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Let's make KR orders!


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OKAY! so a while ago i left a comment on a discussion missing spren which was about why akwardness doesn't have a spren and I said that they were radiant spren but they all died in the recreance, but then I got to thinking and I made an order with surges and everything!

Order: Internal screamers  

Nahel bond: awkward spren (attracts shame spren)

Surges: Teleportation, Tension

Shard blades: Since the akward spren don't want to be seen they appear as daggers, the type of weapon a spy would use

Resonance: being unseen and hating crowds because people are the WORST

sooooooo...yeah! do you guys have any order ideas? ideas about orders that have been posted?

Edited by Ruti
added Resonance
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14 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

Order: Foodmaker

Nahel Bond: Flamespren

Surges: Division, Progression

Shardblades: A kitchen knife. 

Resonance: Knowing exactly how off something is seasoned...I'm hungry...

I would like to make an edit. Change is in bold.

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Order: Skydancer

Nahel Bond: Moonspren

Surges: Gravitation, Abrasion

Shardblades: Their spren are partial to chakram

Resonance: A combo of Windrunner "battle sense" and Edgedancer grace.


Order: Wavedancer

Nahel Bond: Wishspren. If such a thing exists.

Surges: Abrasion, Lightweaving (waveforms)

Shardblades: Claw weapons

Resonance: Cymatics. Their Lightweaving is mediocre, but they have excellent control over sound. They can combine their surges to cause massive waves in solid objects (like the Shattered Planes)


Order: Worldbreaker

Nahel Bond: Lavaspren

Surges: Division, Cohesion

Shardblades: Bladed flails

Resonance: Destroy everything..


Order: Fleshshaper

Nahel Bond: Slimespren (think algae or slugs)

Surges: Progression, Cohesion

Shardblades: Bones

Resonance: Can use Cohesion on living things without killing them. Can use Cohesion on themselves to become a pile of goo, or alter the shape of their body provided they have a skeleton (remember this is Stormlight before you post Mistborn spoilers).


Order: Soulforger

Nahel Bond: Sapientspren

Surges: Progression, Transformation

Shardblades: Scythes

Resonance: Can make changes to someones spiritual ideal self.


That's probably enough.

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14 hours ago, SwordNimiForPresident said:

Resonance: A combo of Windrunner "battle sense" and Edgedancer grace.

Isn't the Windrunner resonance getting a lot of squires?

Edited by Inky
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1 hour ago, Inky said:

Isn't the Windrunner resonance getting a lot of squires?

Not sure. I thought that was just a product of the nature of the people that become Windrunners, I could be completely wrong though. My post makes the assumption that Kaladin's "feel the winds" thing when he helped Adolin in the duel was his resonance.

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So in The Stormlight Archive, they have the two Surges, and they have a third power effect, right?

Brandon Sanderson

They have kind of effects on each other, like a reverberation. Yes. I wouldn’t call it expressly a third power, I’d call it interactions.


So, it seems like...you don’t have to confirm anything, but it seems like Kaladin is able to transfer his powers to his men following him…

Brandon Sanderson

The Windrunners are known for having lots of squires.


That's the one I thought was really compelling. And the Skybreakers seem like they’re really good at hunting people down.

Brandon Sanderson

I’m not going to answer any of those! But good questions!

Calamity Austin signing (Feb. 25, 2016)


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