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Are Humans differnt in seperate shardworlds?

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In Roashar the ardents tell us that the two greatest jobs you can have are being a solider and being a farmer. This seams to align with Honor and Cultivation as the shards in that shardworld. And in the Misborn the plot is always two groups trying to destroy(Ruin) or preserve (Preservation) an ideal, or a kingdom. so my question is if a humans basic actions, or beliefs can be directly linked to the shard that created them.

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The Physical bodies of all Humans across the Cosmere are The Same, (Excepting When the Lord Ruler changed Humanity to Adapt to the Ash) But their Spiritual And Cognitive DNA is Imbued with the Intents of the Shard. In Mistborn, Humans are more of Preservation than Ruin.

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Does the intent/personality of the Shard affect the personalities of the humans they create?
It has some very small effect.
Edited by Kurkistan
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I'd say so, yes. Nalthian humans are interesting, in the sense that they can give up a portion of their soul - one could almost call it self-induced Hemalurgy. Scadrians are unique in the sense that they have more of one parent Shard than the other, which I think is not the case for Rosharans, and perhaps even those on Sel.


And then there's the physical differences; Scadrians apparently look more European, while Rosharans have epicanthic folds.

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so my question is if a humans basic actions, or beliefs can be directly linked to the shard that created them.


I think it actually has more to do with the direct influence of the shard's intent on the humans that live on the world. In other words, I think the shards can and do influence, inspire, and tempt the humans. How much influence they respond to depends on the nature of the human in question.

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Everyone throughout the Comsere has some type of Investment of Investiture in them. (not counting drabs I believe ) Each person would them be inclinced to subtle shardic intent from that investiture or even on a more major scale when direct influence- (such as Inquistors in Mistborn).


So the more powerful you get.. the more shardic influence has over you??

Since thier is more invested in you??

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