew better than to appear "ungrateful" and ate for the first time in two and a half days...

Edited by Honorless
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The streets were busy. Ana pushed down her frustration as she was shoved and jostled by the swarm of bodies. Her hands were still shaking, though not as badly. She still wasn't used to going out without an escort. T'Telir was beautiful, but it was also frighteningly dangerous. She had learned that the hard way.

She headed towards the D'Denir statues. Last week, a street vendor had offered her work - a job trying to score him some more customers. She hadn't been very good at it - either stumbling awkwardly over her words or simply failing to catch anyone's attention, but the vendor had been kind, and given her some coin. As she neared the statues, the crowd thinned, and the shining statues, draped in all their gaudy finery stood watching over the city. 

Suddenly, to her left, people gasped, and Ana turned in time to see a spray of coins fly from a priest's pouch, catching the sunlight as they fell to the ground. A boy near him knelt down to help gather them, and another boy also ran over to help. Amid the confusion, a girl stood in the middle, looking distressed. Ana kept watching as the priest and one of the boys moved on. However, the other boy and the girl stayed. 

3 hours ago, Sorana said:

She paused, suddenly nervously looking around. Something was wrong here, the boy, he didn't seem that nice anymore and the whole in her bag hurt. Her lipstick and other tools would fall out of it and she had no means to repair it. She knew that the knife had been safely stored, so he had to have moved it around. Paling slightly she shook her head at him, afraid what he would do next. "Please, give it back." She asked him, knew that if he stole this bag, or if he scattered its contents on the ground, she was done. It was the only thing she had left to show off her skills to do work.

Ana frowned. She remembered another time, a few months ago, when a pickpocket had run away with her money. She watched the pair, memories churning inside of her. I should help. It's what Father would do.

"Move it!" 

Ana was pushed over as a passing woman strode past her. Mud from the still-wet ground stained her skirt. She stood up, and fruitlessly tried to brush it off. She bit the inside of her cheek, and whispered to herself, "I am not scared", before approaching the pair.

"Excuse me, are you two all right?" She asked. 

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4 minutes ago, The Awakened Salad said:

"Excuse me, are you two all right?" She asked. 

Ophelia turned her head to see a girl, slightly younger than herself approach them. "I don't know." She replied truthfully, and then smiled when she saw the beautiful strands of the girl's hair. It was short, and it needed a good cut, but it looked healthy and strong. "You've got wonderful hair." she complimented her, completely forgetting about the boy for a short moment. "I would suggest to shorten a few strands here and there, to give it a little more volume, and you can easily highlight your eyes and cheeckbones if we trim the strands around your face." Falling silent she looked at her hands, realized that this was probably the last thing the girl had wanted to hear.

"Sorry." she muttered and focused on the situation at hand again. The boy. "My bag, please. I need it. I can't find a job without it." And without a job she had no food, no place to stay. She had nothing. Nothing but a spare set of cloths and this bag.


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The port was as busy as a port could be. Merchants called and workers carried heavy loads of cargo. To Aoryen’s knowledge, Hallendren didn’t have slaves — not counting the lifeless, but he could never be sure. It had been a long while since he’d stepped foot within the city. Well, set foot in any city, really.

The ground seemed oddly unsteady as Aoryen stepped onto it, but he realised it was just his own balance overcompensating. The land was solid, didn’t move like ships did, there was no need to be wary of falling off the edge. But as he walked towards the boatmaster’s stall he still found himself falling into the regular old habits.

“Good morning,” the boatmaster greeted him, though it was soulless and the man remained staring at his ledgers, inked feather in hand. “Name?”

Aoryen Fial,” Aoryen replied, though his accent caused the man to misspell the name. That was fine, Aoryen didn’t care much about all this document-and-paper tasks. Or maybe that feeling of dullness he tried so hard to fight against was his lack of breath. “Sailed under the Resolute. Real beauty, she was.”

