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The danger of the Dor


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In my quest to imagine unusual endgames for the cosmere, I have been drawn more and more to the idea of the Dor as a focal point for a "final threat." One impression I have is that the Dor as it stands amounts to a mass of Investiture-gravity, one that can form not only a perpendicularity (as it has?) but possibly something that could draw other dead Shards into itself, from across the cosmere. This would depend on the physics of perpendicularities, which the texts don't contain enough information on yet, even with WoBs. OTOH...

The Set is extremely clearly related (inspirationwise) to Cantor's set theory. Mathematics is important to the cosmere (well, it's important to everything; but narratively speaking, it's a major theme of the saga). AonDor is an example of a magic system that revolves explicitly around mathematics as such. There are people "waiting to see what happens with"/hack the Dor. So...

My theory is that there might end up being a "scramble for Sel," like the European "scramble for Africa," where different spacefaring systems go to Sel to try to take advantage of the mathemagic :P in order to unlock the infinite power of infinite sets. Not necessarily to reconstitute Adonalsium, but maybe to just replace him... At any rate, to either divert or control the Shards as they stand?

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13 hours ago, Ripheus23 said:

(as it has?

Yes at least one(it is in Elantris).


13 hours ago, Ripheus23 said:

e Dor as it stands amounts to a mass of Investiture-gravity,

The Door is the CR.  The CR is basically two dimensional.  I am not sure that anything there can produce any gravity(How would that work?  If one idea gets too big do other ideas start being pulled into it?).

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2 hours ago, RShara said:

It's not two dimensional, it's just flat and consecutive. But it has length, width and height.

Source of the "sort of."  In the physical realm gravity is caused by masses that warp the space but I am not sure how that would work in the CR.

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