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The Bleeding Spike Tavern

Elend  Venture

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21 hours ago, bees? said:

"Why? A good question. But I must ask, why to what? Why did I try to kill the people I did? Why am I now so physically changed? Or are you asking why I continue to live? Because even I ask that last question many times every night."


Ambrosia had two very conflicting emotions. Comfort Talas. And tell Talas he was worthless piece of crem-ridden filth.

"The- the second."

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On 1/29/2020 at 1:01 PM, Darth Woodrack said:

"You have a few things wrong. For one thing, I am not a politician. For another, the average person of the Citadel can rationalize my experiments with the fact that the generally improve the standard of living in the Citadel, which is already much higher than in the Alleycity, and the only other two major cities in several hundred miles are guild based. Unlike the Alleycity, the only support system is not a hemalurgic death cult, instead there is a stable government. In addition, we are equipped for war, for invasions, we are prepared. Beyond that, near everyone has a job, and those that do not do so by choice. These have all come about due to my experiments. The Citadel itself was an experiment! The power supply was an experiment! Every mining tool for the lifeblood of the economy is an experiment! And the final thing you are incorrect on is that the squirrel was intentional. It was a miscalculation. As was attempting to higher you to deal with it. You are simply lucky that I did not accidentally unleash one of the thousand worse things I have locked up. Would you prefer an investiture eating super plague? A swarm of Sky Piranha's? The Jackal's Mask? All of those are results of, or are undergoing, experiments. The plague would be remarkably useful in a war scenario, and the Sky Piranha's are undergoing domestication. As are the giant demons spiders. And the carnivorous furniture. 

On 2/4/2020 at 9:20 PM, Darth Woodrack said:

Hey, since I'm a bit bored because I think Silva forgot about this... sees cool RP... can Dusk hear this?


*gasps* I would never

*forgot about it till Ene mentioned Aderet in her AMA*

All those things sounded terribly immoral to Aderet. Concern crossed over her face as the realization hit her. He was a hopeless case. So hopeless he couldn't even recognize any faults he had that weren't actually strengths. 

And it pained her. 

The way he talked calmly about using an Investiture eating plague. The way he claimed he wasn't a politician when all he was doing was what politicians did: lie so convincingly that they convince themselves. The way he incessantly insisted that she was wrong constantly. Even when she feigned to agree with him, he was looking for an enemy. Paranoia. All these plans for invasion. What of preventing invasion preemptively? A victim, likely. Utilizing the methods that would have saved him back when he was endangered, not seeing the smarter alternatives. Simpler alternatives. Safer alternatives.


But she couldn't even tell him that or he'd dive into another monologue on how perfect he was. He couldn't stand being anything but right

And she hated it. 

Hated how she wasn't sure what to do. Hated how she was just sitting there instead of acting. Acting. Hated how emotional she was getting over this.

Then, instead of replying with words, she burst into tears.

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On 2/7/2020 at 8:49 AM, Ark1002 said:

Ambrosia had two very conflicting emotions. Comfort Talas. And tell Talas he was worthless piece of crem-ridden filth.

"The- the second."

"Why did I try to kill my entire family? I had no choice," Talas said, rising from his seat. "I had no choice, but do you want to know why I had no choice? Because you wouldn't leave! You risked your life and the life of our daughters to do what exactly?"

Talas walked closer.

"You tried to save Anthony and Tena, two people who could have protected themselves, and would have been ignored anyway if you hadn't tried to protect them. I was sent to kill. Nothing else. But I wasn't in control."

Talas was now barely a foot away from the woman he loved.


His irises had turned almost completely red, no longer the near perfect unison of red and green.

"I AM—"

Talas stopped. He was yelling at his wife. And in front of his own daughters. His voice broke and he fell to his knees.

"I am sorry. I am a monster. You hate me. And I have never deserved anything more than that hatred in my life."

Edited by bees?
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7 hours ago, bees? said:

he fell to his knees

3 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

She was crying on his shirt, sobbing.


at first I was mildly annoyed but then I did some quick mafs and realized that no he's still tall enough to be on his knees and have her cry on his shirt

also noooo not his shirt

Talas didn't know what to do. Everything he had prepared for was now useless. People hate other people. Especially when they try to kill them. Especially when the person who tried to kill them was their husband. But he wasn't mad. No, he was overjoyed. She still loves meEven when I can't love myself.

"I love you," he whispered. "I just didn't expect you to be able to forgive me."