“Mhm,” the boatmaster filled in the forms, nodded without even looking up to see Aoryen’s frown. “Welcome to the great city of Hallendren. Next!”


The waves were gone.

As Aoryen progressed into the heart of the city, he found himself missing the waves even more, felt unsafe without their protection, their guidance. He was alone, in a foreign land, with unknown soil beneath his feet, not water. There was no gentle rocking of the boat, and surrounding him were more people than he’d seen on any ship.

Looking in one direction he saw a grouping of people congregated.

“Aye,” he said, walking towards them. “Y’ wouldn’t happen to have a jolly-oakin’ idea of where in the high seas I could find a place to eat, would ye?”



@The Awakened Salad

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Hailey reaches the junction just ahead. She stood there looking back at the girl and the thief, she could not help herself.. 

she saw another girl approach them, the stylish one looked like she was getting upset now.. 

This is going to be interesting.. 

She settled down to see what unfolded just as a sailor fella joined them.

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19 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

The waves were gone.

As Aoryen progressed into the heart of the city, he found himself missing the waves even more, felt unsafe without their protection, their guidance. He was alone, in a foreign land, with unknown soil beneath his feet, not water. There was no gentle rocking of the boat, and surrounding him were more people than he’d seen on any ship.

Looking in one direction he saw a grouping of people congregated.

“Aye,” he said, walking towards them. “Y’ wouldn’t happen to have a jolly-oakin’ idea of where in the high seas I could find a place to eat, would ye?”

Ophelia looked up when a fourth person joined their group and smiled politely at the sailor. He had a weird accent, but she could understand him just fine, and she thought about a good place to eat. She had mostly eaten at the manison, the leftovers from the family, or if there weren't enough then cook had wiped something up for them. Something simple, but it had been enough for all of them. She opened her mouth to reply, wanted to send him -

"I don't know." She admitted and shook her head. "I have no idea where you could find something to eat. Maybe you can find someone on the street selling some food," her stomach rumbled and she blushed from embarressment, when it reminded her of the fact that she had skipped breakfast.

Her eyes returned to the boy in front of her, her hand still on the bag, waiting for him to let go.


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As soon as she walked over to the pair, Ana's resolve faltered. The boy, although looking around the same age as her, seemed much more dangerous. What was she walking into? I am not scared, she told herself. Suddenly, the girl replied.

22 hours ago, Sorana said:

Ophelia turned her head to see a girl, slightly younger than herself approach them. "I don't know." She replied truthfully, and then smiled when she saw the beautiful strands of the girl's hair. It was short, and it needed a good cut, but it looked healthy and strong. "You've got wonderful hair." she complimented her, completely forgetting about the boy for a short moment. "I would suggest to shorten a few strands here and there, to give it a little more volume, and you can easily highlight your eyes and cheeckbones if we trim the strands around your face." Falling silent she looked at her hands, realized that this was probably the last thing the girl had wanted to hear.

"Sorry." she muttered and focused on the situation at hand again. The boy. "My bag, please. I need it. I can't find a job without it." And without a job she had no food, no place to stay. She had nothing. Nothing but a spare set of cloths and this bag.

Ana blinked in shock as the girl turned back to the boy and began asking for her bag. "Thank you," she said softly, more to herself than anyone. She reached up absentmindedly and ran a hand through her short hair, before letting it rest back at her side. That compliment seemed to belong to another place, another time. Ana shook her head, refocusing. Still, something inside of her felt emboldened, the stranger's words buoying her up with courage. 

This boy - he seemed to be a thief. Ana considered her options. She could walk away, but that would do no good. The thief would still be there, and he would probably run off with the girl's bag. She had quick hands, but they were used to sewing and mending, not prying bags away from thieves. She could try and chase him, but she was sure she was no match for a pickpocket, who was likely skilled in avoiding pursuit. She shook her head, straining for something, anything, that would help. Just then, a man approached the group. 

