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Kaladinfoil theory of Kaladin's ancestry


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So we know singers and humans can have children in general, there are major known cases, etc. What if it still sometimes happened, say within two hundred years of Kaladin's time? Maybe down the road, idk... Basically, what if Kaladin has more singer sDNA than humans usually have on Roshar? By extension, too, either or both of his parents even more. And what about people like Nohadon long ago?

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This is presuming the combined races of Horneaters and Herdazians came about naturally, as opposed to Cultivation/the Nightwatcher messing with people. But given that Kaladin doesn't have anything professing any sort of shared blood (none of the hair color or fingernail thing) it seems unlikely to me.

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2 hours ago, Ripheus23 said:

I was thinking of his brand not going away, for one. His affinity with the oppressed everywhere... Hey, maybe him being darkeyed even, is related.

We have actual explanations as to why his brand does not go away(He feels that he deserves it and so he heals toward his spiritual ideal).  His affinity with the oppressed probably comes from his many experiences with oppression and most of the population of all 6 vorin kingdoms is darkeyed.

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41 minutes ago, Invocation said:

doesn't have anything professing any sort of shared blood (none of the hair color or fingernail thing) it seems unlikely to me.

I'm wondering if there's a more subtle relation. Moreover, we KNOW there's a deep background here, what with Shallan's hair going back to Horneater ancestry, no?

What I'm thinking is that it is possible to have a lot of singer sDNA without being visibly singer-like, so to speak. In Kaladin's case, this explains how easily he heals towards his Spiritual ideal of having the brand. Because I don't think that level of Cognitive influence is normal. I'm not saying Kaladin is like Lift, or maybe I am, but I am at least saying that maybe the sDNA component of the darkeyes manifests outwardly just as their dark eyes (and the eye-lightening is a comportment towards an idea of lighteyes being more purely "human"), but otherwise involves a significant ancestral relationship with the singers (assuming, as noted, that we're not talking about an engineered crossover via Cultivation/the Nightwatcher, although that description seems "wrong" to me).

Indeed, maybe it wasn't even possible for humans right out of the "Tranquiline Halls" to bond with spren? Maybe they HAD to admix with the singers, over time. I wonder how actually strict the hyper-ethnic distinction really is, here, by now.

We've seen that marriages can be highly Invested affairs on Roshar, I think. Or, at least Dalinar and Navani's was, but this is a proof by example. We also know that Honor and Cultivation were romantically united.  So I daresay, early human-singer marriages might have been routes for a major sDNA transfer between the populations. So, some of the transfer is normal genetics, some is Invested genetics. Some crossovers are Physically emphasized (Herdazians, Horneaters, who else?) while others are more Spiritually manifest (darkeyes and lighteyes?). Traces of gemheart biochemistry allow spren-bonding among the neo-humans.

Although, I would have to also figure out how the Iriali fit into this scheme... among others...

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3 hours ago, Ripheus23 said:

darkeyes and lighteyes?

The origin of the lighteyes thing is Shardblades/Radiants. Those who were lighteyed at the time of having children were able to pass along the sDNA of the unnaturally glowing eyes. Not a singer-based origin.

3 hours ago, Ripheus23 said:

Traces of gemheart biochemistry allow spren-bonding among the neo-humans.

The traces wouldn't help as much. It's also doubtful that breeding with singers allowed them to bond spren in the first place, since those that remained on Ashyn also have a bond-based magic system. Not a spren bond, sure, but still a bond allowing access to powers. Also given that Hoid was able to attract a spren to bond without hacking the magic system likely means anyone could bond a spren if both parties are agreeable. If you were to argue that that could just be Hoid being Hoid and being able to do all the strange things he can do, then he'd probably be able to access Sel's magic and/or Taldain's magic without the necessary hacks as well, which is a whole leap and a half.

Also worth noting is that Shinovar is very separate from the Roshar, yet Szeth could still bond a spren. If there was anywhere that would be loosely enough connected to singer ancestry, it would be there.

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