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Inaccuracies on ettmetal page


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The wiki page states that "Splitting harmonium through distillation will give something different from atium and lerasium." But the WoB it cites (pasted below)


If I was to take harmonium and separate it out through distillation, would I get lerasium and atium or something that functions similarly?

Brandon Sanderson

No, you would-- It actually has become a different--


Can't be split?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah. I mean, you could find a way, but you're not going to get it through normal, mechanical means.

It seems Brandon is saying that Harmonium is a pure metal and not an alloy and thus distilling it wont split it into anything. This contradicts the info on the wiki.

Skyward Houston signing (Nov. 19, 2018)
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But if Harmonium is a metal of its own and not an alloy of anything as Brandon suggests when he says "It actually has become a different--" distillation will literally do nothing except turn into into gaseous vapours and then condense it back into liquid Harmonium. So under no conditions will distillation split Harmonium.

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Definitely need to remove "distillation". And probably needs rewording.

I think it's fairly clear Brandon is saying ettmetal is a distinct metal. (" No, you would-- It actually has become a different-- ") That is, it's not just a simple alloy of atium and lerasium.

I also think it's fairly clear that ettmetal can be "split", ("Yeah. I mean, you could find a way...") though the process to do that is complex and probably requires magic.

But it is NOT clear what ettmetal can be split into. That said, atium and lerasium seems most likely by far. It would be rather odd if Brandon means to imply it can be split into... something else, that we don't know anything about. It makes sense that you'd get atium and lerasium from it. Brandon's point is simply that you're not talking about separating atoms of one element from the atoms of another.

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