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Ambrosia pulled away for a second, wiping her eyes.

"I don't know if I can. I don't know if I ever will. But I would like to try."

She sighed deeply, and walked backward a few steps, trying to regain her composure.

"So. Now what I came here for."

She turned to Nectar and Asa, who were staring wide eyed at the whole situation.

"You need to be reintroduced to the twins."


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On 2/15/2020 at 3:49 PM, bees? said:

Talas looked down at his daughters. Two identical girls, reflections of both each other and their parents. Well, a bit more like their mother than him. Especially now. "Hello, girls. It has certainly been a while."

She leaned down, and pushed Asa's hair out of her eyes. It was always there, no matter how hard she tried to get it to behave.

"This one is Asa." Asa wore a red miniature dress, fashioned to look like a rose. It was her favorite, and she had insisted on wearing it today.

She turned on her heel, to Nectar. "And this is Nectar." Nectar wore a black skirt, a white tshirt, white socks, black shoes. Like a stereotypical schoolgirl. She had gotten the idea from some movie, and become obsessed. She always dressed this way.

She kissed Asa on the forehead, for she had a petulant, angry expression. Then she whispered to both of them. "Go hug your dad."

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On 2/16/2020 at 6:28 PM, Ark1002 said:


Two little girls. Not much older than... not much older than who? Someone else. He waited for them to come forward, inwardly rushing through a million worries. Am I scaring them? Would I be too sharp for them to hug me? Would I be a good father? What would Walter think about this? That last one was odd. Walter? Images of a little boy flashed through Talas' head. Who are you?

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6 hours ago, Darth Woodrack said:

Dusk watched, very interested.

Aderet kept crying. Tears streamed from her blue eyes and down her cheeks. She'd chosen not to put on makeup that morning and now was infinitely grateful for that decision. 

In her pocket lay a folded lilac handkerchief. She took it out and daintily dabbed at her eyes. The handkerchief darkened from the wet, but soon her eyes were dry. She folded it into a square and kept it on hand, knowing she might require it again soon.

"What is wrong with you?" Aderet asked, her voice terse yet brittle. "What rusting traumatic experience left you in a state where there isn't an ounce of humility left in you?"

Her reddened eyes looked up to his. There was an apparent desperation in them, conveyed in a way that her profanity hadn't quite reached. 

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Tena watched this whole scenario and heaved a sigh. She was glad they were recovering, at least a little. She texted her husband. Ay there, how is the little wolf? Her nickname for her daughter was one of the more odd things she did nowadays, and that fact made her uneasy.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/20/2020 at 10:56 PM, Darth Woodrack said:

"Oh, that would be when Hellbent, a man I worshipped for sheer power, slaughtered my wife an infant child, along with the entire town that we lived in," Dusk said deadpan, looking at her, before adding, "I was very foolish in my youth."


Huh. An admittance of fault. In the past, rather than recent, but a fault all the same. 

She wiped her eyes with the handkerchief, yet again. It was fairly damp by now.

"I think you're still foolish," she said softly, fearing that too strong a voice might scare him back into his shell. This monotonous voice seemed more emotional than any before in the conversation even without truly containing variance in tone.

Aderet kept her gaze on his. "Foolish indeed." Then she looked away, her eyes falling on a reunited couple. They seemed to be coming together once more, forgiving past faults, moving on, and embracing one another as they were.

That's what Dusk was lacking. His self-hatred was blinding and forcing him to delude himself into believing that the only way to repentance was spending the rest of his life serving others. Or trying to through his work and his experiments.

She had misjudged him, but not at the basis of her judgement. He was missing something, just not what she'd thought.

He had yet to do the most important thing.

Forgive himself.

Foolish..."Just in a different way."

Edited by Silva
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/27/2020 at 2:43 PM, bees? said:

Talas hugged Nectar, pulling her close to him. "I will never leave you. Not again." He held his hand out to Asa, waiting for her to take it. And ignoring that something about this felt undeniably wrong.


Asa wrapped her small hands around Talas's hand, shyly looking up at him.

On 3/5/2020 at 8:59 AM, Sherlock Holmes said:

Tena watched this whole scenario and heaved a sigh. She was glad they were recovering, at least a little. She texted her husband. Ay there, how is the little wolf? Her nickname for her daughter was one of the more odd things she did nowadays, and that fact made her uneasy.


Anthony texted back, asleep. Again.

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