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Gifts For The Cosmere

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As today is my birthday, my mind is on gifts, and as I’m a Sanderfan, my mind is on the cosmere, so naturally, the two thoughts combined and now we have this thread! So, what would you guys get for the characters of the cosmere? I like Mistborn a ton, so here’s my list.


Marsh:  Metallic sunglasses (those trendy round ones)

Ruin:  A nail gun

Kelsier:  A giant bucket of goldfish for blatantly obvious reasons. No explanation needed or offered

Preservation:  A large bucket of assorted chocolates. He needs it

Sazed:  The Mistborn series and all the other cosmere books because he would like to keep up with current events. Either that or a trip to the Library of Congress

Vin:  A machine gun or bazooka, which ever's cheaper

Elend:  A decent mistcloak. (I don't think he ever actually gets one)

Spook:  A fire extinguisher

Ham:  Lots of tank tops. In assorted colors!

Breeze:  A really random statue thing that he would have no use for because I have no idea what else to get for him

Dox:  One of those pens that you can change the color of ink on. And a planner.

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4 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:

Breeze:  A really random statue thing that he would have no use for because I have no idea what else to get for him

Cash obviously.

I know there is a thread of this for stormlgiht somewhere.  Here are some of my favorites that I remember.

Rock: Would get a cake with happy birthday sung in his native language.  Bridge four would butcher this but he would love it anyway.

Lift:  Bacon and eggs with a new set of soft clothing

Kaladin:  Adolin would steal his uniform and a bunch of fashion updates would miraculously appear on it.  Kaladin would grumble about it constantly but mysteriously where it anyway.

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