21 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“Aye,” he said, walking towards them. “Y’ wouldn’t happen to have a jolly-oakin’ idea of where in the high seas I could find a place to eat, would ye?”

He looked strong. Maybe he could help, if she could explain to him what was happening. The girl replied. 

1 hour ago, Sorana said:

"I don't know." She admitted and shook her head. "I have no idea where you could find something to eat. Maybe you can find someone on the street selling some food," her stomach rumbled and she blushed from embarressment, when it reminded her of the fact that she had skipped breakfast.

Her eyes returned to the boy in front of her, her hand still on the bag, waiting for him to let go.

Ana remembered the street vendor she had worked for. Maybe she could convince the vendor to let this man eat for free, as her payment for working for him. She crept around the group to him, careful not to draw attention to herself.

"I know where you might score a free meal, if you can help me," she said.

@Karger @Sorana @I think I am here.


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5 hours ago, Sorana said:

Her eyes returned to the boy in front of her, her hand still on the bag, waiting for him to let go.

Brills removed several coins from the bag.  He smiled and tossed her one.  Then he began to leave.

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8 minutes ago, Karger said:

Brills removed several coins from the bag.  He smiled and tossed her one.  Then he began to leave.


No coins. :mellow: She's out of money, sorry. Like I wrote somewhere above when you asked about its contents, it's mostly hairdressing and make up stuff.


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“Argh, no place to eat, now that’s a real wee unfortune, isn’t it?” He said and looked to the small girl offering him free food. One person not knowing a place to eat and another offering free food? Well, free food was always a plus, Aoryen had decided long ago. And that was if he could help her? How could he help a teenage girl in any way? Perhaps to act as her boyfriend, to scare away an ex maybe. That would be amusing. One of his friend’s daughters back on the ship had done that. Good times.

“And what help would that be, gurl?” He asked, looking down and tilting his head to one side. “And I’m curious to what this whole little scandaffle is that’s goin’ on right now.”

@The Awakened Salad


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8 minutes ago, Sorana said:

No coins. :mellow: She's out of money, sorry. Like I wrote somewhere above when you asked about its contents, it's mostly hairdressing and make up stuff.


He got the coins from the priest remember.  He cut the guys pocket let several coins fall into the bag gave back the coins that fell on the ground and is now removing those coins.


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2 minutes ago, Karger said:

He got the coins from the priest remember.  He cut the guys pocket let several coins fall into the bag gave back the coins that fell on the ground and is now removing those coins.


okay, thanks. I thought you put them in your bag, not mine.

Ophelia missed the coin thrown at her, yelped in surprise, when it suddenly hit her face and then fell to the ground with a light pling. "Give it back!" She shouted when he started to move away, her bag still in his hand, the coins in his other.

Wringing her hands she took a few steps after him, unsure what to do, the promise of free food the other girls hand thrown easily into the room still in her ears. "Please." She repeated, angrily wiped a tear off her face when she was starting to cry again. Everybody was able to keep a straight face, and she, she always had to cry about everything. About every little thing. "Please." She repeated again, knew that this time it was no little thing. She looked back at the sailor, at the other girl, realized that they hadn't moved to help. Instead the girl was slowly backing away. She felt cold, shook her head in disbelief. "You don't need make-up, or a hairbrush, just give it back."

@I think I am here. @The Awakened Salad

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Hailey was sure that she could rattle on to the slum bosses about this new vendor who was not paying them.. that should satisfy them. 
She shrugged, her life had been a series of mistakes ever since she left her village. Looking for a brother who does not seem to care and had vanished in this large city. How she landed herself into all this mess with the slum bosses, she did not know and how to get out of it, she could not understand... This city as beautiful as it was on the outside, was as dangerous on the streets.. 

Just then, she saw the thief running away with the purse.. Could she catch him, help the girl? She doubted it. The boy was much younger and agile. She decided to follow him, not knowing what she would do with the bag if she did catch him.. She started running towards the thief.




