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The Beads in Shadesmar


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Multiple passages that I have read seem to suggest that the Beads in Shadesmar rattle to the Rhythyms:



•Chapter 93 of Oathbringer, when Adolin, Kaladin and Azure are doing a morning kata:

“The sea of beads rolling against itself began to doubt soothing. Even rhythmic.”


•Chapter 99 of Oathbringer, when they had just gotten onto the boat with the Reachers:

“When Kaladin awoke on the ship in Shadesmar, the others were already up. He sat, bleary-eyed on his bunk, listening to beads crash outside the hull. There almost seemed . . . a pattern or rhythm to them? Or was he imagining things?”


•And, finally, the Prologue of Words of Radiance, just after Jasnah falls into Shadesmar:

“That music’s complexity had always surprised her, suggesting that the Parshendi were not the uncultured savages many took them for. This far away, the music sounded disturbingly like the beads from the dark place, rattling against one another.”

I don’t know if anyone has asked if the Beads in Shadesmar rattle to the Rhythms, but I think that these three pieces of evidence are strong enough that I don’t need confirmation, but it would be nice. 

So, now that we know about this, what can we learn from it?

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35 minutes ago, Ethan_Sedai said:

So, now that we know about this, what can we learn from it?

I don't know if anyone has put it down so succinctly before but I did notice the connection in passing.  I am not sure what we can learn from this but it does raise several questions.  Why do the beads do this?  What force god or spren causes them to do so?  Why do they sound different to voidforms?  How do the parshe "associate" these with emotions?

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52 minutes ago, Karger said:

I don't know if anyone has put it down so succinctly before but I did notice the connection in passing.  I am not sure what we can learn from this but it does raise several questions.  Why do the beads do this?  What force god or spren causes them to do so?  Why do they sound different to voidforms?  How do the parshe "associate" these with emotions?

Wait, I think I have another Idea showing up in my head. I’ll explain it just a bit, and then go back to flipping through Oathbringer.

Since the Rhythms make manifestations in the Physical Realm (the lightning in the Everstorm at the battle of Thaylenah) and kind of in the Spiritual Realm, (Kaladin’s vision when he touches Riino’s orb) I would say that the Rhythms come from somewhere in the Spiritual Realm, and then are kind of filtered by other things, because I doubt that the Beads in Shadesmar rattle to all the Rhythms simultaneously, and the voidforms hear them differently than the other parsh forms.

My brain is Taravangian right now, I’m just having ideas everywhere, and I don’t have time to write everything down, just ideas that kind of make sense, and I will clarify later.

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The Rhythms are an intriguing thing. They relate, somehow, to a certain phenomenon that spans the cosmere, and they just appear as Rhythms in their Rosharan manifestation. It might be related to the Seeker powers from Mistborn (given that they could hear the Rhythms if one went to Roshar) but we don't know. That's WOB territory.



If you took a Parshendi... And they were born outside Roshar and never visited Roshar in their lives, would they hear the Rhythms beyond Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

Would they hear the Rhythms beyond Roshar... If you took one that was not born on Roshar, would they feel the Rhythms off-Roshar or just Rhythms in general?


Rhythms in general.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, they would sense them.


Even beyond Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

What they are sensing... it's something that pervades the Cosmere but on Roshar has specific way of manifesting.


Is it the same thing that Soothers and Rioters are using?

Brandon Sanderson

Now you're straying into RAFO territory with your question/good question...

Warsaw signing (March 18, 2017)



Can an Allomantic bronze burner hear the Rhythms on Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, this is possible.

General Signed Books 2016 (May 2, 2016)

Some other species in the cosmere can interact with some version of the Rhythms, apparently, and that's a new one for me.



Hypothetically, if all of the Listeners were to go extinct would the Rhythms still exist?

Brandon Sanderson



Are there any other species in the cosmere that also interact with the Rhythms like the listeners do? (Though not necessarily in the same way?)

Brandon Sanderson


/r/books AMA 2015 (Aug. 24, 2015)

All in all, the Rhythms are definitely strange and I do agree that the beads are probably rattling to the Rhythms, though I think it's more the other way around: the Rhythms in their Rosharan form are a result of the beads themselves reacting to various spren and the Listeners are picking up on it due to their gemhearts and the spren inside linking them into the Cognitive Realm.

Edited by Invocation
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6 hours ago, Invocation said:

All in all, the Rhythms are definitely strange and I do agree that the beads are probably rattling to the Rhythms, though I think it's more the other way around: the Rhythms in their Rosharan form are a result of the beads themselves reacting to various spren and the Listeners are picking up on it due to their gemhearts and the spren inside linking them into the Cognitive Realm.

But even Dullforms can hear the rhythms

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1 minute ago, Ethan_Sedai said:

Well, from what I understand, Dullform still has a spren bond, only “slaveform” doesn’t.

I thought Dullform was unbonded and slaveform a crippled version of the forms.

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1 minute ago, Karger said:

I thought Dullform was unbonded and slaveform a crippled version of the forms.

Maybe? I don’t think so, but that’s based on a WoB that I barely remember. Something about if listeners could bond to any spren, but some would result in dullform, I think. 

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3 hours ago, Ethan_Sedai said:

Maybe? I don’t think so, but that’s based on a WoB that I barely remember. Something about if listeners could bond to any spren, but some would result in dullform, I think. 

Only two WoBs mention dullform.

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9 hours ago, Karger said:

But even Dullforms can hear the rhythms

Dullforms can have spren. One of the ways mentioned to acquire dullform (in WoR, if I recall correctly) is to "bond the wrong spren." Slaveform has no spren and dullform is a form that appears to mimic that crippling due to an incomplete bond while still allowing them to retain some complex thought, even if it is hard to use. If they didn't have any complex thought, the dullform spies would never have been a thing.

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