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14 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Ophelia missed the coin thrown at her, yelped in surprise, when it suddenly hit her face and then fell to the ground with a light pling. "Give it back!" She shouted when he started to move away, her bag still in his hand, the coins in his other.

15 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Wringing her hands she took a few steps after him, unsure what to do, the promise of free food the other girls hand thrown easily into the room still in her ears. "Please." She repeated, angrily wiped a tear off her face when she was starting to cry again. Everybody was able to keep a straight face, and she, she always had to cry about everything. About every little thing. "Please." She repeated again, knew that this time it was no little thing. She looked back at the sailor, at the other girl, realized that they hadn't moved to help. Instead the girl was slowly backing away. She felt cold, shook her head in disbelief. "You don't need make-up, or a hairbrush, just give it back."

Brills paused.  Rolled his eyes and returned the bag.  It made carrying the coins inconvenient but these cloths had a nice set of pockets.


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16 minutes ago, Sorana said:

She felt cold, shook her head in disbelief. "You don't need make-up, or a hairbrush, just give it back."

Aoryen looked to the other two kids, a thief stealing some bag from a girl. One moment he was walking away, the next he was returning the bag. Well, that had deescalated quickly. Walking to the boy Aoryen placed a hand on his shoulder.

“You know, boy,” he said. “If you wanted to tell ‘er you liked ‘er, there were more practical ways.”

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3 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Aoryen looked to the other two kids, a thief stealing some bag from a girl. One moment he was walking away, the next he was returning the bag. Well, that had deescalated quickly. Walking to the boy Aoryen placed a hand on his shoulder.

“You know, boy,” he said. “If you wanted to tell ‘er you liked ‘er, there were more practical ways.”

Brills rolled his eyes.  "Skirts ain't worth the trouble.  Sides I don't need a fancy brush."

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Ophelia pressed the bag to her chest, relief made her shoulders sag. "Thank you." She whispered and made sure to hold the bag close to her chest. Bending down she picked up the coin and handed it to the girl who had started to follow the thief. "Thanks." She repeated, grateful that at least someone had cared.

She continued to press her bag to her chest and then looked at the sailor. "Do you need a haircut, sir?" She asked, hoped that her voice wasn't shaking too much. "I am good and I can also trim your beard."

@I think I am here. @The Awakened Salad @Karger

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6 hours ago, Sorana said:

She continued to press her bag to her chest and then looked at the sailor. "Do you need a haircut, sir?" She asked, hoped that her voice wasn't shaking too much. "I am good and I can also trim your beard."

Brills frowned.  A haircut.  These clothes had worked.  What could he do with a haircut...

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8 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“And what help would that be, gurl?” He asked, looking down and tilting his head to one side. “And I’m curious to what this whole little scandaffle is that’s goin’ on right now.”

Before Ana could open her mouth, the thief was already returning the bag to the girl. Maybe he wasn’t so dangerous after all. 
The girl turned and offered the large man —obviously a sailor, from the way he spoke — a haircut. Ana frowned in thought. Of course! She was a hairdresser!  However, she couldn’t help but notice how her face had brightened when Ana mentioned free food. It was be a stretch, to get free food for one person, let alone two. But the sailor had seemed willing to help, maybe she could ask a different favour. And the hairdresser... she knew all too well what it was like to go hungry. She would try, at least. 
She waited until the hairdresser had finished speaking, then interjected, “I can’t promise anything, but I can try and get food for both of you. There’s a food vendor I’ve worked for before. I might be able to convince him to give you two a free meal, as my pay.” 
Truthfully, she would’ve loved a good haircut. It had been years since she’d had one, but money was scarce, and she couldn’t afford to waste it on frivolities. 
To the sailor, she said “I was originally going to ask you to get her bag from the thief,” she glanced at the thief, still standing within earshot. “But that was resolved.” She thought for a moment. There was something she could use help with. “However, if you’re willing, there is one other thing....”

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